Fredericktown Elementary
August 5, 2024
Welcome and Introduction
Hello, Families!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you have had a wonderful summer and are as excited about the school year as I am. I am honored to be the Principal of Fredericktown Elementary. I come to Fredericktown with experience as a classroom teacher and elementary principal. I became an educator because I love learning and want to help others learn and discover the joy education brings to our everyday lives. I’m looking forward to collaborating with families, community and Elementary staff to help prepare our young Freddies so they can achieve their dreams! Please feel free to contact me throughout the year as we are all key in our students' success.
The teachers and staff have been busy making preparations to welcome back our students. We are going to have an amazingly wonderful year!
See you at Open House,
Gina Sackman
New Elementary Learning Adventures
We are adding a STEAM class at the Elementary School this year. Fredericktown local school district is committed to preparing students for the future. Students will be engaged in lessons that focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math that are cross-curricular and project based. Mrs. Brake will be our STEAM teacher. We are excited about our STEAM class and looking forward to growing the STEAM program at Fredericktown Elementary.
STEAM Habits of Mind:
Inquirers: STEAM thinkers wonder why things happen and how things work.
To nurture the inquisitive nature of your child, encourage them to wonder about the world around them and pose questions about how things work.
Science of Reading
Growing Readers:
Reading with you child for at least 20 mintues a day will help our young readers build and strengthen their reading skills and develop memories of sharing time with you.
Updates for the start of the year
Fredericktown Local Schools Mission
Important Dates and back to school information
School Safety
“Learn continually. There’s always ‘one more thing’ to learn!” — Steve Jobs