Principal Update
Dear LP Families,
**Good afternoon, this is a message from the East Irondequoit Central School District. Due to the winter weather and dangerous conditions predicted for Friday, December 23rd, we have made the decision to close schools tomorrow. The decision to cancel in advance of tomorrow morning gives parents, students, staff and the community an opportunity to plan and put safety first. School will reopen after the winter break as scheduled on January 3rd. We wish all our Lancer families a safe and happy winter break.**
I am wishing you all a safe and joyful holiday season! As a reminder, there will be no school December 26th through January 2nd as students and staff enjoy their winter recess. School will resume Tuesday, January 3rd.
Peace and love to all,
Dr. Bello
ps: Check your child's bookbag! Report cards and progress reports went home today!
Weekly Highlights!
LP staff rock!
Spirit week success!
Art and hot chocolate!
School Closings and Delays
Local Winter Activities!
Helmer Nature Center has notified us of several upcoming events that the EI community may be interested in participating in this holiday season. If you are looking for things to do that are fun, environmentally friendly, educational and community oriented, check out the link below!
Trim a Tree on Dec 21, Tree Recycling / Trees for Trails on Jan 14, and Saturday Snowshoe Rentals, etc.
Here is the link to their most recent newsletter for more information:
News from Mr. Trumpowsky and Mr. Savine!
3rd grade Chorus concert: Wed. Jan. 11 @ 6:00pm EHS
4th grade Chorus concert: Wed. Jan. 11 @ 7:30pm EHS
5th grade Chorus and Senior Band: Thur. Jan. 19 @ 7:00pm EHS
**Please check out the Chorus letters below for more information!
News from Mrs. Costello
News from Mrs. Ryan-Taillie!
Intramurals started!
3rd graders will be every Tuesday.
4th graders will be every Wednesday.
5th graders will be every Thursday.
Students can only attend the day that matches their current grade level. Sneakers are mandatory for participation in this program.
Thank you,
Jake Klossner
Did you know?!
Look for @LaureltonPE on Twitter!
A Note from Ms. McAllister!
Join Us!
Please click on the link below for sign-up information:
There are many great perks to being a PTA admission to any of our events for our members!
LP PTA officers for the 2022-2023 school year and contact information:
Kristin Hart Daly President
Still Needed!! Vice President
Marjorie Hart Treasurer
Dee Villalona Recording Secretary
Our PTA email:
Upcoming Events
Dec. 23: Report cards distributed to families
Dec. 24-Jan. 2: No school; Winter Recess
Jan. 3: School reopens
Jan. 11: 3rd grade Winter Concert @ 6:00pm
Jan. 11: 4th grade Winter Concert @ 7:30pm
Jan. 16: No school; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 17: LP PTA meeting @ 7:00pm
Jan. 19: 5th grade Chorus/Senior Band Winter Concert @ 7:00pm
Jan. 27: No school; School Improvement/Staff Day
Feb. 3: LP PTA Glow Dance, more info coming soon!
One more time!
How can I make sure there is money in my child's account so they can eat breakfast and lunch?
The TITAN Family portal is a secure, online system that allows parents to:
- Make an online payment to their children's cafeteria meal accounts
- Remotely monitor their children's accounts
- Set up automatic recurring payments
- Set up low-balance email message alerts
- And submit an online application for free and/or reduced meals
**Please open the document below for step-by-step instructions to create your account!
Important! Parent Portal Information
In order to access information like transportation, report cards, iPad protection fees, etc., you will need to create a parent portal account.
How do I create a Parent Portal Account?
Parent Portal Instructions:
In order to create a parent portal account, you will need to have an email address on file with the district before you begin. If you do not already have an email address on file with the district you will need to call the main office of your student's school from a phone number associated with you and your student in order for them to update your information. If you have neither an email address nor phone number on file with the district, you will need to visit your student's main office in person.
- Visit, click on the Infinite Campus link, select Campus Parent and click the "Click here to request a parent portal activation key" link on the Campus Parent homepage. You may also choose to go directly to the URL below. - Enter the email address that you provided to the district in the box and click the "Submit" button.
- You will receive an email with your activation key.
- Click the "New User" link on the Campus Parent homepage (refer to step 1 if necessary).
- Enter your activation key in the box and click the "Submit" button.
- Enter your desired username, password, confirm your password and click the "Submit" button.
Laurelton-Pardee Intermediate School
Location: 600 Pardee Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 339-1370
Twitter: @LaureltonPardee