Kokanee Elementary
First Day! 09.03.2024
Community Newsletter
September Community Newsletter: https://secure.smore.com/n/w9sa24
Diversity Calendar
September Birthdays!
- Unruh, Jenny - 9/5
Azalone, Amanda - 9/11
LeBel, Tracy - 9/11
- Crouteau, Roberta - 9/23
Hamilton, Dawn - 9/24
- Sandha, Akash - 9/25
- Senthilvelu, Manjula - 9/26
- Knox, Courtney - 9/28
- Lee, Sara - 9/27
Important Dates
First Day of School 1st-5th Tue 9/3/2024
WA Kids Conferences - Kindergarten Tue 9/3/2024 to Thu 9/5/2024
First Day Assembly Tue 9/3/2024 10:30 AM - 11:10 AM Gym
SDLT Check-In Wed 9/4/2024 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Let you SDLT Reps know how Day1 went and if you have any feedback, questions, or concerns!
Special Svc Meeting Wed 9/4/2024 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM Joel or Icis' office
First Day of School - Kindergarten Fri 9/6/2024
- Guidance Team Mon 9/9/2024 8:15 AM - 9:00 AM
- Fire Drill Monday Mon 9/9/2024 3:15 PM - 3:25 PM
- Curriculum Night Tue 9/10/2024 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade
Principal Message
Wishing You the Best First Day Ever! 🌟
Dear Colleagues,
As we step into the first day of school, I want to wish you the best start to what I'm sure will be an incredible year. You are the light that our Kodiaks need to be fully successful this year, and I hope you spent some time "clearing your lights" over the Labor Day weekend so you can shine brightly today!
Me and Icis will be checking in with SDLT on Wednesday morning, so be sure to share any feedback, questions, or concerns with your SDLT reps. We're here to support you every step of the way.
Here's to an amazing first day and a fantastic year ahead!
Together, We've Got This!
Joel and Icis
Final 2024-2025 Master Schedule
Including Instruction, Specialists, Lunch, and Recess
Please note there is a full day Wednesday schedule for September 4th only
24-25 Stipend and Activity List
We need someone for Breakfast Supervision (Daily) starting on the first day of school. Please sign up if you can supervise our Kodiaks eating breakfast in the hall next to the gym from 9:10-9:27am.
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IZGfHo69l8xc5rPjElcK8yATxyfvlsuCZ6VC4raFwbc/edit?usp=sharing
Please note per the 2024-2026 NSEA CBA the District and NSEA had agreed to reduce the amount of the department head stipends and activity stipends in the CBA by 15% from the 2023-24 stipend rates. AAA activity stipends (bus supervisor, safety patrol, etc.) have been reduced by 6.3% from the 2023-24 stipend rates per the 2024-2027 AAA CBA.
PBIS Expectation Slideshows
Please review our expectation slideshows throughout the first day and week with your students.
Closes SEPTEMBER 5TH 11:59PM
- New logo and multiple colors for each item
- Sizing questions? Please email mihprinting@gmail.com
- Will deliver to school in mid-September
- https://kokanee-staff-store.myshopify.com/
Below is the bus loading zone map. All the routes are up to date on e-link and Synergy for this school year.
Bus Numbers/Pictures All buses in the Northshore fleet are identified by bus number and a unique bus picture.
- https://www.nsd.org/our-district/departments/transportation/bus-stop-information/bus-numberspictures
Kindergarten Information
Assembly Seating Chart
Please see our assembly seating below. K-2 teachers please enter through the double doors past the lunch area. Gr. 3-5 enter through the main doors.
District Day Presentations:
Table 7
Here is a link to all of our District Day Presentations:
Here is the link to Table 7's Presentation:
- Meghan Crane created an awesome site on Zones of Regulation:https://sites.google.com/apps.nsd.org/kokaneelczones/contents
- Emotion posters with feeling cues: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Ee5SPisWMJVKGnyLZO08zKzHOpUpDVE/view?usp=sharing
- Feelings worksheets for emotion awareness and empathy skill building: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KI4QWYiT77-gZMkUjJV5LThr18jZzshv/view?usp=sharing
- Feelings slides, could be used for morning meetings:
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TSlEyZwnYssKwLFYANcaLfyoZStAxn-h/view?usp=sharing
Sub instructions - How to add your favorite 5 Subs 🎉
Here are instructions on how to add your favorite 5 subs!
If you do this by September 30th, let Jenny know she will bring you a SPECIAL GIFT 🎉
NSD Information
Assessment Calendar
The District Assessment Calendar for 2024-25 is available. The document details the assessments used in Northshore followed by a visual breakdown by grade.
