Fairfield's Weekly Newsletter
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Juke Box Time Machine rehearsals are so much FUN! #dramadancemusic
Jukebox Time Machine
It is an exciting time at Fairfield E.S. as the students in grades K - 6/7 are getting ready for their performance of “Jukebox Time Machine” on April 16 & 17, 2024. Here’s some details for you:
April 16 - dress rehearsal (open to parents/guardians - 1:45 p.m.) + Ms Dafnas & Ms McIlroy’s class
April 16 - performance (6:00 p.m.) + Ms Check’s & Ms McKinnon’s class
April 17 - afternoon show (open to parents/guardians - 1:45 p.m). + Ms Check’s & Ms McKinnon’s class
April 17 - performance (6:00 p.m.) + Ms Dafnas & Ms McIlroy’s class
We’re asking that all students attend both evening performances, with the exception of the Kindergartens - please see above schedule for performance times. Students will be asked to arrive between 5:45 - 6:00 and go directly to their classroom. The core cast will need to arrive at 5:30 p.m. The doors will open to parents at 5:30 p.m.
Admission will be by donation as this is a fundraising event for our school - cash only. Due to capacity requirements, we are asking that each student (or groups of siblings) have no more than four family members attend due to seating space in the gym. Students/families will receive four tickets the week of April 8 - 11 - they'll be coming home with the youngest/only students. You will need a ticket to enter.
We will be holding a couch raffle on both evenings - tickets will be for sale at the door - this is your chance to have the best seat (and most comfy) in the house - the front row on the couch! Cash only please.
Information about simple costumes will be coming from your child(ren)'s classroom teacher.
The students have been working hard in their classrooms and we have a very enthusiastic and dedicated core cast who have been acting and singing their hearts out! We can’t wait for you to see our show!
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school and speak with Mrs. Diamond or your child’s teacher.
Musically yours,
The Fairfield Staff
Social/Emotional Learning in Kindergarten
Hoppy Easter to our Christian Families on Sunday
Every student will recieve ECLIPSE glasses next week - Thank you Queens!
Solar Eclipse Safety
On Monday, April 8, 2024, there will be a solar eclipse (when the moon moves between the sun and the earth). In Kingston, it is expected to be a near-total solar eclipse between 2:09 and 4:34 p.m., with the peak of totality (where the sun appears to be completely covered by the moon for a short period of time) happening at 3:22 to 3:25 p.m.
Viewing the eclipse safely (From KFL&A Public Health Website)
It is dangerous to look directly at the sun any time and especially during an eclipse. How to protect your eyes during a solar eclipse:
· Do not look directly at the eclipse at any time.
· If you want to look at the eclipse, you must use approved solar eclipse viewers that meet international standard ISO 12312-2. · Queen's University is distributing solar eclipse glasses to the Kingston community through school boards.
Upcoming School-Day Permission Forms and Products
*HOT DOG days
*Grand Field Trip - All classes but Argyle
*Maple Syrup/Pancake Mix Fundraiser - last day is Sunday
*Ms. Scott's class trip to the zoo
Eid Mubarak to our Muslim Families on April 10th
Road Race Schedule
The Road Racing Team will not be attending the Bayridge Road Race because they have a Grand Theatre Field Trip on the same day. Instead, they are planning to attend races on May 1 and 8th.
Hot Dog Days
Order your child a Hot Dog for $2.00 on Hot Dog Day
Friday, April 5 and 19th
Friday, May 10 and 17
Friday, June 7 and 21
What is up at FES?
Friday, March 29 - Good Friday Holiday
Monday April 1 - Easter Monday Holiday
Friday, April 5 - Hot Dog Day https://school-day.com
Monday, April 8 - PA DAY - changed due to Eclipse
Wednesday, April 10 - School Council - 6:00
Friday, April 12 - Decades Day - Dress in a cool decoade to celebrate our upcoming musical!
Tuesday, April 16 - Musical Jukebox Time Machine
Wednesday, April 17 - Musical Jukebox Time Machine
Friday, April 19 - Ms. Mercanti's class at Library
Friday, April 19 - Hot Dog Day https://school-day.com
Friday, April 26 - Grand Theatre Trip/whole school (not Argyle)
Saturday, April 27 - Loyalist Children's Thrift Sale at Fairfield ES (all proceeds go to our school)
Wednesday, May 1 - LCVI Road Race
Saturday, May 4 - Fairfield Spring Market at Fairfield (Craft Sale/over 100 vendors) - proceeds go to new basketball court
Friday, May 5 - Pennell Library Day
Wednesday, May 8 - NDSS Hawk Run
Friday, May 10 - Hot Dog Day https://school-day.com
Friday, May 10 - Ms. Mercanti's Library Day
Wednesday, May 15 - School Council - 6:00
Friday, May 17 - Hot Dog Day https://school-day.com
May 20 - May Long Weekend Holiday
Wednesday, May 22 - Ernestown High School Trip Musical Grade 3 to 8
Friday, May 24 - Regional Track and Field
Thursday, May 30 - Regional Track and Field Rain Date
Friday, May 31 - PA Day
Tuesday, June 4 - District Track and Field
Wednesday, June 5 - District Track and Field Rain Date
Friday, June 7 - Hot Dog Day - Hot Dog Day https://school-day.com
Friday, June 7 - Pennell Library Day
Friday, June 7 - Sullivan/Argyle Queens Sports Day
Friday, June 21 - Hot Dog Day https://school-day.com
Tuesday, June 25 - Grade 8 Graduation and Boat Cruise
Wednesday, June 26 - Report Cards go home
Friday, June 28 - PA Day