Northridge Elementary School Update
February 12, 2024

Week of November 4, 2024
Letter days this week for related arts:
Monday- C-day
Tuesday- D-day
Wednesday- E-Day
Thursday- A day
Friday- No School
- 2024-2025 School Calendar
Monday November 4th- Northridge Elementary Trunk or Treat- 6:00-7:00 pm- trunks parked in front of our school.
Tuesday, November 5th- Election Day...exercise your right to vote
November 7- End of Semester #1
November 8- NO School- Teacher Professional Development Day
November 11- Veterans Day....we love our heroes!!! We are having an assembly!
November 13- World Kindness Day
November 14- 1st Semester Report cards sent home
November 22- Gr. 3 Field Trip to Gib Reece Skating rink. So fun!!!
November 27, 28, 29- Thanksgiving!- NO SCHOOL
December 2- NO SCHOOL- Conference Comp Day
Thursday, December 12th- Winter Music program-Gr. 2-3 at 6:00 pm- SAVE the DATE
Together We Shine.....Family Rocks!!!
Week of November 4, 2024
Hello Northridge Elementary folks,
We hope you enjoyed an extra hour sleep during this glorious weekend!!! We are looking forward to another great week at NES!
Thank you for attending our Halloween Parade! Such a great turn out. The kids were so excited and proud to see everyone!! Having folks attend made it the BEST!! Thanks also for sending the kids in costumes and for all the treats and goodies.....and help in many cases. Halloween was the best at Northridge Elementary because of YOU and our children!! It was spooktacular!!
HELP IS NEEDED: We are now collecting candy or trinket donations for Monday's Trunk or Treat. Please drop off in the office or send in with a student. Thanks for supporting our efforts with our children. Our FAMOUS Trunk or Treat is Monday. Wait until you see all the community organizations attending!! Loads of community and staff trunks including: our cafeteria, NYAA, Lifewise, the Athletic Boosters, Texas Roadhouse, our great faculty and staff, Peterman Transportation, Johnstown Fire Dept., the Croton Church, the Alexandria Library, PTO, district offices...just to name a few.
On Monday, November 11th, we will celebrate VETERANS DAY as it is celebrated throughout the country. We will have a few veterans speak, songs, and special readings to teach us all about the wonderful Veteran Heroes in our school and community. In honor of our Veteran heroes in our families and school community, your family is invited to send in the name and or a hand drawn picture or real picture of the Veteran in your family. We will display the veteran creating USA HALLS OF HONOR!!! Here is form to make a copy of, complete and return to school....(we will be sending a hard copy too). To involve everyone......kids are invited to wear red, white or blue.....or patriotic clothes to celebrate on November 11th.
Save the date! Our 2nd and 3rd grade winter music program is Thursday, December 12th at 6:00 pm in the Northridge Elementary Auditeria. Attached, you will see the letter that students brought home with great information. Below, Ms. Rodesh linked Google Folders with the lyrics and recordings for each song. You can access them by scanning the QR codes on the attached letter, as well. Ms. Rodesh will send updates when speaking roles have been assigned and added to the Google Folder. Please let her know if you have any questions or concerns. The songs are sounding beautiful and we are so excited to share them with you!
Download Snowflakes and Starlight Program Letter - Google Slides.pdf
- Volunteer????We have folks wanting to volunteer in our school or perhaps attend upcoming field trips or parties. Gr. 3 and Gr. 5 have a trip soon so be ready!!! Please complete these forms as part of our security process formality. Once we get the form back approved, we will get everyone board approved. :) All for the safety of our children. either one of these link work....
- LOST AND FOUND The NES Lost and Found has grown!!! Each day we see more than 2-3 sweatshirts added, many hats and gloves; numerous coats, etc. join the ever growing collection. We highly suggest having children label their belongings and remind them to bring home what they wear to school!!! You would be astounded at our collection of fine, fine things!! ☺ Since many families have looked in the collection AND we need room, we will begin to donate remaining items on November 1st.
Safety Reminder:...thanks for doing a GREAT job with this......
- BEFORE 9:00 am..........Please call us at 740-967- 1401 or email us at esattendance@nrls.org if your child will be out for illness or and appointment. We organize attendance early each day to be sure everyone is accounted for in school. Thank you for honoring this important contact.
- Before 3:00....if you have a change in transportation for your child, please call us so we may announce and get word to them. Please call us at Phone (740) 967-1401
- Check your email or ParentSquare each day. Loads of great treasures in there!!
- Please have a system with your child so you are getting anything we send home from your child.
Please consider helping Northridge students and families in need by clicking this link:
Parent Square 2024-2025...download the Parent Square App TODAY!!!
ParentSquare is the premier fully unified product that engages every family with school communications and communications-based services—all the way from the district office to the classroom teacher, and all in one place.
Order new Spiritwear
Here is a new spirit wear ordering system for the school district. Click here
Managing Fighting and Aggression in Children to be offered virtually to parents on November 12, 2024. This is a very important topic for parents with children to age 12, and we want to make certain that parents are aware of its availability. Here is flyer. to sign up. Great organization.Please register by calling (740) 522-1234, ext. 26, or email TriplePSeminar@hotmail.com at least four days prior to seminar date.
It's a Great Day to be A Viking!
The Northridge Local School District is committed to ...
Mission: Empowering All Students To Reach Their Fullest Potential.
Viking Values: Trust, Leadership, Communication, Collaboration, Accountability, Integrity & Respect.