Welcome Class of 2024!
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome Back IS 24's Class of 24!
Welcome back class of 2024! I hope that everyone had a restful summer. As we have already begun our transition into 7th grade, I would like to take a moment to express how proud I am of all of you for doing such a great job thus far. We have many fun events planned for this year and look forward to a wonderful year ahead.
Mr. Simione
Daily Safety Rules
* Masks are optional
* Use the correct up/down staircase when traveling to different floors.
* Stay on the right side of the white line in the hall during passing.
Important Dates
September 22, 2022 $1 Hat Day Pediatric Cancer Fundraiser
October 4, 2022 7th Grade Picture Day (Schedule to follow)
November 9, 2022 Half day of school for Parent/Teacher Conferences
12:20 - 2:20 pm
4:30 - 7:00 pm
No school:
September 26-27 Rosh Hashanah
October 5 Yom Kippur
October 10 Italian Heritage/Indigenous People's Day
November 8 Chancellor's Conference Day
November 11 Veteran's Day
November 25-25 Thanksgiving
Suggested Community Service Dates
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Saturday, October 1, 2022 @9am Sunday,
Clove Lakes Park
Walk to End Alzheimer's
Saturday, October 15, 2022 @10am
Clove Lakes Park
Light the Night for Leukemia & Lymphoma
Saturday, October 15, 2022 @ 7pm
College of Staten Island
Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk
Sunday, October 16, 2022- 8am
Midland Beach
JDRF Diabetes
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Wagner College
8:30 am - Check in begins
10:00 am - Walk begins
Autism Speaks Sunday, October 23, 2022
College of Staten Island
9:00- Check-In begins
10:15 - Opening Ceremony
10:30 - Walk begins
Beat The Street Wrestling Registration
Go to the IS 24 School Website to register for Beat The Streets Wrestling
Myra S. Barnes Intermediate School 24 Announces Tryouts for IS24’s NYC Middle School Basketball Teams
S24 will select one girls’ team and one boys’ team to play in the NYC Middle School Basketball League. If selected for either team, vaccination for COVID-19 is still mandated.
Tryouts are open to 7th and 8th grade students ONLY.
(Grades, conduct and attendance will be factors in participation if selected for the team)
The selected teams will play five home games, five away games and possible playoffs (based on wins) against other middle school teams on Staten Island.
Games begin in December.
Transportation/Yellow School Bus to games and practices
WILL NOT be provided. Parents/guardians must secure transportation to games and practices.
Tryout Dates:
7th & 8th grade Girls team –Thursday, September 29th 2:20pm to 3:30pm.
7th & 8th grade Boys team - Thursday, October 6th 2:20pm to 3:30pm
Mr. Simione
Email: jsimion2@schools.nyc.gov
Website: www.barnes24.org
Phone: 718-982-4700
Mrs. Rucci
Email: jrucci@schools.nyc.gov
Website: barnes24.org
Phone: 718-982-4700
Mrs. Kiefer
Email: ckiefer@schools.nyc.gov
Website: barnes24.org
Phone: 718-982-4700
Mrs. Nagel
Email: jnagel@schools.nyc.gov
Website: barnes24.org
Phone: 718-982-4700
Mrs. Bracco
Email: kbracco3@schools.nyc.gov
Website: barnes24.org
Phone: 718-982-4700
Important Links
Click HERE to visit our School Website
Click HERE to view how to register & navigate PUPIL PATH and GOOGLE account
Click HERE to view the bell schedule
Click HERE for Student Handbook
Click HERE to visit our Facebook
Click HERE to visit our Instagram
Click HERE to join the BAND app
Click HERE to subscribe to our Youtube Channel