Coyote Chronicles

November 1, 2024
A message from the principal
It’s that time of year again when I reach out to ask for your support in your child’s reading development. Our Coyotes work hard with dedicated teachers who provide the tools, strategies, and support needed to become proficient readers and critical thinkers. However, practice is essential for turning ability into skill.
Establishing a nightly reading routine at home can provide the practice your child needs to become a fluent reader. Whether you read a picture book together, tackle a chapter book, or encourage independent reading time, the benefits of this habit are immeasurable.
Consider setting a goal for November, such as “We will read for 30 minutes each night, five days a week” or “We will read a certain number of books this month.” My hope is that by the end of November, your child will not only improve their reading skills but also discover the joy of reading.
Remember, our school libraries are open every school day for Coyotes to check out books. Students do not need to wait for their “Library Day” to return and check out new books. Let’s make this a wonderful month for reading!
Elementary Report Cards - Online
For the first time, last school year, elementary school report cards were available to view online. Report cards are no longer sent through postal mail or student’s backpacks. Families are now able to access report cards by logging into A-HConnect or viewing them on the ParentVUE mobile app.
2024-2025 Trimester 1 report cards will be available for viewing starting Dec. 10, 2024.
The switch to online report cards means that information is available to review at the end of each trimester. Schools notify families when the report cards are available to view. Parents, guardians and any person with educational rights to a student are able to access the student’s report card online.
To ensure access to report cards at the end of Trimester 1, families are encouraged to make sure they have their login information for ParentVUE, now. Currently, report cards from last school year are available for viewing.
How to view report cards from A-HConnect (view detailed instructions):
Login to AH-Connect
Click on the ‘My Student Information/Synergy’ icon.
Select a student from the dropdown menu.
Select ‘Documents.’
Select and view the applicable report card from the ‘Documents’ window.
The report card will open in a new tab where the capabilities to download or print will be available.
View from the ParentVUE app (view detailed instructions):
Go to the AppStore or Google Play and search for the ParentVUE app.
Enter your zip code when prompted, and select “Anoka-Hennepin School District” from the menu options.
Confirm ‘yes’ and select ‘Already Activated,’ if prompted.
Use login/password to login.
Select a student from the student list.
Select ‘Documents.’
Select and view the applicable report card.
Click the share button to save or share the PDF.
If you need assistance logging in or forgot your password, call 763-506-HELP (4357) or email 506help@ahschools.us. For questions about report cards, please contact the school office.
Turkey BINGO
Join us for an Andover Elementary Family Fun Night!
Turkey BINGO
November 14th
6:00 - 7:30PM
South Gym
This is a FREE family event! Play BINGO and win prizes.
Treats available for purchase from Sweet Toppings. Popcorn and bottle water combo also available for just $1 (CASH ONLY).
Hosted by the Andover Elementary teachers and staff. Supported by APTCO.
Thank you to all who donated supplies for our conference dinners! We were able to provide our staff with dinner both nights of conferences, and stock the break rooms with coffee.
We are currently forming a Santa's Brunch committee. If you have great ideas on how to improve this event, or are interested in having a say on what's available to purchase, we would love to hear from you! This is not necessarily 'day of' help - more so planning before the event. Please email us at andoverpto@gmail.com if you would like more information.
Our next APTCO meeting will be held on November 21st in the South Media Center, from 6:30-7:30 PM. A few members of our wonderful 3rd grade teaching team will be joining us for Q&A. We hope to see you there!
Andover Parent Teacher Community Organization
Andover Elementary School
2024-2025 APTCO Board:
Tia Borich & Jessica Van Wyhe ~ Co Chairs
Melissa Hayek ~ Vice Chair
Olivia Pizinger ~ Treasurer
Amanda Kasten ~ Secretary
Connect with us!
Follow us on Facebook
Volunteer news
The month of November always fills me with gratitude, especially as I think about the time, support, and care volunteers give at Andover Elementary. Thank you to the many who gave their time in the month of October. Volunteers help in many ways; the book fair, chaperoning field trips, and the 1,000's of copies and 100's of laminating jobs in between.
The following is a look ahead at the November and December volunteer opportunities.
