Allegiance Academy
December 16, 2022
Highlight of the Week
Congratulations to all of our students who performed on Tuesday. I am always impressed with our talented students. Thank you to Kayli and Marc for creating an amazing music program. I would also like to thank all the parent volunteers (Cassie, Kat, Christy, Mayra, Hillary and everyone else). Thank you also to our student volunteers and parent support. I am fortunate to be part of this one-of-a-kind school.
Academic Calendar
The board approved the academic calendar for the 23-24 school year. Students will have 180 instructional days. Next year, we will operate on a quarter system with grading periods lasting 9-10 weeks. Final exams for high school students will be the week of December 18th and the week of May 28th.
Tuition for 2023-2024 School Year
Last night the board voted to increase tuition for the 2023-2024 school year. Tuition will be $9,900 per year for Middle and High School Students.
Save the Date-Winter Dance
The winter dance for 8th-10th graders will be on Friday, February 10th. Tickets will be $20 a person. More information to follow.
Career Day-SAVE the DATE
We will have our first Career Day at Allegiance Academy on March 23, 2022. Additional information will follow. If you would like to be a presenter, we would love to have you. Please sign-up below.
Birthday Celebrations
Ethan-6th Grade 12/25
Caleb-10th Grade 12/28
Diego-9th Grade 1/5
Ryder-7th Grade 1/7
New Volunteer Opportunities
If you are looking for more volunteer opportunities for your child, you may visit:
Thank you Sarah Stoklas for the information.
Important Dates
Winter Break-12/19-1/2
Classes Resume-1/3
Coffee with the Principal 1/4
PTO 1/9
Clubs 1/11
End of trimester-1/13
Allegiance Academy Decal
Purchase an Allegiance Academy Decal for $5.00 in cash in the front office or online. The link to order is below.