EJMS Jaguar Weekly Jan. 20 - 24
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
We hope everyone had a good week back and is starting to resume a more normal routine after the snow and NTI days. Please make sure you double check that your child has completed and turned in all NTI day work - there are assignments for all seven classes.
Teacher of the Year Nominations
Each year we recognize one teacher from each school as the Teacher of the Year and we encourage parents to fill out a nomination. Nominations must be completed by Friday, January 31st.
(You can also get to the link by clicking the button below)
KCSS Safety Audit
The Kentucky Center for School Safety is conducting a site visit on Tuesday, January 28th for a safety audit. Part of the process includes survey feedback from staff, students, and parents. If you have not completed this short survey please take a few minutes to do so prior to the end of the day on 1/21/25. Thank you!
(You can also get to the link by clicking the button below)
Reminders about Arrival and Dismissal
Please see below specific reminders for arrival and dismissal.
Please use the car line for morning drop off. In order to move so many cars through the carline it is imperative that everyone uses the system in place. Also, please pull forward past the crosswalk and encourage your child to get out whenever you are near the awning so more cars can get through without frequent stops.
Nicholasville PD has asked us to remind everyone to avoid using Orchard so we do not create unnecessary traffic.
Students will not be allowed to walk across the bus access road into Red Oak parking lot unless they are a child of a Red Oak staff member and have a pass from Thomasina.
Due to safety concerns we will not allow students to cross into the parking lot until all cars have moved through the car line (approximately 4:15). We encourage all parents to get in line for pickup and use the system we have in place. If you still choose to pick your child up from the parking lot please know that they will not be released until all traffic is clear from the car line pickup area. If you have an emergency or unusual circumstance you will need to get out of the car and walk to the front of the school to escort your child to the car.
Upcoming Dates (SBDM Meetings at 4:30 PM in the EJMS library):
Monday, January 20th - MLK Jr Day - No school
Tuesday, January 28th - KCSS Safety Audit
Introducing our Student Advisory Council to the Principal. Students nominated/applied and then our student body voted on who should be in Mr. Pickerill's newly created advisory council. We're excited to see these student leaders in action.
NTI Reminders
Since we have now had a number of NTI days, students should have completed work for each class each of those days. If this has been done digitally (through Google Classroom), then students will turn in that work through online submission. If students have worked with their paper packets that went home this fall, then each of the completed papers needs to be brought back to school on the day when we return. These will be turned into homeroom teachers and/or arts and specific content teachers as evidence of the work completed.
Remember, NTI work is the same as homework. If it is not completed, it carries the same consequence as not doing homework. Please remember that for us to receive full credit (all 10 days) for NTI, all students must complete the work from EACH NTI day for EACH CLASS including one choice from the choice board (either the one on Google Classroom or in their NTI paper packet) for EACH arts class EACH day and turn it in that same day online or the paper copy the day we return to school.
Congratulations to these Awesome EJMS Students
To our December Students of the Month
These students were chosen by their teachers for exhibiting the Graduate Profile Attribute of Critical Thinking. Way to think outside the box, Jaguars!
Beta Individual Winners
Savannah Thompson - 3rd place Poetry
Grace Heffelbower - 5th place 7th grade Language Arts
West Burke - 5th place 6th grade Science
Parker Bates - 3rd place 7th grade Computer Science
Norah Alimento - 5th place On-Site Cake Decorating (not shown)
All who placed at the Junior Beta State Convention last week will advance to National Competition this summer
Our Musicology Team - 3rd place!
Norah Alimento, Nesta Domingue, Addison Masters, Timmy Martin; Not shown: Lainey Maurer and Alexandra Nelson
Congratulations to 8th grader Chris Burns! He placed 5th in a very crowded 150lb weight class at the Region 3 wrestling tournament. He will be an alternate at the state tournament on February 1st. Proud of you, Chris
Congratulations to our Future City teams at the competition on Monday, Jan. 20. Four out of Five teams won at least one award. Way to go!
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement News
Title I Parent News
Families- We wanted to share some reminders about our Title I School-Wide program.
Title I is one of the largest federal programs supporting elementary and secondary education. Title I funding allows us to provide resources to students. These supplemental resources help ensure that:
• All children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education,
• Support and resources are provided to achieve proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments.
At East Jessamine Middle, we use our Title I funding to pay for technology devices and software, additional classroom teachers, resources for family events, iReady diagnostics and instructional program, and professional development.
Please reach out if you have any further questions about our Title I program.
Parent and Family Engagement
Thanks so much to those who have already filled out this survey. If you haven't had a chance yet, please take a few minutes to share your voice and ideas as we design school events. On Thursday, Jan. 30, we will host a meeting with parents and faculty to plan upcoming events. We will have both Spanish and Ukrainian interpreters available and hope to see you and your family next week to help us design family engagement events at EJMS.
What’s Happening at EJMS this Week?
Mon. Jan. 20 - No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tues. Jan. 21 - No School NTI Day 6
🏀 5:45 Boys Basketball @ DCA
🖥 6:00 - 7:30 @ EJHS Digital Defenders - Cyberbullying Awareness (childcare is provided)
🏐 Girls Volleyball @ Boyle (6th grade 5:45, 7th 6:45, 8th 7:45)
Wed. Jan. 22
🌟 4:15 - 5:15 Junior Beta regular meeting (all club members welcome)
Thurs. Jan. 23
🎼 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal (all cast)
🏀 5:45 Boys Basketball vs. Beaumont (home)
Fri. Jan. 24
Sat. Jan. 25
🎼 10:00 - 12:00 School Musical Rehearsal (all cast)
⚽ 12:00 - 4:00 Boys Soccer Tryouts @ EJHS Soccer Field
Upcoming and Ongoing
Jan. 30 Family/Staff planning meeting for upcoming Family Engagement event
For 8th grade Families
Yearbook Info
EJMS Athletics and Activities
EJMS Baseball Information
In our Community
At JCPL Next Month
Tweens, Teens, and Adults: Join us for a unique and fun-filled evening at our “Not a Valentine’s Day Dance” featuring a Silent Disco! This event is designed for tweens through adults who want to enjoy a night of dancing, music, and socializing without the typical Valentine’s Day themes. Whether you’re single, hanging with friends, or just looking for a good time, this event is perfect for everyone.
For more information, visit "Not a Valentine's Day Dance" Silent Disco | Jessamine County Public Library
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto