HAJHS December Newsletter
Academic Year: 2024-2025

Message from Mr. McCall
I hope you all had a healthy and safe Thanksgiving. As we move in to December, excitement begins to build for the holiday season. I would like to encourage our students to help us count down the days to holiday break as we celebrate the "12 Days of Cheer" at the Junior High. Please see the information included in this newsletter for this event and others happening throughout the month of December, including multiple concerts from the music department.
We wish all of our students and their families a safe and joyous holiday season.
Dale McCall
November Students of the Month!
Each month, we celebrate outstanding students for their efforts both in and out of the classroom. Teachers and staff nominate students that exemplify what it means to be a Golden Tiger (Citizenship, Adaptability, Analytical Thinking, Integrity, Perseverance, Communication) and one student is selected from each grade level by HAJHS Administration.
Congratulations to the November Students of the Month!
7th Grader
Isaac Lanzendorfer
8th Grader
Fayth Sollenberger
9th Grader
Genevieve Peacock
December Lunch Menu
FREE Breakfast for ALL Students
Breakfast will be FREE for all students.
It is still important to those who may qualify for free/reduced priced meals, to apply or update their meal application for the 2024-25 school year.
You can add money to your child’s account through the School Café App that is available at the Apple App Store or on Google Play or by visiting School Café at https://www.schoolcafe.com/HOLLIDAYSBURGAREASD.
❄️ Frosty Fest ❄️
Highlights of Frosty Fest:
Cocoa and Crafts: Unleash your creativity as you craft away the winter blues! Students will join us for a cozy crafting session accompanied by delicious hot chocolate. It's the perfect blend of artistic expression and warmth.
Volleyball Extravaganza: Whether you're a sports enthusiast or just looking for some friendly competition, our volleyball matches are not to be missed! Students can either spectate or, better yet, form a team with their friends and take on the challenge. And yes, we still have the much-anticipated student vs. teacher matches – a showdown students won't want to miss!
Holiday Tiger Store: Students can treat themselves or find the perfect gifts for friends at the special holiday Tiger Store. The PAC will stock the store with a variety of items, most priced under $5. While a few items may cost more, we strive to keep prices as affordable as possible. Students can use their hard-earned council cash to snag some festive goodies, cash, or a combination of both. From winter accessories to school spirit gear, there's something for everyone! Items available will include cookies, card games, puzzles, pajama bottoms, small toys, candles, Squishmallows, Legos, and more! This year there are over $500 dollars worth of items for the students to shop!
Students can join the Frosty Fest Google Classroom: wzu4ckn
All Information regarding the store, cocoa and crafts, and the volleyball tournament will be available on the Frosty Fest google classroom.
From December 3rd - December 6th, sign-ups for Cocoa and Crafts will take place.
From December 9th- December 13th, sign-ups to play on a volleyball team will take place.
Donations for hot chocolate, cups, plastic spoons, and marshmallows are needed! If willing please drop off any donations by December 13th to the main office.
Inside the Classroom
Junior High students get Lessons in the American Enterprise System
Three senior high FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) members, Andrew Shanafelt, Daniel Theys, and Sarah Hypes taught Mrs. Shaffer’s and Mrs. Yeager’s classes a lesson about our country’s American Enterprise System on Thursday, November 14, 2024. Some of the topics covered included free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. The class started with instruction, and then an interactive activity.
The presented lesson was part of these senior high students’ PA FBLA American Enterprise Project which is a chapter-level event designed to promote awareness of the American Enterprise System and the principles that underpin it.
Junior High students can join FBLA when they attend high school. FBLA is one of the high school’s largest clubs and all students are welcome to join, not just students taking business classes.
Personal Finance Students Cometing in PennCFL Investing Game
Students in Mrs. Shaffer’s Fall Personal Finance class are currently competing along with 1245 students/teams across the state in PennCFL Investing Game. What is the PennCFL Investing Game? It is an educational simulation organized by the Pennsylvania Council on Financial Literacy (PennCFL). This program aims to teach students about investing and financial markets through a hands-on, competitive experience. Students are getting the chance to manage a virtual investment portfolio using real-world market data.
