April 6, 2017
Technology Tools in the Spotlight!
Canvas - Attendance Tool
Canvas makes it easy to take attendance in your face-to-face and online courses. The tool automatically adds attendance as an assignment and lets you check students in as present and on time, not present or late. You can easily export attendance data and change the default points to fit your needs. Learn more at
Easily shorten your long web page links to share in newsletters, emails, blogs, social media platforms, etc. Not only can you shorten web page links but you can manage and track the number of times the URL was clicked on. Bitly is available for free on your desktop and all mobile devices. Learn more at
Instagram is a visual way to connect with your students and become a valuable social networking resource. Instagram is a great tool for scavenger hunts, photo essays, capture field trip memories, share reading recommendations, record steps in experiments, etc. Easily keep track of posts by having a class #hashtag. Learn more at
Share your favorite technology tool to be featured in ED Tech Thursdays!
Archived Issues
1. COPH Intranet- The archives are located in the middle column on the bottom of the home page. Note: you must have access to the COPH intranet and be in the MCPH building to access archives.
2. Anyone can access the archived issues on Pinterest. While you are there take a look around at the other education boards. You might find something new and interesting. You will need to open a free account if you do not have one using Facebook or an email address.