February 24th, 2025
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SFJHS Quote of the Week
At SFJHS, finding your own voice means embracing confidence and positivity—just like this week’s quote reminds us, when we focus on growth and opportunity (keeping our face toward the sunshine), doubts and fears (the shadows) fade behind us, allowing us to move forward with purpose.
Upcoming Events
Monday: February 24th: Combined Concert Band/Percussion 7-8pm @ SFHS
Tuesday: Student Make Up Day 2:40-4:00pm.
Wednesday: February 26th Freshmen Day @ SFHS times TBD
Battle Of The Books
SFJHS' Battle of the Books team, "The Keefesters" went to the District Competition on Wednesday, February 13th. They competed against 4 other Junior High schools in Nebo School District. They came in 2nd place overall in the District Competition. We are so proud of their hard work and outstanding teamwork. Members of the team are Amelia Wessman, Audrey Nielsen, Kate Savage, Makynlee Sayre, Olivia Ryskamp, and Ryan Jones.
Student Of The Month
Congratulations to our Student of The Month winners. Listed from left to right: Julia Mockett, Cameron Sharp, Lexie Murray, Inga Wright, Declan Smith, Asher Fife, Destinee Wall, Logan Marshall, Iker loya Holguin, Daven Septon.
Boys Tennis
The SFJHS Boys Tennis season is right around the corner! No matter if you're an expert or just getting started, we'd love to see you at our information meeting Wednesday, March 5th at 2:45pm in Coach Jenkins' room (Rm 8). If you have any questions, please talk to either Coach Fegter or Coach Jenkins.
Yearbook Yapping
Team Events Upcoming
Most recent event completed by the FFA:
-15 blankets made for SF Hospital
-Alumni Banquet recognizing past FFA members and their contributions to our program and community. (Thank you to those of you who came)
-19 kids competed in the Northern Utah Invitational in 4 different contests. (Ella Partridge was on the winning dairy judging team)
-Raised a grand total of $4,982.56 for Jake William's Family
SheTech Explorer Day is a hands-on tech conference for girls. This day-long event includes hands-on workshops in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Our ultimate goal is to expose girls to technology in a fun atmosphere while they meet STEM role models to learn more about opportunities in those fields. Girls who attend will have access to internships, receive a SheTech certificate, access pathway information, and become part of a community that provides girls opportunities in STEM.
This year, SheTech Explorer Day will be held on Tuesday, Feb 25. Female students can get permission slips and more information from math or science teachers, and return their forms ASAP to math/science teachers. There is no fee, but spots are limited. Hurry up and snag your spot now! Permission slips must be returned by February 18, but we will close registration as soon as we reach the limit for our buses. Come see Mrs. Jorgenson or Mrs. Sorensen with any questions, and join us for SheTech!
Attendance Office Announcement
Just a few attendance reminders:
If you’re leaving school, your parent or guardian will need to check you out at the front office. Remember if you leave campus WITHOUT properly checking out you will be marked as a sluff.
If your smiling face never makes it school, please remember to have a parent or guardian call and excuse your absence within two days.
Missing or being tardy to class can prevent you from participating in school activities like school dances, end of term rewards, and Lagoon at the end of the school year.
One Tardy = 15 Minutes of Detention
One Sluff (skipping class) = 45 Minutes of Detention
3 Hours of Detention = No School Activities
3V3 Intramurals will start soon for March Madness.
With one BIG incentive. The winners of the tournaments for each lunch get to take the time to try and take down the big three- Mr. Naulu, Ms. Larsen, and Mr. Parrish.
Bring it on and see who's ready to battle to the end.
Front Office Reminder
DoorDash is convenient, but is NOT approved on campus. Orders will begin being sent away as it is too hard to keep track of who's order is who's. To easily change this issue, we are going back to the original approach of NO DOOR DASH deliveries to the front of the office. We appreciate your help in this matter.
Finance Office Announcement
School Fees School fees may be paid online at My School Fees. Other items, such as the Chromebook Protection Plan and yearbooks, can also be paid through My School Fees under “optional fees.” All credit card transactions, whether in person or online, will incur a $2 fee as directed by district finance policy.
Chromebook Protection Plan
Just a reminder now that Chromebooks have been passed out an optional Chromebook Protection Plan is available for $30. This will cover the initial cost of a lost or damaged chromebook. We encourage parents to purchase the Chromebook Protection Plan in case of loss or damage. The cost to replace a chromebook is $300. This fee will be assessed to the student in the event of a lost, stolen or damaged chromebook. The Chromebook Protection Plan can be paid for online through myschoolfees.com long with all other fees listed under “optional fees.” Additional information regarding the Chromebook Protection Plan coverage is located on our website at https://sfjhs.nebo.edu/content/parent-and-student-information. We encourage purchasing the protection plan.
Lunch Room Announcement
Just a reminder charges are now being submitted for all students who had not filled out a free and reduced lunch form for this school year. Thank you!
Students: Do you have second lunch and do you enjoy helping and serving others? Then come be a Student Lunch worker!! You’ll get a FREE LUNCH on the same day you work. Just come to the kitchen door in the cafeteria at the start of your lunch and we'll happily put you to work. We have plenty of help for first lunch, but could really use more help for second lunch. Thanks!
February Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Counseling Center
We are here to listen, help, and cheer you on! We can help you with coping strategies, career exploration, high school and college planning, changing classes, problem solving and stress management, anxiety, anger, and much more!
Your assigned counselor is based on the first letter of your last name:
Mrs. Brown A-D
Mrs. Lewis E-K
Mrs. Bennett L-R
Mrs. Lott S-Z (Spanish speaker)
Mrs. Palmer- Social Worker
Check out the Counseling section on the school website for helpful resources.
SafeUT is a great resource and students can download the app. Their tip line is always available to call, chat, or submit a tip.
Varsity Tutors
AP with WE service
The AP with WE service provides opportunities and resources to encourage service learning in your classroom. For more information talk with Ms. Terry.
Parent Resources
SFJHS Social Media
Follow us on Instagram at sfjh_lobos and Facebook at Spanish Fork Junior High!
Website: https://sfjhs.nebo.edu/
Location: 600 South 820 East, Spanish Fork, UT, USA
Phone: (801) 798-4075
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sfjhs
Twitter: @sfjrhigh