Emma L. Miller Friday Family Focus
Be Kind, Be Awesome, Be Well!
News, Updates & Reminders: 3/31
Good Morning E.L.M. Families,
Happy Friday! April has finally arrived!
The Penny-A-Thon begins on Monday. We appreciate everyone's support of this important PTG fundraiser. More information about the Penny-A-Thon is below.
>>>Picture of the Week: Playground Friends!
Next Week at a Glance:
Mon. - 4/3 - Penny-A-Thon Begins - Savoy School Budget Committee Mtg. 5:00pm
Tues. - 4/4 - Penny-A-Thon
Wed. - 4/5 - Penny-A-Thon
Thurs. 4/6 - Penny-A-Thon
Fri. 4/7 - Penny-A-Thon Ends
* The Savoy School Committee will meet on Monday, April 3rd at 5:00pm to present the FY24 school budget. The regular meeting will begin immediately following the budget meeting.
* We have a half day of school on Friday, April 14th, with dismissal at 11:30am. The Aftercare Program will be available to those who normally attend on half days or Fridays. Lunch will also be served before students leave for the day.
* April vacation will take place during the week of April 17th - 21st.
* The Savoy Loop Race date has been moved to Saturday, September 16th. More information coming soon.
* MCAS 2023: We will complete all testing during the month of May. We appreciate your efforts in scheduling appointments outside of these days.
Our MCAS schedule is as follows:
ELA - Tuesday & Wednesday, May 2nd & 3rd
Math - Tuesday & Wednesday, May 9th & 10th
Science (5th Grade Only) - Tuesday & Wednesday, May 16th & 17th
Planning Ahead:
* Gr. 6 Parents: The 6th grade graduation is "tentatively" scheduled for Friday, June 23rd at 1:30pm. If we have any further school closures, than this date will be moved accordingly. Generally speaking, graduation takes place on the last "full" day of school.
* Our last day of school is now scheduled for Monday, June 26th, which will be a half day of school.
Health & Safety Updates:
* Nothing new for today.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Tierney
Contact Information
Email: ttierney@savoyelementary.com
Website: www.savoyelementary.com
Location: 26 Chapel Rd, Savoy, MA, USA
Phone: 413-743-1992
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ELM-PTG-573067576465281/