The BISON Bulletin
Week of September 9th, 2024
Two Weeks At A Glance...
Monday 9th - Morning Faith Assembly ✝️
Monday 9th - Gr 1 "Friendship club"
Monday 9th - "TOONIES FOR TERRY" kickoff (please bring in a TOONIE donation for Cancer Research)
Tuesday 10th - Gr 4/5 Academy & Dynamic Options
Tuesday 10th - School wide Safety Practice Drill
Wednesday 11th - Gr 2 "Friendship club"
Thursday 12th - Gr 4/5 Academy & Dynamic Options
Monday 16th - 10:00am Terry Fox Run (K-Gr 5) Please bring in a TOONIE donation for Cancer
Wednesday 18th - 8:45am Opening SKTA Celebration ✝️ ALL PARENTS WELCOME
Wednesday 18th - Healthy Hunger - Booster Juice! (ORDER HERE)
Wednesday 18th - 6:30pm School Council Meeting ALL PARENTS WELCOME
Friday 20th - NO SCHOOL for students (Staff Meeting/PD Day)
Growing in the Trinity: Love, Mercy & Grace
Our Divisional 3 year faith theme is: Growing in the Trinity: Love, Mercy & Grace. Moving into our second year, we will be focusing on "Growing in Mercy, with the Son". As we seek to animate this theme throughout the year we will be sharing with our students an understanding of the undeniable mercy we receive from Jesus Christ and how we are meant to grant this same mercy to others.
As we move into a new school year we pray for God's blessing on all our students and families, may we all seek to build the Kingdom of heaven, here on earth at St. Kateri Academy. We invite all families to keep our school and school community in your prayers throughout this school year!
As members of the St. Jean Baptiste community, we have also included a link to our parish website for families to easily access. LINK HERE
SKTA BISON Wear 🦬 Online Store!
Get your BISON WEAR today
Online ordering is now open only until September 30th!
Click on the link below to view our store
Orders will be received by the end of October
SKTA Yearbooks Have Arrived!
If you ordered a yearbook full of last years memories - they will be sent home today with your child. We have a few extra copies at the office that are available for purchase on a first come basis for $20.00, please email Mrs. Gagne if you are interested.
NEW Student BISON Lunch
We wcelebrated our 25 new SKTA students to our school today with a complimentary Pizza and Ice Cream lunch. We are so happy they have joined our family! ❤️
School Fees Gr 1-5 are now online
Hello families - please log into your parent portal to pay your child's 2024-2025 registration fees.
Safety Drills
As part of our Safe and Caring School protocols, we have been busy reviewing and practicing a number of safety drills with our students - fire drills, hold-and-secure, lockdown, and shelter-in-place. They have been doing an amazing job learning our procedures.
TRIPLE H CLUB! Happy, Healthy, Heart ❤️
Our Nutrition Program has started once again at SKTA and we have three amazing Grade 5 leaders who will be keeping our classroom sharing baskets full of supplemental snacks for our kids if they are feeling extra hungry or need an additional snack.
School Council & Friends of SKTA
We invite ALL PARENTS to come on out and get involved with our School Council. We have such a great group of engaged parents. Our next meeting is WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18th. Parent Council & Friends of SKTA are both wonderful ways for parents & guardians to get involved and support our school and it's initiatives. All parents & guardians with children registered at SKTA are welcome to join! Participating in Parent Council will allow individuals to share their voice and their talents with the school community and serve our students. Any families who would like to review the Agenda's and Minutes can access them on our SKTA website (CLICK HERE)
Join a Great Community of Parents on our ST. KATERI ACADEMY PARENTS facebook page!
Terry Fox Run
As is tradition with most schools around Canada, we at SKTA will be participating in the annual Terry Fox run! This is a 'fun run' with the goal of raising awareness and funds for cancer research, as well as, to learn about the incredible legacy of Terry Fox!
Students at SKTA will be participating in the Terry Fox run on Monday, Sept. 16 in the AM. (10:00-11:00) We would love to have parent volunteers join us on this day to help direct students and assist at various checkspots. If you are able to give us a hand, please call our office and leave your name with our secretary: Monique Blinston.
Students will also be encouraged to bring in a small donation for the Terry Fox Foundation (loonie or toonie). We will collecting donations from September 9th-16th. Please note, the donation is completely voluntary and all students will have the opportunity to participate regardless of a donation.
We are excited to continue Terry's 'Marathon of Hope', as we seek collectively to work towards supporting cancer research with the prayer of healing for all those worldwide affected by the disease.
Positive Morning Rituals and Self Care
Positive Morning Rituals and Self Care
The mornings, especially on school days, can be hectic and tiring. When we are rushed and running around in the morning with all of our tasks, it can feel quite stressful and doesn’t always leave time for a calm start to the day. When we begin our day in a fixed frame of mind, it can be hard to get through the day positively.
Positive morning rituals can offer a mindset shift in the morning and are a great way to feel more grounded and balanced as a family. Check out Big Life Journal’s rituals for a positive morning
Five Rituals for a Positive Morning Routine (CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS)
A morning question
Acknowledging feelings
Affirmations for self-love