The Olive Branch 3.10.23
What's Up At The Nest...
In this Branch
Total Read Time - About 5 minutes!
Principal's Message
Summer U 2023 Information
Science Club Wind Turbine Challenge
ABC 25 Get Burbed Registration Link
Important Dates
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
We certainly didn't think we would end the week with a layer of snow, but our students sure enjoyed recess today. All report cards were emailed today, if you do not see it in your inbox, please check your spam folder. Please call us on Monday if you have not received it.
Each trimester we also review attendance because of the nature of the instructional process and the various curriculum components, it is important that students be in attendance to receive the greatest benefit. Truancy letters will be emailed home next week. Please review the attendance and truancy policy found in the Parent-Student Handbook.
Enjoy the weekend,
Erin, Julia, and the OMS Staff
Summer U 2023
June 12 - June 30, 2023 at Thomas Middle School *Dates subject to change pending review of winter weather emergency days. Registration will be open until April 28, 2023, at 3 pm. Please visit for a full list of courses and times. If you have any questions about Summer U, please email for assistance.
Science Club Wind Turbine Challenge
All OMS families are invited to design and construct a set of simple wind turbine blades using recycled or repurposed materials to test at the Science Club Earth Day Fair booth. Complete this form to request three blade shafts and complete instructions. Families can order one set for any or all Olive students in the family, or one set for a single family entry. Blade shafts and instructions will be sent home with youngest or only students.
Register by March 17th to receive the early bird benefits - a guaranteed race shirt in your size, packet delivery to your SD25 school and discounted registration! Additional details and the link to register can be found at
Important Dates
3.10.23 - Trimester 2 - Report Cards Emailed
3.14.23 - School Board Meeting
3.16.23 - 2nd Grade Music Concert
3.17.23 - Trinity Irish Dancing Assembly
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive