Alabama LM Update November 2024

November 2024
First Fridays 2024-2025
We did it! Our return to First Fridays was a tremendous success, with approximately 300 registrants at each session. We hope you found it both informative and valuable. To receive credit in PowerSchool Professional Learning, you must register, attend, and complete the survey.
On December 13, we’ll host First Fridays from Huntsville. Join us from 9:30-10:30, for a session on STEAM in the Elementary Library, led by four talented HCS elementary librarians. In the afternoon, from 1:00-2:30, Crystal Ballard, an Implementation and Training Specialist, will present on TeachingBooks for Secondary Librarians and will be available to answer your questions afterward.
From Crystal: Explore TeachingBooks and uncover new ways to help readers connect to books, authors, and illustrators. Unlimited access, provided at no charge by AVL, to professionally vetted resources like author interviews, book trailers, lesson guides, and more, is seamless. So, take advantage and start exploring!
Don’t forget to check our First Fridays site for topics, registration, and archived sessions! If you have any session requests or are interested in presenting/facilitating a topic related to library management, please submit your idea(s) using this Form.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you on December 13th!
December AM PSPL session: 517165
December PM PSPL session: 517174
Library Enhancement Funds
On June 13, 2024, Dr. Mackey announced an allocation of $157.72 for Library Enhancement Funds as part of the Classroom Instructional Support memo. These funds are based on Total Units earned at each school. We’ve worked with ALSDE Finance staff to provide updated guidance on their use.
Usage Summary:
Funds must enhance library space and be student-centered. While teachers can use these items, their main purpose should be for student use. In addition, the resources purchased must be primarily housed in the library.
Eligible Purchases Include:
Resources: Physical and electronic books, educational games.
Student-Centered Technology: Robotics kits, makerspace supplies, and other student tech.
Furnishings: Student chairs, tables, and study carrels (circulation desks do not qualify).
Library Supplies: Repair materials, shelf guides, bookshelves, signage, and promotional items.
Programming Enhancements: Art supplies, subscription services, and posters.
Librarians are responsible for budgeting these funds based on student needs through student usage assessment. It is paramount that librarians are involved in the budget committee to help ensure effective use of the Library Enhancement funds. For more details, please refer to the accompanying document.
Discover AlabamaStandards.org
Are you familiar with AlabamaStandards.org? This site is your go-to resource for accessing approved ALCOS standards. To help you navigate the site, check out this informative YouTube video that walks you through its features. Below the video, you’ll find a handout to streamline your exploration of the standards.
Don’t forget to subscribe to the ALEX newsletter to stay updated on all the exciting initiatives and resources ALEX has to offer!
Maxwell Leadership Series
ALSDE is excited to continue our partnership with the Maxwell Leadership Foundation to host the statewide Leadership Development Series as an important step to support our Alabama educators and staff.
All Alabama educators and staff are invited to attend Leadership Development once a month to connect with teachers, principals, district, and state administrators. Attendance is unlimited. Educators can register (click the QR code) and join from their own devices. Let’s connect, learn and grow together!
Join us virtually on the following dates from 3:30-4:30 p.m. CST:
- 11/6/24: Humility
- 12/4/24: Generosity
- 1/8/25: Priorities
2/5/25: Valuing People
3/5/25: Personal Growth
4/2/25: Adding Value
Library Shoutouts: Celebrating our Heroes
In our ongoing effort to recognize the vital role of K-12 librarians in Alabama, we invite you to participate in our Library Shoutouts. These shoutouts serve as a platform to highlight the incredible work of librarians across the state, showcasing their innovative programs, community engagement, and the positive impact they have on students.
By sharing these stories, we not only celebrate individual accomplishments but also foster a sense of community and collaboration among our librarians. These shoutouts inspire others, spark new ideas, and emphasize the essential role that library services play in enhancing education. Let’s shine a light on our heroes in the library and share their remarkable contributions with the wider educational community!
The Form for submitting shoutouts will be available at the bottom of each newsletter and on our ALMO site. We encourage you to highlight your library or a colleague's exceptional contributions!
Open to All Librarians!
Join the Jacksonville State University Regional Inservice Center for a dynamic workshop designed for school librarians! Explore strategies to boost student engagement, promote literacy, and integrate technology into your library program. Connect with fellow librarians, share best practices, and gain valuable insights to elevate your role.
Don’t miss this opportunity—register now on PowerSchool Professional Learning!
ASLA: Alabama School Library Association
A message from Katie Rainer, ASLA President
The Alabama School Library Association (ASLA) is a professional organization dedicated to the improvement of instruction through the utilization of media and technology. It provides a forum for school library media specialists, administrators, curriculum specialists, teachers, library media educators, graduate students, professional association leaders, and retired library media professionals to promote excellence in education in Alabama through effective school library media programs. ASLA is an affiliate of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, the American Association of School Librarians, and the Alabama Education Association.
The ASLA Executive Board and various committees work throughout the year to support school librarians. Our activities include an annual in-person conference, a fall virtual EdCamp, various webinars throughout the year, book awards, library awards, scholarships, Alabama School Library Week, as well as support for intellectual freedom and advocacy. We send newsletters out to our members monthly as well as other updates as needed. Our mission is to support school librarians, so we work hard to keep librarians informed, make ourselves accessible through email, and to respond to feedback about improving our programs. We also work hard to provide excellent value. Membership is just $40 a year. We encourage members to join a committee to really benefit from their membership. Our most popular committee is our Yellowhammer Book Award Committee, which has picture book, Middle Grade, and YA divisions.
Membership in ASLA provides many benefits! Members get the chance to contribute to librarianship through participation in EdCamp, Annual Conference, and committee work. We recognize members with awards, giving us the chance to spotlight the excellent work you are doing and celebrating you with your school and district leaders. In addition, we have several scholarships we award to support members who want to pursue higher degrees and NBCT. School librarians often lack the department or team support that most teachers have; ASLA gives librarians a chance to meet and collaborate with other librarians around the state. ASLA also works hard behind the scenes to stay abreast of current issues and advocate for our profession. You can find more information about what we do, events, and how to join at aslalib.com.
Congratulations to Natalie McLemore, the amazing librarian at Holtville Elementary School, for being spotlighted in a recent article! Natalie's dedication to promoting literacy and creating a welcoming space for young readers truly makes a difference. Her commitment to advocating for our students and libraries reflects the passion that drives Alabama's school library community. Thank you, Natalie, for all you do to inspire a love of reading and learning!