Important Notes (grades K-8):
- i-Ready Fall Diagnostic (grades K-8): Fall diagnostics are set to begin as soon as students log in. As in the past, staff need to hide the diagnostic if they don’t want them to start right away. (Directions to hide/unhide diagnostics)
- WaKIDS (grade K): The WaKIDS portal has been redesigned. This does not change the workflows and is designed to be easier for teachers. (Video of changes - 2.5min)
Dr. Derek Tucci
Racial and Educational Justice Framework
The 2024-27 Racial and Educational Justice Framework was co-designed with students, and in particular, students who are part of the high school Student Justice Collective and Student Justice Network. While the Framework is a succinct document that centers intended outcomes for/with students, the 2024-27 Racial and Educational Justice Handbook includes concrete adult actions, strategies, and ideas to help us get to each intended student outcome. The accompanying Survey for Throughline #1 is designed to measure progress on the implementation of the Framework, and is for school and district staff. Please have staff complete the survey by Friday, October 4th.
Dr. Ayva Thomas
Family Engagement and Resource Center
To learn more about the Family Engagement and Resource Center, the mission, vision, and goals, the services provided to the families, and the resources available for teachers, check the links below.
Family Engagement and Resource Center
Family Engagement and Resource Center Goals
Check the Staff Tool Box for:
- Family Engagement and Resource Center Referral Form
Family Engagement Resources - Process for Distribution Hotspots
- Teacher Resources for MLL and BL students, and
- Community Resources for families
Dr. Srinivas Khedam
Annual eVAL Reminder for Classroom Teachers, Assistant Principals & Principals
eVAL is Northshore's data management system that houses evaluation information for certificated educators evaluated using the Danielson Framework for Teaching (classroom teachers) or the AWSP Leadership Framework (assistant principals and principals). If you are a classroom teacher, assistant principal, or principal, please click this link for eVAL access, all others may ignore this message.
2320P Field Trip Procedure Changes – Effective Immediately
Field trip procedures and forms have been revised and updated since the original release in June. Use the Field Trips Forms Page as your source for the most current information. All staff who take students off campus should be familiar with 2320P in its entirety. Major Change: All overnight field trips now require review by Risk Management and approval by the Executive Director of Schools. Some Single Day field trip activities require Risk Management approval by using the Higher-Risk Activities Assessment in conjunction with the Higher-Risk Informed Consent form.
Christine Cash
2024-25 Who to Call List
The 2024-25 Who to Call List is updated and ready for use.
Tickets at Work
Current NSD employees are eligible for discounts through Tickets at Work on products, services, and experiences. The cost-free enrollment process information can be found by visiting: http://www.ticketsatwork.com/
Marco Garcia
Northshore Schools Foundation
Dear Kokanee Elementary Staff,
The Foundation is ready to accept grant applications for the first grant cycle ending October 10th. Please don't hesitate to contact me at hanisha@bakshani.net if you have any questions.
Hanisha Bakshani - Volunteer Ambassador Lead
2024-25 SDLT
K: Courtney Knox
1: Val Kok
2: Brittany Doyle
3: Dawn Hamilton
4: Scott Liu
5: Kaitlyn Flanagan
Specialist: Annie Fagundes
Support Services: Kris Harris
ESP: Jamie Lewis
NEOPA: Jenny Unruh
2024-25 Staffing
2024-2025 Staffing
We will continue to update you as changes happen! If we missed you, I promise it was by accident, please reach out and let us know!
