Principal Zeman's Notes
November 15, 2024
Students of the Week Elk Pride Award Winners
The below students are recognized for their display of Elk Pride. At Elk River we educate, inspire and empower our ERHS community to be the best versions of ourselves for today and tomorrow. These students have supported our community in a variety of ways this week. Thank you for being an important part of the Elk Family!
Eric Wells, Wyatt Ketter, Mamie Khan, Aunesty Engberg, Luke Bauer, Cullen Coughlin, Toby Bosshart, Nico Johnson, Christian Ombeni, Nate Gabrelcik, Wesley Douglas, Wyatt Lease, Ryan Michalak, Lauren Vicioso, Katie Kolbas, McKaila Moeller, Aliya Staul, Ryley Rydell, Natalie Rock, Audra Bitzan, Nicole Williams, Lucas Dahlberg, Natalie Scheuermann, Sloan Sherrett, Amelia Tokpah, Jackson Boll, Olivia Chandler, Macy Shearer, Annamarie Paulson, Stephen Kararu
State Swim Qualifier
Congratulations to Sophia Gilbertson for qualifying for the state swim meet in the 500 freestyle. Good luck at the Aquatic Center!
Streaming Options for State Tournaments (including Swimming and Football today)
If interested in streaming state tournament events- https://nspn.tv/MSHSL
There is a membership cost of $10 a month or $30 for a year, but if you have a yearly membership you are able to stream all sports state tournaments.
Upcoming Events
November 28-29: No School, Fall Break
December 5- December 20, 25/26 Course Registration Open
December 5: Job Shadow Day for all 11th grade students
December 6: No School, Staff Development Day
Counseling Update
Junior Job Shadow Day: Permission forms due
On Thursday, December 5, all Juniors are required to participate in a job shadowing opportunity. Eleventh grade students will not be attending school on this day if they complete the digital permission form. They will report directly to their job shadowing experience(s). This experience is suggested to be three hours at one or two different job sites. Students will be required to set up their own job shadowing experience. Permission Forms will be completed digitally. Please click HERE for the permission form to be completed by Nov. 14, 2024. If you do not have your permission form submitted by this date, you will be assigned to an Elk Time the following weeks. Juniors can visit the Class of 2026 Schoology page for more resources.
From the Health Office
The CDC has updated their guidelines regarding when a someone should stay home related to illness that could either affect their ability to participate in school or when there is concern with spreading an infection to staff and other students. Please review the following updated visual regarding when you should/shouldn’t keep your student home.
Stay home with respiratory virus symptoms that are worsening or not improving and not better explained by another cause such as seasonal allergies.
When you may have a respiratory virus...
Stay home and away from others (including people you live with who are not sick) if you have respiratory virus symptoms that aren't better explained by another cause. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, among others.
Return to the school setting when respiratory virus symptoms are getting better overall for at least 24 hours. Students and staff returning after a respiratory illness can consider additional actions to reduce spread.
Please reach out if you have any questions!
Health Office: 763-241-3423
Cortni Toutloff, MSN, RN, PHN, LSN 763-241-3400 x2282
Heather Vanderweyst, Health Services Assistant 763-241-3423
Stephanie Hassel, Health Services Assistant (part time) 763-241-3400 x2196