October 2024 Newsletter
Helix Charter High School
A Message from Your 2026 GLT
Class of 2026 Families,
How quickly we arrived at the end of our first semester! Students are doing amazing things across all of their classes. As we rapidly approach finals, we cannot emphasize the importance of taking advantage of tutorial this week for students to wrap up this semester. In fact, as dances, holidays and time with family begin to fill our calendars throughout the final calendar months of 2024 we encourage students to take advantage of tutorial to stay current with schoolwork.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Grade Level Team or your students teachers with any questions, concerns or good news you would like to share with us. As always, continue to check in with your teenager on a regular basis.
Visit the DEN Monday-Thursday
2026 Student Spotlight
Scholarship winner!
Congratulations to Christian Okafor! Christian was a winner in BBB's Ethical Torch Essay Scholarship program for 2024 and was recognized along with others at BBB's Annual Torch Awards for Ethics luncheon.
Christian was one of 5 students selected from the San Diego area for his outstanding essay.
Congrats, Christian!
Congrats to 2026 Students selected for "Athlete of the Week" in September!
Important Dates
Revised Finals Schedule - Oct 9 & 10
Finals can be a stressful time for students and in your household. To support your student we encourage:
- Plenty of rest: aiming for 8-10 hours per night
- Healthy breakfast and lunch
- Regularly studying: not just completing homework but reviewing notes each evening for understanding, creating notecards where appropriate, brushing up on skills through programs like Achieve or Khan Academy
- Practice breathing to help calm anxiety
The Finals schedule has been revised. The updated schedule can be found below. This revised schedule will allow additional time for students to complete course feedback surveys in their classes and to complete learning experience reflections to help them with their Mid-High School Reflections and Senior Boards. It will also allow teachers more time to grade final assignments and assessments and to submit final grades for the semester.
We are hopeful that implementing this final exam schedule will end each semester in a more productive manner for both students and staff.
More Important Dates:
- Friday, October 11 - School is Closed for a Staff Development Day
- Monday, October 14 - Indigenous Peoples' Day (this is a school day)
- Monday, October 14 - C4ME invites are sent out
- Wednesday, October 16 - Atheltic Ability Determined
- Saturday, October 26 - PSAT (registration is closed)
Friday, October 11 - School is Closed for a Staff Development Day
College 4 Me-- Invites coming soon!
We are so excited to embark on this college tour adventure! C4Me is a 5 day, 4 night field trip up and down California during Spring Break 2025. The purpose of the trip is for students to be able to visit UC and CSU colleges. Please see the timeline below.
C4Me Timeline:
- Invitations: Eligible students will receive invitations on Monday, October 14th via email
- Student Interest Meeting: Wednesday, October 16th
- Parent Information Meetings:
Tuesday, October 22 @ 6pm EXL (Boys)
Wednesday, October 23 @ 6pm EXL (Girls)
Did your student register for the PSAT?
If your student signed up to the PSAT, please have them read this email for more information.
Unfortunately, registration for the PSAT is now closed so if your student did not originally sign up for the exam, they are no longer able to take it. However, Blue Book is available to all students, regardless of PSAT registration, with free practice exams. We encourage students who will be taking the PSAT, or missed the registration deadline, to take advantage of this resource.
Blue Book Instructions
Must have a College Board Account in order to access Blue Book
To create an account:
Visit collegeboard.org
Select “Create an Account”
Select a “Student” account
Complete registration
To access Blue Book
You must be signed out of your Chromebook
Before you log into your account on your chromebook, on the bottom left of the screen there's a tab called "Apps.” Click on that.
Select blue book.
If the blue book isn't there, take your Chromebook to the IT office.
Prior to exam day, you can utilize Blue Book for practice resources.
Performing Arts & ASPIRE Programs - Thursday, October 3 at 6pm
Come learn about ASPIRE offerings and Performing Arts programs. Katie Pipes, Department Chair, will present about the programs, how to get involved, audition dates and more. This event will be held in our Performing Arts Center. Students are welcome to attend with parents/guardians. Registration not required, just show up! Doors open at 5:45. For translation services, CLICK HERE.