Courtney Knox - Student Teacher Kinslee Gallatin with Courtney from January 2025- June 2025
Erin Wilen
Izilandria Alcorn
Kelsea Taylor
Lauren Goulding (formerly Lauren Crabb)
Alicia Blankenburg
Amy Pak
Heather Casper .5 FTE at KO and .5 FTE CC - Supporting 1st grade in the AM at KO
Stacy Hansen
Val Kok
2nd Grade:
Amy Willis
Brittany Doyle
Kelly Leininger
Melissa Douma
Todd English
3rd Grade:
Colleen McIntosh
Dawn Hamilton
Kim Woodard
Michelle Gillebo
Tiffany Hsieh
4th Grade:
Abril Munoz
Colby Bishop
Jen McNease
Scott Liu
5th Grade:
Jordan Olson
Kaitlyn Flanagan
Margie Muller (EAP)
Rich Butler (EAP)
Annie Fagundes - 0.5 FTE
Jenni McKnight - 1.0 FTE
Library Secretarial/Clerical Support:
Susan Carr
Jeanne Lynn - 1.0 FTE
Michelle Bergmans - 1.0 FTE
Sara Lee 0.3 FTE
Greg Martin - 1.0 FTE
Michelle Olson - 0.8 FTE
Sara Lee - 0.5 FTE
Special Education Case Managers:
- Ashley Hales
- Jessica Cottrill
- Kris Harris
- Lorie Kleve
- Parveen Mohammad
- Rayna Fodor
Special Education Paras:
- Akashwinder Sandha - 1:1 for Iniya
- Amy Clark
- Arielle Budnich - 1:1 for Aniket
- Betsy Rosenbaum - 1:1 Para for Avyuktt
- Claire Smith - NSD 1:1 BT for Zayn
- Claudia Bridenbecker
- Cindi Lorkowski - 1:1 Para for Violet
- Cindi Thompson - Part Time
- Emily Granberg
- Ilinda Bills
- John Pioli - 1:1 Para for Neal
- Manjula Senthlvelu - 1:1 Para for Eshaani
- Molly Johnson
- Nicole McKinney - NSD 1:1 BT for Adam
- Ryan Tran - 1:1 BT for Eagan (Staffed by Amergis)
- Open - 1:1 Para for William
- Open - 1:1 Para for Jeremiah
- Roberta Croteau - 1:1 Para for Aarush
- Sameera Shaikh
- Shanza Mohammed - Part Time
- Suganya Jayabal - 1:1 Para for Pranav
- Tammy Mason - 1:1 for Insiya
- Tracy LeBel
- Triveni Prahallada Reddy Sajjal - 1:1 Para for Lincoln
- Viral Trivedi
- Yixiao Lu - NSD 1:1 BT for Juan
- Brynn Bond - 1.0 ELD
Trevor Nelson - 0.1 ELD
Sally Bryan - 0.7 LAP at KO + .1 LAP at WO
ELD Paras:
Archana Diwan - 4
Chiron Naab - 5.5
Jen Brown - 6.5
Sophie Happold
Mental Health Specialist:
Annelise Sullivan on Fridays
Office Staff:
Gail Wingender - Secretary
Jenny Unruh - Office Manager
Teri Vazquez Negrin - Secretary/Registar
Lily Conahan
Andrea Karch - 0.8 FTE
School Assistants:
Jamie Lewis - 6.5
Laura Jenkins - 6.5 - Laura will be transitioning into this role soon!
OPEN - 3.5
Janet Prendergast - 0.7 FTE
Taylor Bingea - 0.4 FTE
Andy Wojcik - 0.3 FTE
Traci Svee - 0.1 FTE
Alyssa Moseley 1.0 FTE
Amanda Azalone .5 FTE
Madeline Westerhoff .3 FTE
Megan Arrivey Hall
Currently Kathy Tidwell
Currently Laura Jenkins
Ramon Velazco
Shane Bailey
Icis Tirado
Joel Fagundes
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Early Release Wednesday SDLT Days
All after school PD meetings will be held in the Kokanee library from 2:50-4:20pm:
Before School Staff Meetings
All before school staff meetings will be held in the Kokanee Library from 8:15-9:00am:
SDLT Meetings
SDLT Meetings- 8:00 am-9am held in the Kokanee Staff Room:
*All SDLT meetings are open to all staff as are all agendas and meeting notes.
Guidance Team
Kokanee Intensive Support Guidance Team Request Form will be completed through Synergy this year!
Location: TBD 8:15-9:00 am
The Guidance Team addresses the needs of students requiring more than tier 1 supports to ensure each student’s learning experience preserves personal success and significance by providing ongoing interventions with guidance and fidelity.
PBIS Meetings
All PBIS meetings will be held in the Staff Room from 8:15-9am. All PBIS meetings are open to all staff as are all agendas and meeting notes.
Inclusionary Practice Team Meetings
All IPT meetings will be held in Kokanee Staff room from 8-9. All IPT meetings are open to all staff as are all agendas and meeting notes.
Racial and educational Justice Team meetings
All Racial and Educational Justice Team Meetings will be held in Kokanee Staff room from 8:15-9am. All Racial and Educational Justice Team Meetings are open to all staff as are all agendas and meeting notes
Into Reading HMH Kokanee Coaching Schedule
The HMH coaching days involve a trained facilitator/expert that will spend some days, throughout the school year, with you and your teachers on the ELA implementation. These facilitators are essentially your building-based coach (for the year) that will visit your school on different days, to observe, coach, meet with teachers, answer questions, etc. The coach will spend the entire day at your school to support you in your ELA efforts.
