Boyden Weekly Update
January 31, 2025
Today ( Friday, January 31st) families will have access to their child's Elementary Standard Based Report Cards and Special Education Progress Report (if applicable) in the Aspen Family Portal
The Term I report card communicates student progress toward meeting end-of-the-year learning standards. The slight, but important, change we made several years ago to the descriptors of the Academic Performance Levels is the phrase “at this time”. The purpose of including this phrase is to share with families where their students are academically, at this time of the year.
Teachers assess student performance against these learning standards, which are specific and observable grade-level skills. Our report cards reflect the learning standards as outlined in the current Massachusetts State Frameworks. Teachers assess by measuring individual student performance against the identified concrete learning standards, rather than in relation to the performance of other students.
Please check out the Parent/Guardian Guide by CLICKING HERE
Enjoy the weekend!
Sweetheart Dance
We need your help! Please sign up to volunteer or donate supplies for the event here:
See the flyer below for more information. Please pre-purchase tickets and pictures using our new
Thank you and see you there!
Kindness Week (2/10 - 10/14)
The week of February 10th through Febraury 14th is Kindness Week across Walpole! At Boyden, we have many things planned. We will be highlighting kindness during our morning announcements, at Morning Meetings, and through daily kindness activities. We are also asking students to get invovled by dressing up each day. See below:
February Counselor's Corner
Check out February's Counselor's Corner from our two counselors, Mrs. Audet and Ms. Lemmler.
MSLA Bookmark Contest
The Massachusetts School Library Association bookmark contest was back at Boyden this year. The contest was open to students in grades 2-5 and the theme was “Find Your Path in the Library”. Over 65 students submitted designs this year. Boyden staff had a fun, but difficult time judging the contest with so many creative entries. Here are the winners:
2/3 Grade Division
First Place
Violet Hodgson (grade 3 Mrs. Procaccini)
2nd Place
Hannah Dolan (grade 3 Mrs. Procaccini)
Third Place (tie)
Will Lundsten (grade 3 Mrs. Procaccini)
Sameer Goyal (grade 2 Mrs. Davis)
4/5 Grade Division
Madelyn Farraher (grade 5 Mrs. Jahnke)
Second Place
Kaylin Major (grade 5 Mrs. Oram)
Third Place
Ayan Kamble (grade 5 Mrs. Oram)
Walpole Scholarship Foundation
Walpole Scholarship Foundation's Trivia Night is happening on Saturday, February 1st at the German Club in Walpole. Tickets are available online at https://tinyurl.com/wsftrivia25. Buy a table of 8 or come as an individual! Support this great local foundation that has awarded over $4.5 million dollars in scholarships to Walpole students!
Extended Day February Vacation Camp
Extended Day is running a camp for students over February Vacation. Check out all the information and register using the link below
From the WPS Office of Student Support & Attendance:
Here is the January newsletter that highlights the current Chronic Absenteeism rate in Walpole. Spoiler alert: Families and schools are doing a great job! Chronic Absent totals are down!
Check it out here
Boyden/Walpole Apparel
The Run House, located at 15 West St, Walpole, MA, is proud to be the official retailer for Boyden Elementary School, with 20% of all profits going back to the Boyden Elementary School PAC. Chcek out all the great gear!
Virtual Backpack
Check out the Walpole Virtual Backpack for upcoming events around town. Most recent items added:
- Active Bystander Training, 2/5 6:30 pm., Walpole PD Community Room (Registration Required)
Walpole Public Library Events
Summer Stem Academy
The Boyden Community is going to the Providence Bruins for a Teddy Bear Toss on Sunday, March 2, at 4:05 PM! Tickets are $27/ticket for great 100-level seats and a portion of ticket sales is going back to the Boyden PAC! Get your tickets here before this most popular game of the season sells out:
See flyer for more information.
2025 MCAS Schedule
Important Dates
January 31st - Report Cards are Published on Aspen X2
February 7th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
February 7th - Sweetheart Dance
February 12th - School Council (3:30-4:30 PM)
February 12th - PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
Febraury 17th to 21st - Vacation (No School)
March 5th - PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
March 7th - School Store
March 11th/13th/14 - Parent Teacher Conferences
March 14th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
March 28th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar
About Us
Email: bdearborn@walpole.k12.ma.us
Website: http://walpolebs.ss5.sharpschool.com/
Location: 1852 Washington Street, South Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-660-7216
Instagram: @BoydenBuzz