Kindergarten Explorations Planting Prep on Nov. 6 from 11AM-1PM:
Skill Builders and Enrichment Programs:
Skill Builders is a support and intervention program for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students who need additional practice experiences. Challenge Reading and Math Plus are enrichment programs that benefit students who would like extra literacy and math experiences.
More info and sign up here: Skill Builders, Challenge Reading, and Math Plus Enrichment Programs
Santa's Brunch volunteer opportunities coming for 12/13 and 12/14:
Decorating and Set Up - 12/13: SIGN UP HERE
Event - 12/14: SIGN UP HERE
Still need to complete your volunteer application? Visit: Andover Elementary Volunteer Application
Contact: Kelli Anderson, Volunteer Services Coordinator
Email: kelli.anderson@ahschools.us
Phone: 763-506-1723
Yearbook Cover Contest
Submissions Due Friday, November 8th
All 4th and 5th grade students are invited to participate in the annual yearbook cover contest. Information went home with students on October 28th. Students who need the information and a blank sheet of drawing paper should request from the school office.
Submissions are due to the office no later than Friday, November 8th.
Community Education
Community Education is thrilled to share our lineup of upcoming classes! Join us for a fun experience and expand your skills while connecting with others when you register for:
- Robotics: Muscle 'Bots starting 11/21
- Basketball Camp starting 11/21
- Festive Drawings starting 11/21
- School's Out: Multi-Sport Sampler on 11/25
- F.A.S.T. Kids on 11/25
- Introduction to Cricket starting 12/2
- Fencing starting starting 12/3
Lost & Found
Our lost and found is located right near the office. Please encourage your child to check the lost and found. Parents are also welcome to come look for their child's missing items.
It is helpful to label coats / hats / mittens and gloves / water bottles. We will get identified items back to students.
Coyote Spirit Shop - Open Year Round
Visit the Coyote Spirit Shop
- Easy online ordering
- Two shipping options: ship to school* (no cost) or ship to home (fee applicable)
- New items and designs will be added periodically
- No due dates - order anytime!
Please note, if the ship to school option is chosen, items will be delivered to Andover Elementary on the second Friday after your order is placed (regardless of "shipping notification email"). For example, an order placed on Monday, October 14th will be delivered to Andover Elementary on Friday, October 25th. Items may not go home until the following Monday, depending on how many orders are received and volunteer availability to deliver items, etc.
Items are printed and fulfilled by The Branding Wearhouse.
Contact Kelli Anderson, Volunteer Services Coordinator, with questions.
email: kelli.anderson@ahschools.us
phone: 763-506-1723
District News
Special Education Advisory Council Resource Information Night set for Nov.14
The Anoka-Hennepin Schools Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is hosting a resource information night for families of students with special needs to learn about resources available in the community. Vendors for sports, camps, and community services will be in attendance.
When: Thursday, Nov. 14 from 6-7:30 p.m.
Where: Educational Service Center, 2727 N Ferry St., Anoka. Enter through Door 7 and meet in Erling Johnson rooms C and D.
Families will be able to speak with various vendors at stations that will be set up in the rooms.
The SEAC intends to provide tools and resources to help guardians of children receiving special education services and collaborate with the district to promote continuous growth of special education services to best meet the needs of students. Members serve as representatives of district learners with disabilities from birth through age 22. SEAC strives to promote, educate and share resources between families, schools, and communities.
The council is a partnership between parents/guardians and the school district and meets four times (three in person and one virtual) during the school year.
11/05 - No School for Students - Staff Development Day
11/11 - Veterans Day Program
11/14 - Turkey BINGO - S. Gym - 6:00 - 7:30 PM
11/21 - APTCO Meeting - 6:30 PM - S. Media Center
11/22 - End of Trimester 1
11/25 - No School for Students - Staff Development Day
11/26 - No School for Students - Staff Planning/Grading
11/27 - No School for Students - Conference Conversion Day
11/28 - District Closed - Holiday
11/29 - District Closed - Holiday
12/02 - 12/06 - Anoka County Giving Project
12/10 - 2024-2025 Trimester 1 Report Cards Available to View in AH-Connect
12/13 - Santa's Brunch Set Up
12/14 - Santa's Brunch
12/20 - No School for Students - Staff Development Day
12/23 - 12/31 - No School - Winter Break
01/01 - District Closed
01/02 - School Resumes
This e-newsletter is published by Andover Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.