Hour of Code at BPS!
Computer Science Week: December 8 - 14, 2014
How Do I Get Involved?
Teachers: You can sign-up your classes to participate by CLICKING HERE.
Students: You can sign-up to participate and track your progress by CLICKING HERE.
For users under 13, email addresses are not stored in a form that allows code.org to contact them. Users can also sign up using their Google accounts.
The Hour of Code - WORLDWIDE
Tutorials for Beginners
Write Your First Computer Program (Ages 4-104)
Learn drag and drop programming, from Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Angry Birds, and Planets vs. Zombies. Explore repeat loops, conditionals, and basic algorithms. Use with smartphones and/or tablets. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 22,717,297 participants!
Tynker - Build Your Own Game (Ages 5-13)
Code an iPad accessible game with Tynker and learn programming concepts within each of the 12 levels. Use physics to make your characters, animations, and props realistic. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 10,870,514 participants!
Scratch-Get Creative with Coding (Ages 8+)
Use MIT's Scratch to program your own games, stories, animations, and greeting cards and then share them with friends. Available on all browsers. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 2,152,759 participants!
Tutorials That Teach Java Script
Khan Academy- Introduction to JavaScript (Middle School+)
Learn the basics of Java Script programming and create fun drawings with your code. Note: this tutorial requires more teacher preparation. Works with modern web browsers. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 2,687,073 participants!
Learn to Code with Karel the Dog (High School)
A perfect option for beginners is Coding with Karel the Dog. Learn fundamental coding concepts including commands and functions. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 146,656 participants!
Codecademy is an interactive, student-guided introduction to computer science through JavaScript. The tutorial features quizzes, slides, and a project for students to complete at the conclusion of the tutorial. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 838,859 participants!
Tutorial Apps for Phones and Tablets
Lightbot (All Ages)
Gain a practical understanding of coding by guiding Lightbot to light up all the blue tiles. Lear to sequence instructions, write procedures, and utilize loops to solve levels. All browsers and iOS. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 2,813,416 participants!
The Foos (pre-readers welcome) (Elementary)
A kid-friendly, way to learn about programming. In this word-free tutorial, students will solve puzzles and bring a virtual world to life. Access the tutorial by clicking here. iOS, Android, or web browser. Join 13,358 participants!
Kodable (pre-readers welcome) (Elementary)
A self-guided iPad game for ages 5+ which introduces kids to the basics of programming. Access iTunes link by clicking here. iOS. Join 151,763 participants.
Make Your Own Apps or Games
Make a Flappy Game (Ages 4-104)
Make a custom Flappy Bird game and add it to your phone in one click! Access the tutorial by clicking here. Modern browsers, phones, tablets. Join 251,972 participants!
Bitsbox-Make a Game (Elementary)
Learn real JavaScript to customize your own virtual tablet and code a series of apps to play and share. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 28,063 participants!
Build an iPhone Game in Your Browser (High School)
Use the brand new programming language Swift to build an iPhone game. Use variables, methods, and objects to make your monster win! Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 1,334,929 participants!
Tutorials in Other Programming Languages
CodeCombat (Middle School+)
Learn Python or JavaScript as you battle ogres. Modern web browsers. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 480,499 participants.
CodeMonkey (Middle School+)
Program a monkey to catch a banana. Gets more difficult with each level. Modern web browsers. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 8,101 participants.
Drawing with Code (High School)
Learn the Processing programming language and design an interactive drawing program. Modern web browsers. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 652,630 participants!
Program a Virtual Robot (Ages 8-13)
Learn the basics of programming by controlling your own robot. Movies, quizzes, and hints help learn the programming language. Modern web browsers. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 125,381 participants.
Eliza the Chatterbox Doctor (Middle School+)
Use Python to program Eliza the psychotherapist. Teach her talk and the right things to say. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 770,403 participants.
Accessible Programming - screenreader support (Middle School+)
Join Mary as she joins a biology lab as a programmer. Accessible for the visually impaired and works with the screenreader. Access the tutorial by clicking here. Join 898 participants.
Disney Interactive & Code.org Present: Coding with Anna & Elsa
Learn logic, math and develop creative confidence by helping Anna and Elsa create snowflakes and magical ice crafts. Share your creations online or with friends.
Access the tutorial by clicking here.
Frozen - Hour of Code Introduction
AppInventor Hour of Code (Middle School Plus-Android)
Access the tutorial by clicking here.
TouchDevelop- (High School)
Modern browsers, smartphones, all devices. Access the tutorial by clicking here.