Emergency Drill Dates
- September 9 - Fire Evacuation Drill & classroom review of procedures - Mon 9/9/2024 3:15 PM - 3:25 PM
- October 11 - Rapid Responder/Easy Alert Update Deadline
- (October 15) - Completion deadline for Reunification exercise (if not completed during August days)
- October 17, 10:17 a.m. - Great Shake Out Earthquake Drill (Duck & Cover, evac) https://www.shakeout.org/washington/resources/
- November 4 - Active Threat Drill (Lockdown or Safe Inside)
- December 9 - Shelter-In-Place Drill
- January 6 - Fire Evacuation Drill
- February 3 - Earthquake Drill (Duck & Cover; Evacuation optional)
- March 3 - Active Threat (Lockdown or Safe Inside, whichever was not done before.)
- April 7 - Fire Evacuation Drill
- May 5 - Active Threat (Lockdown, Safe Inside or Shelter-In-Place)
- June 2 - Communication Drill –District Phone Bank/Multi phone Extension
*Note that the dates are "on or about" – you may conduct them on a different day that week, and at any time of day. It is recommended that you try launching a drill at an inconvenient time (recess, brunch, between classes) because that possibility should be considered and accounted for.
Quarter Assembly Schedule
ASB Meeting Dates
Open to all 4th and 5th grade students
First Choice Employee Assistance Program
You, your spouse/domestic partner and any dependent children under the age of 26 will have FREE and CONFIDENTIAL access to counseling services, legal and financial consultations, ID theft and fraud support, childcare and eldercare referrals/resources and home ownership assistance. Call 1-800-777-4114 or visit the First Choice Website
Login: www.FirstChoiceEAP.com
Username: nsd
Collective Bargaining Agreement
The NSEA Certificated and ESP contracts are now published and available on the district website. You can reference the CBAs online, or download copies to your desktop. The PDFs of the CBAs are searchable (use <ctrl> F). Using the search feature makes finding information quite efficient!
2024-25 Kokanee Afterschool Plan
Again, This year, we must document that all Kodiaks have arrived safety to their end of day location (buses, vehicle pick-up, YMCA, Walking location, extracurriculars, etc). If you have any questions, please let me and Icis know!
PBIS Expectations Slideshow 24-25
Lunch Choice Visuals
The NSD nutrition department has created wonderful visuals of our school lunches for each day. This would be a great visual to add to your morning slides for students to see what they will be having for lunch. - https://www.nsd.org/schools/get-started/food-services/menus
Diversity Calendar 2024-2025
How the Dates Were Chosen: Due to the extensive number of cultural holidays, dates for this calendar were determined by the following four criteria:
- Might a student or staff member be absent as a result of this day?
- Might a student or staff member be disengaged as a result of this day (e.g., hunger or a negative association with a particular day/date such as Thanksgiving, or a day of remembrance of a tragic event)?
- Might a student, family, or staff member not be able to participate in a school activity during or after school as a result of this day? (e.g., Many of our students do not participate in Halloween or Valentine’s Day. There are students, families, and staff who cannot participate in district/school events that are scheduled on the evening of an important religious day observed by the Jewish and Muslim communities).
- Does the day provide an opportunity for a teachable moment regarding ethnic or cultural diversity that might not otherwise be discussed, particularly dates associated with a continued history of oppression, discrimination, or racism?
Work In Progress: We ask for your patience in the event that we have missed important dates that apply to the four criteria above. This was an enormous task taken on by a handful of individuals of good will and intention. If you know of additional cultural holidays that meet the above criteria, or would like to offer suggestions for appropriate websites, books, or other resources that can be used to improve this calendar, please contact: Judy Lee at judy.lee@culturesconnecting.com
District Assessment Plan
Attached is the District Assessment Calendar for 2024-25. The document details the assessments used in Northshore followed by a visual breakdown by grade.
Important Notes (grades K-8):
- i-Ready Fall Diagnostic (grades K-8): **ACTION ITEM** - Fall diagnostics are set to begin as soon as students log in. As in the past, staff need to hide the diagnostic if they don’t want them to start right away. (Directions to hide/unhide diagnostics)
- WaKIDS (grade K): The WaKIDS portal has been redesigned. This does not change the workflows and is designed to be easier for teachers. (Video of changes - 2.5min)
Interpretation & Translation Services
Please review this information for details. Contact our Kokanee Office for support!