EO Green Hornet Hive Updates
January 2025
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Principal's Message
E.O. Green Junior High School Families,
We are excited to start the new year with our E.O. Green community. For our 8th-grade families, this is an especially significant time as we approach milestone events like 8th-grade promotion and the transition to high school.
This month, we also take time to celebrate and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy. In observance of this day, School will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025.
As we returned to school, all students participated in behavior expectation assemblies. These sessions provided important reminders about our expectations regarding dress code, attendance, and behavior on campus.
Progress reports will be sent home on Thursday, January 24, 2025. We encourage families to take time leading up to this date to discuss class performance and progress with their students. Open communication is key to supporting academic success.
We also want to thank CalFresh Healthy Living for collaborating with our Hive Wellness Center to present valuable information to our families about the importance of healthy eating.
As we receive more details about high school matriculation, we will share updates with our 8th-grade families to ensure a smooth transition.
Warm regards,
Principal Sanchez
E.O. Green Junior High School
Dates to Remember & Instructional Calendar
January 20th: Martin Luther King Jr Day- NO SCHOOL
January 22nd: PTSA Fundraiser Night - The Habit
January 23rd: Family Informational Night
January 24th: Trimester 2 Progress Reports
January 31st: School Spelling Bee
Bell Schedules 2024-25
Click on the link to view the Bell Schedules:
High School Enrollment For 2025-2026
Attention 8th Grade Parents
The deadline for Oxnard Union High School District intra-district transfers is February 28th, 2025. If you would like your student attend a different school then their assigned school please complete the form below. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE ENROLLED YET TO COMPLETE THE FORM.
For more information on intra- district transfers CLICK HERE.
Intra-district transfer form CLICK HERE
Character Counts
Each month, Green will recognize one of the Six Pillars of Character. Students and staff are encouraged to wear tops corresponding to that month's character color on Fridays.
The character for January is caring. Staff and students are encouraged to wear Red on Fridays.
GradNation Summit 2025- Save the Date
Join with other parents and their students for this free summit to increase the high school graduation rate.
- Learn how to support student success through strong family engagement
- Participate in workshops for parent sand students
Time: 8:30 am - 1:15 pm
Location: Blackstock Junior High School
Día De Familia Family Conference
Día De Familia Family Conference at CSU Channel Islands
- college readiness workshops and activities
Location: CSU Channel Islands
Date: Saturday, February 22
Time: 10 - 3 pm
College and Career Wednesdays
Students and staff are encouraged to wear college shirts or sweatshirts every Wednesday. Uniform bottoms are still required.
The Hive: Wellness Center
Theme: Finding and Helping Friends
Tema: Encontrar y ayudar a Amigos
The Study Spot
A Quiet Space For All Students To Do Homework!
When: Wednesdays Afterschool
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: The Hive
Mental Health is Important
What is Mental Health?
Mental Health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It can affect how we think, feel, and act.
Know where you can get help:
At School -
- School Counselor
- School Wellness Center
- School Psychologist
- Any Trusted Adult
Clubs & Sports
Advisors: Mrs. Nelson & Ms. Lopez-Wolf
Harry Potter Club
Advisor: Ms. Strohman
Days: Thursday
Time: 2:30-3:30
Rm. : 49
Advisor: Mr. Ramos
Meeting Days: Wednesday 1-2:30 pm & Friday 2:30 - 4 pm .
Advanced group will Friday 4-5:15 pm
Theater Club: Starting soon!
Advisor: Ms. Xayaphone
Meeting days: Tuesday, Thursday, & some Fridays
Room: 38
Prism Club
Advisor: Ms. Strohman
Meeting Days: Tuesdays
Time: 2:30-3:30
Rm. : 49
Coach: Mr. JR
- 7 / 8 Grade Boys Practice: Mondays, Wednesdays, and alternate Fridays
- 6th Grade Boys Practice: Mondays, Wednesday and alternate Fridays
- 7/ 8 Grade Girls Practice: Tuesdays, Thursday and alternate Fridays
- 6th Grade Girls Practice: Tuesdays, Thursdays and alternate Fridays
Game Schedules:
Parents' Corner
Parent Project
Empowering Parents. Transforming Teens. 10 Sessions Series.
January 30,
Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27
March. 6, 11, 20, 27
April 3
Time: 5-7:30 pm
Location: EO Green, Room 43
Please contact your school's counselor for more information.
TRIO Talent Search Program
Program Services include academic tutoring and counseling, college and university tours, cultural events and excursions, financial assistance with college applications and more!
All program services are FREE!
Community Health Care Program - CHCP
If you do not have access to health coverage, you might qualify to receive assistance.
Resources from VCOE - Helping Students Cope
In the aftermath of high profile incidents of school violence, many students will have questions and fears about their own safety. Ventura County Office of Education is offering resources to help parents and educators respond in the most appropriate way.
Report Card Schedule
Grading Timelines & Report Card Schedule
Trimester 1: August 21 - November 8
Progress Notices: October 4
Trimester 2: November 12- March 7
Progress Notices: January 24
Trimester 3: March 11- June 17
Progress Notices: May 2
Attendance & SARB Process
When students arrive at school on time, prepared with supplies and dressed appropriately, they will be successful.
Pupils are required by law to attend school punctually and regularly. Tardies count against perfect attendance.
Excused absence: Absence for proper causes are listed in the California State Education Code for illness, medical, dental or doctor appointments, and bereavement and require a note from doctor after the third absence.
Unexcused absence: Absence for any reason other than the above is unexcused. Truancy is a violation of State attendance laws.
Parents must write an absence note or call the school office within 24 hours of a child’s absence.
If not cleared with office in 3 days, absences will count as unexcused.
Notes must be brought back on the first day after an absence and must include:
Date the note is written
Date of absence
Name of student
Teacher and homeroom number
Reason for the absence
Signature of parent or guardian
Relationship to student (mother, guardian, etc.)
School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
California law: The principal or designee is required by law to notify parents when a child accumulates 3 unexcused absences and/or tardies in excess of 30 minutes, or a combination thereof (EC 48260).
Referral to the District Attorney (EC 48293):
What charges may be filed against the parent(s) guardians?
An infraction may be filed against parent/guardian
There are possible additional penalties to parents.
fines and/or 1 year in jail
Parent may be ordered to attend parenting classes
Parent may be ordered to sign student in at school office every day
Student Penalties:
Any or all of the following penalties: fines or community service
HESD Homework Policy
Wellness Talks: Video
Video: How can I take care of myself so I can be the best parent I can be?
( link- in English)
( enlace- en Español)
211 online resources for families: text, online or by calling families can access 211
online: https://211ventura.org/ (link / enlace)
text: text zip code to 898-211
call: dialing 211
Counseling Support for Military Families and Students
New to the area and looking for a youth sponsor:
Need to talk?
Topics Available through MFLC
Explore the wide range of topics available through the MFLC Program.
Military and Family Life Counseling Program
To support military families facing challenges, the MFLC program offers support and resources.
From The Health Office
This is link for respiratory virus from California department of public health:
E.O. Green Junior High
There are many ways to get in contact with your teacher:
Email or written note
Phone call and leave a message / voicemail
Google Classroom
Principal- email: dsanchez@hueneme.org
Website: green.hueneme.org
Location: 3739 South C Street, Oxnard, CA, USA
Phone: (805)986-8750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EOGreenJuniorHigh
Twitter: @EOGreenHornets