The Bear's Den
The Bennett Staff News -May 9, 2020
Our Vision:We work together to create a safe, joyful and inclusive school environment to foster a love of learning and ensure high achievement for all.
Good Morning Wonderful BNES Family,
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week. I hope you all felt loved this week. I wish that we could have done more for you to show you how much we love and respect you. Have a wonderful weekend. :)
You all really are the best of the best!
Nuts and Bolts
- The evaluation cycle is closing. Please complete your PGP by logging into HRPerform and submitting your document (no end of year reflection needed). It will come to me to approve. I will send it back to you. You will need to sign it and then it will come to me to sign. It's a ping pong process.
- The renovation has been deferred for one year. I am really relieved by this decision. This will allow us to focus on children, rather than the construction. At this time the construction office does not know when the project will begin but I predict it will be in the new year (2021).
- Teams K-4, please talk and send a first and second choice time/date for your placement meeting for the weeks of May 18 - 29 (two week span). We need to make sure that specialists can attend too. Here are some options:
- Monday, May 18:@ 12-2PM
- Tuesday, May 19 @ 10-12 PM,
- Thursday, May 21 @ 9-11 AM
- Tuesday, May 26 @ 12-2 PM
- Wednesday, May 27 @ 9-11 AM or 12-2 PM
- Thursday, May 28 @ 9-11 AM
Wednesday, May 20 @ 9-11AM (First Grade), Thursday, May 28 12-2 PM (Fourth Grade),
Tuesday, May 26 @ 9-11 AM (Second Grade)
- If you learn of any students moving, or have already moved, please email Christie Gray asap.
Digging into Decisions Made
If there is a topic that you would like me to address, please don't hesitate to shoot me an email.
Need PD Hours for ESOL?
Don't forget that the ESOL office is providing a large number on virtual courses. This is a great way to complete your hours. All certified staff must complete 45 total hours.
Shout out to Dax for helping me update my computer through multiple emails with very user friendly instructions! - Michelle Taylor
My first grade teammates for one-on-one Zoom meetings to walk me through the many steps to learn new technology. Courtney Strauss for trouble shooting and cheering me on in a one-on-one technology tutorial. I would be lost without them! - Julia Smith
Thanks to Dax, Rocio and Courtney for their work to help a family get their technology up and running! Thanks to Courtney for helping me to figure out IXL and Myon access! - Katrina Saunders
- A big shout out to Elizabeth Park for going the extra mile not just for her students, but for staff as well. She was key in making sure one of our families received a device and managed to get much needed paperwork signed for Karen, all in one small little trip. Thanks for going the extra step! - Meg Swanson
Kudos to Renee for sitting through the whole meeting for Galinas, Witt, and Rimkus.
Kudos for Kyle presenting a health lesson and then sitting through the rest of the class meetings for Galinas, Witt and Rimkus. It was a long afternoon for all! - Julie Rimkus
To Sitzman and Southard for working on our plans this week!! - Elizabeth Park
Thank you to Karen Haddock, Karen McLean, Windsor Johnson and Kim Wilson for their unwavering support, dedication and professionalism in helping to ensure that we continue to provide that World Class Education to all of our students! - Maureen Burns
Thank you to Cindy Tomko for attending the schedule meeting and sending in the schedule and being such a valuable part of the team. - Michelle Hays
Kudos to Meghan for going to the scheduling meeting and trying her best for our team!- Julie Rimkus
Thank you to Amy Holt for attending my most recent class Zoom. She had many other meetings that day but was very accommodating and squeezed me in. The kids loved seeing and drawing with her! - Christine Waldron
Happy Teacher Appreciation week to everyone! I am blown away as a parent to see all the hard work and extra steps being taken daily to help the kids get through all of this successfully. Everyone at Bennett is just outstanding and I am so proud to say that I work there. - Kari Lohrman
From a parent: Thank you all! When we moved to Manassas, we picked where to buy a house based on your school and we are extremely pleased with the decision we made. William has a number of challenges socially and academically and you all have overcome each one- he is thriving! Please know that this week and every week you are appreciated by the Mason family! Please share this with the rest of the fourth-grade team! As a teacher myself, I can tell you the fourth-grade team has distance learning on lockdown! William loves the zoom meetings and just beams afterward, sharing everything. The weekly calendar of work is super easy to follow- being both informative yet concise. Plus, the activities are just perfect for William- engaging, challenging, yet accessible. The time, effort, and care you all put into distance learning is shining through. Bravo to the 4th-grade team! - Brian Mason
Good news...sad news.
Good News! Please welcome our new counselor!
Erin, Chelsea, Karen and I interviewed many counseling candidates. Although we can never find someone who will fill Erin's shoes, we did find a wonderful counselor to join our Bennett ES family. Please welcome Destiny Brown. She has been a counselor at Mary Williams ES in PWES The change will be difficult for her but she is very excited to come to Bennett ES. Welcome!
Sad News.
We are losing Liz Barclay to Bristow Run. As you may know, Liz lives in Warrenton and has little ones at home. Relocating to Bristow Run will split her commute in half, giving her more time with her babies. The move is a huge loss for us.
Sad News.
Leslie Tom will be the new Autism teacher at TClay Woods. She is going to be greatly missed at Bennett but we wish her well on her new adventures. She is another huge loss for Bennett.
Good News!
Meghan Petrocelli will be the new PALS tutor next year. We are so excited to have her officially on staff! Meghan worked closely with the reading team this year and is ready to go!
Important Dates and Reminders
Upcoming Dates:
May 12 - No Staff or Leadership Meeting - nothing to share than I can't send in an email. See you at training!
May 12 - Master Schedule meeting, part 2
May 12 - PTO virtual meeting @ 6PM
May 13 - Self-Contained Placement meeting @ 12-2 PM
May 13 - ESOL placement meeting for 20-21 @ 2-4 PM
May 14 - Canvas training @ 9-11 (K-2) and 2-4 (3-5)
May 15 - Placement Meeting- Sped @ 12-2
Upcoming Dates:
June 1 - Last week of instruction plans
June 8-12 Students turn in assignments-no choice boards this week
June 12 - Last day of Virtual Schoolhouse
That's All for Now!