Students started the competition on October 7 with a virtual portfolio of $100,000 in fake currency. The goal is to grow their portfolios, and the top 10 performers will receive recognition and prizes at the end of the competition, which is December 13. Teachers are notified weekly of the top 10 portfolios. Leila Siliga’s portfolio was ranked in 9th place this past week. Her portfolio has grown to $139,675.84. When asked what strategy she used to grow her portfolio this much, she said, “I try to buy low, and then sell high. McDonald’s stock was down 2% so I bought shares hoping that it would go up again.” Let’s hope she keeps her lead! We will find out on December 13.
Club Information
Aevidum meetings are held from 3:00pm to 3:45pm in Room 218 on the following dates:
- December 9th
- December 16th
Art Club
Art Club meetings are held from 3:00pm to 3:45pm in Room 132 on the following dates:
- December 5th
- December 12th.
- December 19th
Set Design Dates
- December 3rd
- December 10th
- December 17th
The Winter Concert is Thursday, December 12 at 6:00 PM for 7th Grade, and 7:00 PM for 8th/9th Grade.
7th and 8th grade jazz band will rehearse on Thursday, December 5 and December 19 this month, and will resume on January 9th. Tickets are $3 for adults and $2 for school-aged children.
Dress Code:
Girls: Black top and bottom or black dress. Black dress shoes.
Boys: Black pants, shoes, and socks. White dress shirt, tie optional.
All school dress code rules apply. Please try to avoid leggings and sneakers.
Game Club
December 2024
- Tuesday, December 3 / 3:00 P.M. - 4:15 P.M.
- Thursday, December 19 / 3:00 P.M. - 4:15 P.M.
German Students and Holiday Spirit
German Students and Holiday Spirit:
German students are getting into the holiday spirit and learning about German culture. Students helped out at the Christkindl Market at the Unter Uns in Altoona on Saturday, Nov. 23. They sold German foods and ornaments, taught little German games and crafts at the Kiddie Corner and also entertained the crowd with some German dances and Christmas Carols. Students will also be celebrating St Nikolaus Day in their German classes on Dec. 6. They will learn about the traditions of this holiday and leave their shoes in the hall to see if St. Nik will bring them any treats. Several students have been working to learn a German Schuhplattler dance that they will be performing along with the Almrausch Schuhplattler Dance group at their annual Kringle Fest, which is a German dinner and dance show commemorating St Nikolaus Day and will take place on Dec. 7. In addition, the German Club will be visiting a German Christmas market in Mifflinburg on Dec. 13. Here they will see brought to life the many traditions they have been learning about such as the German Christmas pyramid and holiday handicrafts while visiting this culturally authentic market.
Dates to note:
Nov. 23 - German Club at Christkindl Market at the Unter Uns
Dec. 6 - St Nikolaus Day Celebrations in German 1 classes
Dec. 7 - German Club attends Kringle Fest (German Dinner and Dance Show)
Dec. 13 - German Club field trip to Mifflinburg's Christmas Market.
Dec. 14 - German Club at YMCA Dinner with Santa (family Y-Night)
- Tuesday, December 3
- Tuesday, December 10
- Tuesday, December 17
Project NASA
Project NASA Club will begin meeting in late January. If students are interested in participating, please be sure to sign the paper in the junior high lobby. Names on the paper will be invited to join the Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Rita Murphy or Mr. Bryan James.
December 2024
- Wednesday, December 4 / 3:00 P.M. - 3:45 P.M.
- Tuesday, December 10 / 3:00 P.M. - 3:45 P.M.
- Thursday, December 19 / Eat & Meet Lunches
Reading Club and Reading Competition
Wednesday, December 11 -
Reading Club - 2:50 P.M. - 3:20 P.M.
Reading Competition - 3:20 P.M. - 3:45 P.M.
Wednesday, December 18 -
Reading Club - 2:50 P.M. - 3:20 P.M.
Reading Competition - 3:20 P.M. - 3:45 P.M.
Yearbook Orders & Yearbook Club
Yearbooks are available for pre-order. Go to yearbookordercenter.com and enter our school code: 4315. Books are $22 each until January 1st, when they increase to $25. Guaranteed pre-orders close February 14th
Any questions can be directed to nicole.stouffer@hasdtigers.com or abigail.miller@hasdtigers.com
Parent Information
Tiger Treasure Store
The Tiger Treasure Store is open! It is located in the back of the cafeteria in the same room as the School Store. The store has new or gently used clothing for free as well as toiletries, hygiene products, and more! The store is open on Wednesdays during all lunches.
Thank you!
