Bonny Slope Elementary
December 5, 2024
Dates To Remember
12/9 NO SCHOOL - Staff Development Day
12/16 5th Gr. Salmon Release Field Trip
12/17 OBOB Student Skill Builders 1:50pm-2:40 pm
12/18 South America (GeoClub)
12/18 Choir Concert 7pm
12/19 December Birthday Lunch
12/20 Assembly/sing along
12/20 *Winter Parties in Classrooms (1 hr)
12/23-1/3 NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
1/6 Staff and students back from Winter Break
1/17 NO SCHOOL- Staff Development/Workday
1/20 NO SCHOOL- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Winter After School Classes are Enrolling Now!
Dear Families,
Anh and I had the opportunity to talk with some of our school board members earlier this week to celebrate the work we are doing at Bonny Slope and to share this year’s school improvement plan. We have an incredibly dedicated staff, and I always enjoy getting to talk about their hard work and accomplishments with the school board and district administrators. Our school improvement plan will be available on our website soon if you would like to review it. Each year, we set a goal that is based on our students feeling safe and thriving, and another goal that has to do with progress in academics.
This year’s “safe and thriving” goal is to increase the percentage of students that report that all students at Bonny Slope treat each other kindly and with respect. This will be measured by our annual survey of fourth and fifth grade students. It is so important that all students feel safe and welcome at Bonny Slope. As I have shared in the past, we ask all students to “Be Our Best CATS, “ and in order to do that, students will be “caring,” and also “totally respectful.” All teachers provide instruction throughout the year that explains what that looks like in all of the spaces around our school, and teach lessons from the Kindness in the Classroom curriculum. Our student success coach, counselor, and school social worker provide support with their lessons and activities. In addition, teachers also facilitate classroom discussions that allow students to share their experiences and build community.
We know there is always room for more kindness and respect, and that we will be more successful in building a kinder and more respectful community with family support. Please check in with your students to see how they are feeling about the treatment they receive from others and also how they are contributing to spreading kindness, care, and respect.
This year’s academic goal is to increase proficiency on the state test for English language arts that students take each year in grades three through five. Our staff have been working very hard to implement the new language arts curriculum, and we believe this will help us to achieve our goal. Collaboration and efforts at every grade level will help all of our students to become stronger readers and writers. Families can also do a lot to support students with their growth in literacy by making reading at home a priority, and talking with your students about what they are reading. I know there are lots of other ways that families are supporting students’ academic success, and we value your partnership! We are definitely stronger together.
I hope everyone enjoyed the break last week, and that your December is off to a great start!
All the best,
Inclement Weather Information
In order to be proactive about the potential upcoming snow season, we wanted to inform you of our emergency plans by BSD and how that affects Bonny Slope.
Beaverton School District Information:
The District makes decisions based on the ability to operate school buses safely; the ability for students and parents to get to school safely, and the ability of employees to get to work safely and on time. The decision that is made will be for the entire District. As always, parents may choose to make different decisions based on their particular location.
School delays or closures are typically communicated by 5:30 a.m. For the latest information:
Check the district website. A page pop-up will be posted if there’s a change in school operations. You also can find inclement weather protocols and snow routes online.
Look for a notification on ParentSquare.
Follow us on the district’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Tune into media outlets for updates.
Bonny Slope Elementary Specific Information:
Please make sure your child and teacher know how they are getting home at the end of the day before they leave for school in the morning. An email to the teacher works best. We will follow your emergency going home listed in Synergy, so please make sure that has been updated.
Buses on Snow Routes:
For BSE, this means NO BUSES. To clarify: If a bus picks your student up in the morning and then BSD declares snow routes, there will be NO BUS to take your child home.
What this means for parents is that they will have to provide transportation to school or have their child absent for the day.
- We will extend on-time arrival to ease traffic congestion on Snow Route days. Please arrive between 8:15 and 9:00 am
- We will also extend dismissal for parents to pick students up from the classroom from 2:15-3:00 pm.
Early dismissal with bus service:
If the district deems it safe for buses to complete their routes, we will dismiss students to buses and bring parent pick up students to the front for pick up at the designated early release time. If parents are not present at this time, remaining parent pick up students will return to their classroom to wait for parents. Parents will need to bring ID and collect students from their classrooms.
Early dismissal without bus service:
This is a likely situation with early dismissal at BSE. Parents will need to come to the school to pick your child up. There are 600 students at BSE. That means approximately 500 families coming to the building to pick up students. You will need to come into the building to sign your student out with a staff member.
We ask parents to PLEASE add any and all of your neighbors to ParentVue who may pick up your child in an emergency. If they are not on the list, they CANNOT pick up your child. You can make these changes online thru ParentVue Enrollment Verification. You may also contact the office for assistance: bslp-communications@beaverton.k12.or.us
Family Visits at Lunch Time
BSD district policy precludes parents from having lunch in the school cafeteria with students. You are welcome to sign your student out for a special occasion lunch at anytime.
Support the Library
Sign up for shifts in ParentSquare to help shelve books, repair well-loved titles, and read to students. The school library feeds our students curiosity and imagination. Your help is needed to keep up with them. Shifts are available everyday with flexible hours!
Art Literacy
There are a few more classrooms that need volunteers for the Nov/Dec lesson on Chagall.
Thurs 12/5 11:15 Klingner - Art Helpers needed
Thurs 12/12 1:30 Zusman - Lesson Presenter needed
Sign up in ParentSquare and review the lesson information on the Bonny Slope Art Literacy website.
The January training for Georges Seurat happens January 6th at 9:30 in the BSE cafeteria. Yes: the day students return to school after winter break! Mark your calendars and sign up for the training NOW!
December 18th
How well do the students know South America? Come find out! Volunteers are needed to test students' knowledge and help them check in and out. Morning and afternoon shifts are available. Sign up in ParentSquare.
Last OBOB Skill Builder
December 17th at 1:40
Volunteers are needed to support our last student skill builder! Students will be refining their skills and practicing answering within the 15 second time limit. Volunteers will work with pairs of teams to simulate an OBOB battle. Without the right number of volunteers, we have to release students early so that we can work with 4/5th grade in one batch and 3rd grade in another. Sign up in ParentSquare today!
Classroom Parties: Winter Edition
December 20th
Classes have their winter parties on the last day of school before winter break. Sign ups for volunteers will be appearing in ParentSquare soon! Help send the kids off with a bang!
After School Classes starting in January
No Dogs Allowed on Campus
We cannot allow dogs on campus during arrival or dismissal. Thank you for understanding.
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Betty Skundrick
Assistant Principal: Anh Nguyen-Johnson
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Fax: 503.356.2045
Attendance: 503.356.2040 Press 1 for attendance
Attendance email: