Phoenix Flyer
Volumen 14, Edicion 4 - Septiembre 25, 2020
Fronteras Spanish Immersion Charter School
Minutos de Mrs. Hutchins
Hello Fronteras Families!
THANK YOU to ALL of our outdoor PE volunteers who helped out the last two weeks! Your support, time, and positive influence is GREATLY appreciated! We are so grateful to have so many folks willing to volunteer for outdoor activities! Thank you! Thank you!
A HUGE THANK YOU to all our parents for being super diligent about notifying us when kiddos are sick, noting it in School Dismissal Manager & iParent, and following the district’s flowchart for returning to school! This is a huge help to us and because the flowchart is being followed so well, we are able to stay healthy AND OPEN!
Next Friday, October 2nd is our first Early Release Friday. Students are dismissed at 12:30pm. While there is afternoon bus service, there is NO Boys & Girls Club stop. That will remain in place for every Early Release.
Our annual Believe Kids fundraiser begins Oct. 1st. Mrs. Adams will visit each classroom that day, so watch for information coming home. Any fundraising that occurs at Fronteras is always voluntary participation.
Tuesday picture day was a super success, as was our Wednesday ALICE drill! We were so impressed with the entire school’s response and decision making. If your student has not shared what occurred during the drill, please ask them. They performed beautifully!
Hoping everyone’s weekend is fabulous!
Mrs. Hutchins“A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s wave goodbye.” - Unknown
Clarification of COVID Symptoms and Time at Home
There have been some questions about how long a student is required to stay home when a parent self-reports their child has a symptom from the COVID symptom list. When a student has a COVID symptom, they can come back when they receive a negative test result, are home for 10 days and symptom free for 24 hours without being on fever reducing medicine, or get a doctor’s note that it is not COVID related. This is true if they are screened at school or by a parent at home.
Morning Drop-Off Safety Requirements!
- Please pull ALL THE WAY forward in the drop-off line regardless of where your child enters the school
- The school sidewalk is a drop-off zone only, please do not get out of your vehicle
- The school sidewalk is a drop-off zone only, please make sure your child is ready and can exit your vehicle independently
- Please have all of your children exit your vehicle on the sidewalk side only and not on the traffic side or on the rocks by the playground
- If your child requires assistance to exit your vehicle, please park in the parking lot to assist them
- After your child has exited your vehicle, please signal and pull into the left exit lane
- Please drive slowly and be aware at all times while on Fronteras campus
- If you don't see Miss Shawn standing at the first corner of the sidewalk for 2nd-4th grade entry; please drop your child at the front doors so they can collect a tardy slip at the office
Reporting absences!
- log into your ParentVUE account using desktop (won't let you report an absence using cell)
- click on blue "Report Absence" button to the right of your student's school photo
- follow prompts
- log into your School Dismissal Manager account using desktop or cell
- click on the day of the week to absence will occur
- create "Exception"
- click on absence
- follow prompts
- email Kami at kami.koecher@matsuk12.us
Recycling Volunteers Needed!
Lost & Found
2020-2021 Yearbooks!
**8th Grade Parents! Please DO NOT purchase a yearbook for your 8th grader. They will be receiving one as a Promotion gift, at the end of the school year**
Migrant Education Program
The Migrant Education Program provides services and resources for migrant students and their families. Students may be eligible if their family depends on subsistence activities to feed their family and has, in the past three (3) years:
- participated in fishing, commercial fishing and/or berry picking and brought the food home (dates must fall within a one-year period); AND
- activities were at least 20 miles away from their primary residence for 7 overnights or more (does not need to be consecutive); OR
- a student(s) traveled with a parent/guardian while they were logging and/or farming outside of the Mat-Su Borough School District for 7 overnights or more (does not need to be consecutive).
For more information, go to the Federal Programs website to complete a parent request form, which requests that a recruiter contact the families. The primary recruitment period is annually from September through November, but recruitment continues throughout the school
year. Call 746-9236 for inquiries or email Noella Perry at noella.perry@matsuk12.us.