Jackie Settimio and Dawn Cunningham
Junior High Fair Share/End of Year Activities
In order for students to attend the end of the school year activity, each student is required to either fundraise OR pay their Fair Share amount. A "Fair Share" program is offered to families not interested in fundraising for their students' share for the year-end class trips/activities.
Fair Share amounts:
7th Grade - $40.00 or sell 6 magazines or cookie dough
8th Grade - $60.00 or sell 8 magazines or cookie dough
9th Grade - $25.00 or sell 4 magazines or cookie dough
All checks for Fair Share balance should be made out to HAJHS and delivered to the main office.
Payment for the Fair Share balance can be made via cash or check.
The following are the scheduled year-end activities:
7th Grade***** Pittsburgh Pirate Game (Fundraiser/Fair Share Sponsored)
8th Grade ***** Hershey Park (Fundraiser/Fair Share Sponsored)
9th Grade***** Blue and White Dance (Fundraiser/Fair Share Sponsored)
If you have any questions, please email Amanda Hammel at amanda.hammel@hasdtigers.com.
The students who sold fundraiser items had the opportunity to attend the fundraiser incentive assembly featuring the Xtreme Team - Dunk Team. Below are a few photos from the action packed event as well as the VIP students who sold 10 or more fundraiser items.
Important Dates
Dec 10 - JH LGI 6:30-8:00 Behavioral Supports
Dec. 23 to Jan. 1 - No School for Students, Holiday
Jan. 17 - Early Dismissal: JH-12:40, Lunch will be served - PM In-service
Jan. 20 - No School for Students, Holiday
Feb 11 - FKS LGI 6:30-8:00 Autism/Applied Behavior Analysis
Feb. 14 to Feb. 17 - No School for Students, Holiday
March 14 - Early Dismissal: JH-12:40, Lunch will be served, PM In-service
April 15- JH LGI 6:30-8:00 Extended School Year (ESY)
April 17 – No School for Students, Act 80 Teacher In-service
April 18 to April 21 - No School for Students, Holiday
May 20 - No School for Students, In-service (Election Day)
May 23 - Early Dismissal: JH-11:10 – No lunch, PM In-service
May 26 - No School for Students, Holiday
From the Attendance Office
All attendance excuses may be emailed to the Attendance Secretary, Amanda Hammel at amanda.hammel@hasdtigers.com or you may fill out this FORM.
Early Dismissals:
- Students needing an early dismissal need to bring a written excuse indicating the time of the early dismissal and the reason for the request.
- When arriving at school before entering the auditorium or going to breakfast, the student should report to the lobby outside the Main Office for an early dismissal pass.
- Students are responsible to report to the main office at the time of their dismissal, we do not interrupt class to call students.
- Please note the time on the written excuse is the time the student is dismissed from class, please allow enough time for them to meet you in the lobby.
- All students must be signed out by the person picking them up using the Navigate system in the foyer.
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meets monthly during the school year at the HAJHS on the third Wednesday of the month at 10am. All parents and guardians are members and are invited to come to the meetings. Attending meetings is a good way to meet other parents and learn about what is happening at the Junior High School. PAC organizes many activities at the Junior High.
If you are interested in volunteering, please see the Junior High main office or access the volunteer signup form at hasdtigers.com - Junior High Page - Parents Tab - Parent Advisory Committee.
Tiger Pack Program
If you would like to participate in the Tiger Pack Program by receiving a bag of food weekly for your child(ren), please have your student(s) return the form that was mailed home. Forms are also available in the Main Office and attached below. A new signup form must be submitted every year. If you would like to donate to Tiger Pack or have any other questions, please contact Chris Burkey at christine.burkey@hasdtigers.com for additional information.
Additional Information
The Last Paw
Veteran's Day Breakfast
On November 6th, the Junior High, along with the National Junior Honor Society, hosted about 65 veterans from the community. The NJHS students served the veterans breakfast while the chamber orchestra, 9th grade jazz band, and 9th grade chorus provided entertainment for our guests. Abigail Hovance, Lainey Williams, and Sydney Hinish gave speeches to thank the veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.
Hollidaysburg Area Junior High School
Website: https://www.hasdtigers.com/hajhs/home
Location: 1000 Hewit Street, Hollidaysburg, PA, USA
Phone: (814) 695-4426
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollidaysburgAreaSD/
Twitter: @Tigerwires