Alice Vail Middle School
November 25, 2024
Falcon Families,
We hope you all have a restful and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend with your loved ones! As we approach the end of November, there's plenty happening at Alice Vail Middle School that we'd love to share with you.
Events Coming Up:
-Quarter 2 Benchmarks (Beginning December 2 - Writing):
As we dive into December, we're excited to announce that Quarter 2 Benchmarks will kick off with a focus on Writing starting December 2. It's an excellent opportunity for us to measure the growth and achievements of our Falcons. We're incredibly proud of their hard work and dedication, and we can't wait to celebrate the progress they've made. GO FALCONS!
***If students are present for every BM2 Assessment they will receive a CELEBRATION at the End of the day on 12/6/2024***
-We are excited to invite you to the Orchestra and Guitar Concert this week! Join us as our talented students showcase their hard work and musical skills as they perform a fabulous holiday repertoire.
12/5/2024 in the AVMS CAFETERIA
Gates open at 5:30.
We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate the dedication and creativity of our amazing musicians!
We encourage you to support your child as they prepare for the upcoming benchmarks. A little encouragement goes a long way, and your involvement makes a significant difference in their academic journey.
Thank you for being a crucial part of the Alice Vail Middle School community. We look forward to creating wonderful memories together and celebrating the achievements of our Falcons during Quarter 2 Benchmarks.
Wishing you a fantastic Thanksgiving break ahead!
With Falcon Pride,
Joshua Peebles
Alice Vail Middle School
Dear Falcon Families,
As we work together to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, I want to kindly remind everyone to be timely and efficient when picking up your Falcons at the end of the school day.
To help maintain a safe and secure environment:
- Please use the designated pickup areas on campus.
- Avoid arranging for your student to be picked up at the park. We have noticed increased activity in that area, and our goal is to keep all Falcons and their families as safe as possible.
Your cooperation and support in following these guidelines are greatly appreciated. Together, we can create a safe and welcoming end-of-day routine for everyone.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Joshua Peebles
Principal, Alice Vail Middle School
Extra Math Resources for our Falcons and Families!
Dear Falcon Families,
We are excited to share some amazing math resources to help our students get some extra practice in a fun and user-friendly way! Whether your child needs to reinforce skills or is looking for a challenge, these options are designed to support their math learning at home.
Math Resources:
- IXL(Recommended Skills/Diagnostic and Games)
- Math with Mr. J (YouTube Channel)
- 99 Math
- Prodigy
These resources are great tools to keep math fun and engaging while reinforcing important skills. We hope they provide some extra support for your students at home!
Go Falcons!
Joshua Peebles
Alice Vail Middle School
AM Tutoring
- 7:30-8:30 am M-F, Portable C - Ms. Willey
- 7:30-8:30 am Tues., Wed., Thurs.- Rm 103 Mrs. Conrad
PM Tutoring
- M & Tues 4:00-5:00 pm, Rm. 102 - Ms. Noyce
- M & Tues 4:00-5:00 pm, Portable C - Ms. Willey
- M & Tues 4:00-5:00 pm, Rm. 206 - Mrs. Conrad
- T & Th. 4:00-5:00 pm, Ms. Magee in Rm 103 and Ms. Giuffre in the Library
Verizon Innovative Learning Schools
Many of our teachers are deep diving into technology integration. Teachers manage student devices with their issued iPad. They collect student feedback through forms, surveys, quizzes, and online platforms. Teachers encourage students to choose apps to demonstrate their knowledge of content. These technology tool uses and more allow for greater teacher-student discourse, more detailed lesson planning, and freedom to include tangential and extended learning.
- All cellphones are in students' backpacks during the school day.
- 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct
- Pick/Up - Drop/Off on Beverly Ave. Thank you for your continued patience and grace. Safety is our number one concern. We continue to look into how we can improve this process.
- Morning arrival is at 8:00 AM
- Bring your water bottles each day. It's HOT out there!!
Save the Dates:
11/28-11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
12/5 - Orchestra/Guitar Concert
12/10 - AVMS Choir Concert
12/11 - Winter Band Concert