Updates From the CERHS Office
Back to School Edition
Welcome Back!
Let me begin by saying I cannot wait for the 2022-2023 school year to begin. Currently the halls are empty and the building is quiet. The office staff is back to work, teachers are setting up their classrooms, athletics have started, but we are still missing the heartbeat of our school…students. That is about to change because September 6th is just a few short days away and we are so excited to bring the Warrior family back together.
This is the year of NEW! We have new staff, a new computer lab, new stoves, new flooring, new courses, and an overall new energy radiating through the high school. In the spirit of new, I challenge you to embrace the new; make new friends, try a new club or sport, or lead a new community service activity. The sky's the limit when it comes to new possibilities!
I can't wait to meet everyone!
Mrs. Houseberg
Things to Know
Student Fees
- ASB Card $25.00 (required for athletes and to get into any CERHS home sporting even for free)
- Breakfast $2.25 (free or reduced available)
- Lunch $3.50 (free or reduced available)
- Shop and art fees have been waived unless the student is doing a special independent project. In that case, the student will need to purchase the additional materials.
Important Reminders
- Please notify Peggy regarding all absences. If the absence is not prearranged, please call in the absence the day it occurs by 9:00am (509-649-4944).
- ASB cards are available at Peggy's window (cash, check, or credit card)
- If your student needs to ride a different bus, please send a note with the student so the office can provide a bus pass.
- There will be a charge for breakfast and lunches this year.
- Please contact Mrs. J for schedule changes (509-649-4908). Schedule changes cannot be made after the first five days of school.
- Juniors and seniors in good standing are the only students allowed to leave campus for lunch (this can be revoked if rules are not followed)
Free Periods in Schedules
As excitement builds for the first day of school, I wanted to send out a message regarding open periods built into student schedules. Juniors and seniors may have open periods in their schedule due to the increased credits being offered with the seven-period day. With that being said, students are required to be enrolled in classes 6 of 7 periods. Open periods will be limited to 1st and 7th periods and require parent approval. Students who have open periods during periods 2-6 will be placed into courses based on their registration forms completed in the spring. Those students who did not provide alternate classes will be placed into available courses or a non-credit study hall where attendance will be taken.
Students who do not have a 1st period must sign in when they arrive on campus. Students who do not have 7th period must sign out when they leave campus so that we are aware that they are not in the building in the event of an emergency.
All students with an open 1st or 7th period must have a permission slip on file.
For further questions please contact Mrs. J or visit the counseling center website at https://sites.google.com/cersd.org/hs-counseling/home
Mrs. J and Mrs. Houseberg
Welcome CERHS New Staff
Please be sure to introduce yourself to our AMAZING new Warrior staff!
- Mrs. Grace Englehart- English
- Mr. Aaron Tuchardt- Band/Choir
- Mr. Tyler Leavitt- Art/English
- Mr. David Ellithorpe- Trades
- Mr. Bobby Fogle- Special Education and assistant football coach
- Mr. Graeme Schroeder- Science and Math lab
- Mr. Seth Miller- Paraeducator
Bell Schedule
Monday - Thursday
ZERO HOUR 7:15-8:00
1ST PERIOD 8:15-9:06
2ND PERIOD 9:09-10:00
3RD PERIOD 10:03-10:54
4TH PERIOD 10:5711:48
Lunch 11:48-12:18
5TH PERIOD 12:21-1:12
6TH PERIOD 1:15-2:06
7TH PERIOD 2:09-3:00
Friday Schedule
ZERO PERIOD 7:15-8:00
1ST PERIOD 8:15-8:58
2ND PERIOD 9:01-9:44
3RD PERIOD 9:47-10:30
4TH PERIOD 10:33-11:15
5TH PERIOD 11:48-12:30
6TH PERIOD 12:33-1:15
7TH PERIOD 1:18-2:00
Save the Dates
September 2: Home Football Game-6:00 tailgate party 7:00 kickoff FREE ADMISSION THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR, SHOEMAKERS. High School Office is CLOSED all day.
September 6: 1st Day of School (1st period starts at 8:15)September 7, 8, and 9: Device Handout (during the school day)
September 8: Home Soccer (6:30) and Volleyball (JV 5:00 Varsity 6:30)
September 9: Picture Day
Driving and Parking Expectations
Students must park in the designated parking lot on the west end of campus.
Students may not park in the following areas: visitor and faculty spaces (in front of the high school); the bus loading zones/fire lanes or any yellow zone; along curbs; in the middle school parking lot; or in designated handicapped spots unless the student has a special permit issued by the State of Washington.
Students must park correctly in an actual parking space.
Parking permits must be displayed (See Carle for a FREE permit)
Entrance, exit and directional markings are to be followed.
The speed limit on campus is 5 M.P.H.
Students are required to obey all Washington State traffic laws; failure to do so will result in denial of the privilege of bringing a vehicle on campus.
Reckless and irresponsible driving, speeding or endangerment either on campus or the adjacent streets, before, during or after school can result in discipline, tickets and/or citations by law enforcement.
Shout Outs!
CERHS Clubs- Great job promoting and recruiting at Family Night!
Cheerleaders- Thank you for leading our families on campus tours!
Athletes- Keep putting in the work! Warrior athletics are on fire!
Marching Band- Fantastic performance after camp!
Boosters- Thank you for selling Warrior wear at all of our events!
Mrs. J- Thank you for all of your help with schedule changes!
Peggy and Carle- Thank you for answering all questions that come through!
Teachers- Our teacher are the BEST! Great job during our PD days!
Maintenance Crew- Thank you for all of your hard work this summer! Our facilities look fantastic!
2022-2023 ASB Officers
Family Night Welcoming Committee
Marching Band Camp
Contact Us
Website: https://www.cersd.org
Location: 2692 SR 903, Cle Elum, WA, USA
Phone: 509-649-4900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cle-Elum-Roslyn-High-School-350625188606777/?ref=page_internal