Dolphin Splash
Jackie Robinson Academy Weekly Newsletter 3/16/24
Dear JROB Families!
With appreciation,
Principal Ngo
P.S. - Please remember to complete the JROB Parent Core Survey by Monday, March 18th to share your feedback with us. Please help us reach our goal of over 20% completion! Here is the link:
March 19th, 26th & 27th are minimum days. 1PM early dismissal for all students!
Come enjoy tacos, refreshments, snacks, & Kona Ice at Open House! Cash only.
What's Happening this week at JROB:
Saturday, March 16th
- 8:30-11:30 Saturday School Enrichment
Monday, March 18th
- Last day to submit Parent CORE Survey. JROB Families, we value your feedback. Please use this link here to complete:
- 8:15 ELPAC Testing
- i-Ready Diagnostic 3 Window (3/2-3/22)
- 2:30-3:15 Student Council Meeting
- 2:30-4:30 Boys' Soccer Practice-Kinder Field
- 2:30-4:30 Girls' Soccer Practice-on the Field
- 8:15 ELPAC Testing
- 9:30-11:00 DELAC meeting
- 2:30-4:30 Boys' Soccer- on the Field
- 2:30-4:30 Girls' Soccer Practice-Kinder Field
- 5:00-6:30 Open House - Elementary & K-8 Schools (Minimum Day) 1:00
Wednesday, March 20th
- 8:15 ELPAC Testing
- 2:30-4:30 Boys' Soccer- on the Field
- 2:30-4:30 Girls' Soccer Practice-on the Field
Thursday, March 21st
- 1:30 Early Dismissal TK-5
- 2:30-4:30 Boys' Soccer- on the Field
- 2:30-4:30 Girls' Soccer Practice-Kinder Field
- 4:00-5:00 Girls' Soccer Game Robinson vs IVA @ Robinson
- 4:30-5:30 Boys' Soccer Game Robinson vs IVA @ Hughes
Friday, March 22nd
- Friday Spirit Day: Twin Day
- 8:15 ELPAC Group Testing-Make-ups
- 2:30-4:30 Boys' Soccer- on the Field
Saturday, March 23rd
- 8:30-11:30 Saturday School Enrichment
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, March 26th - Elementary & K-8 Parent Conferences-Minimum Day Dismissal-1:00
- Wednesday, March 27th - Elementary & K-8 Parent Conferences-Minimum Day Dismissal-1:00
- Thursday, March 28th - DCAC Meeting/5:00-6:30
- Friday, March 29th - April 5th- Spring Recess-No School
JROB Spring Fundraiser
We have one more week before order forms are due! JROB Parents, let's raise some money so we have funds for special events at the end of the year! Keeping placing orders and reach out to family and friends! Your participation is completely voluntary, but know that your efforts will be directly towards special events, prizes, incentives, and end of the year celebrations. Order forms are due Thursday, March 21st!
Yearbook Orders
Purchase your yearbook in the office from the banker (Ms. Blanca) during lunch or after school.
Softcover -$20
Hardcover - $25
Be sure to order your copy, because quantities are limited.
Welcome, Campus Staff Assistant, Mr. Morones!
JROB Families! You may have noticed a new staff member on campus supporting with safety and operations! Let me introduce you to our new Campus Staff Assistant, Mr. Morones! He is here to support with the daily operations, safety, and security of our school. Along with our recreation and admin team, we ensure that gates are secure, students are safely interacting on campus, bathrooms are monitored, and students are thriving! Please join him in welcoming him to this new role on campus!
Parents/guardians must clear all absences within 5 school days. After this time, parents/guardians must contact the school administrator for approval.
To clear your child’s absence, contact your child’s school. A parent/guardian can also send a note with their child or click on the link below to access the digital absence form online This form is also located on Robinson's website.
- Parents/guardians must clear all absences within 5 school days. After this time, parents/guardians must contact the school administrator for approval.
- The LBUSD allows parents to excuse up to three (3) consecutive days or ten (10) illness absences in the school year without verification of illness from a medical professional or school employee (School Nurse). Anytime your child has a doctor’s appointment and/or documentation requiring them to stay home from school, provide this verification immediately to the attendance office when your student returns to school. These absences will be recorded as excused. If verification is not provided, the child's absence will be recorded as unexcused until documentation is received. Per district policy, absences extending beyond the three (3) day consecutive rule or ten (10) illness absences in the school year will be considered unexcused, unless a parent/guardian provides a doctor’s verification to the school. If a student suffers from a chronic condition that may affect their attendance, a parent can submit a Certification of Chronic Medical Condition Form, so that absences related to the illness can be excused.
During the 2023-24 school year, illnesses can also be cleared through documentation of positive COVID-19 cases from a doctor’s office, health department, lab or home test. If a student is ill or is exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, they should stay home and notify the school. The school’s parent notification system will contact you when your child is absent ( if you have requested notifications via phone or email).
Middle School & K8 School of Choice
We are pleased to provide the school of choice process to all 5th grade families where you will select your school preferences for 6th grade.
The Middle and K8 School of Choice online Application for current 5th graders opens on March 25, 2024. Check out the LBUSD School of Choice website for details and events related to the Middle and K8 school of Choice process.
All 5th grade families must complete the School of Choice application on ParentVue. If you wish to continue at Robinson, make sure you choose it on the application.
Parent Volunteers
Do you want to help out in the classroom or on campus? Do you like going on field trips? Apply to become a parent volunteer, and become a "VIP" by completing the application below. You will need a TB test and a form of ID.
¿Quieres ayudar en el salón de clases o en el campus? ¿Te gusta ir de excursión? Solicite convertirse en un padre voluntario y conviértase en un "VIP" completando la solicitud a continuación. Necesitará una prueba de tuberculosis y una forma de identificación.
Parent Resources
Jackie Robinson Academy
Location: Jackie Robinson Academy, Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA, USA
Phone: (562) 492-6003