Human Trafficking Info Night - Thursday, October 17 at 6pm
Learn more about the human labor and sex trafficking epidemic here in San Diego, how it affects our students and how we can spread awareness and response in our Helix community. This presentation will primarily address what we are presenting to students along with some helpful resources. Presented by Rebekah Smith, LCSW.This event will be held in the ExL building (room 1600) and is open to all parents and guardians. Registration not required. Students and siblings are welcome to attend with you. You can park in the staff lot located at 7323 University, above the big H. This is the entrance off of Unviersity & Yale. Snacks will be provided. For translation services, click here.
English 120 Dual Enrollment Course Info & Expectations - Thursday, October 24 at 6pm
Do you plan to register for English 120 for next year? Wondering what the workload will be like? How much effort is expected? We welcome all students and families who plan to register for English 120 to hear the truth about the course from teacher Aleen Jendian. This event will be held in the ExL building (room 1600) and is open to all parents and guardians. Registration not required. Students and siblings are welcome to attend with you. You can park in the staff lot located at 7323 University, above the big H. This is the entrance off of Unviersity & Yale. Snacks will be provided. For translation services, click here.
Student & Community News
Blood Drive - Tuesday, October 22 from 9-2:30
We will host a blood drive in partnership with the San Diego Blood Bank on Tuesday, October 22 from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm. All blood types are greatly needed! With less than a one-day supply of most types, we are asking you to SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT HERE. Students, families and community members are welcome to donate. Helix seniors can get a red cord for graduation if they donate or if someone dedicates their donation to them. Parking is available at 4200 Lowell St. and the Blood Mobiles will be parked by our gym.
Join the Helix PTSA!
We hope all families will consider joining the Helix PTSA, click here to join. There is no commitment involved, it is just an annual, one-time donation of $13. The funds raised through PTSA memberships go directly back to the school and students, for scholarships, teacher supplies and needs, special programs and anything the students may need! We have student reps from each grade who attend the meetings and share requests and we try to accommodate them as much as possible. We have funds set aside for each grade.
If you want to make more of a commitment, consider joining the PTSA board! This means attending one meeting per month (if you're available) and being on an email distribution that shares information about upcoming volunteer opportunities. The meetings are typically held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the school or via Zoom.
And if you just want to be informed about upcoming events and school news, follow us on social media at Facebook and Instagram.
2025 AP Exam Registration and Ordering
Advanced Placement (AP) Students and Guardians: Please take a moment to review the following information for the 2025 AP Exams in May.
AP exam ordering is a THREE step process:
If students do not have a College Board account, the first step is to create an account with the College Board website.
The second step is to join the class using a unique join code obtained from their AP teachers (teachers will help students with this process during class).
Once students have an account and have joined their instructor’s course, the third step is to pay for the exam through Helix (either at the Dawg House or online).
**Exams will not be ordered without the completion of all three steps.
Students who do not qualify for a Fee Reduction: the first exam will cost $99.00.
Additional exams will cost $67.00 each (Helix helps to subsidize additional exam costs).
Students who qualify for a fee reduction will pay $5.00 for each exam, as long as they are approved on time (fee reduction is NOT possible without filling out the LCFF survey - see instructions below).
Students who are eligible for a fee reduction must be approved through the Helix Alternative Income Local Control Funding Formula Form (LCFF), which was completed during Summer Conferences. If your household situation has changed since you submitted the LCFF Alternative Form this summer, or your family has not completed this form, please resubmit ASAP.
If your household qualifies under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), you will be eligible for a reduced fee of $5 for each exam. To ensure your application is approved before the ordering deadline, please complete the LCFF form as soon as possible (all applications must be submitted no later than 9/10/2024).
The office will verify the eligibility and inform the Finance office, ensuring you are charged the correct fee. The Finance Office will receive a list of qualifying students starting 9/20/2024 and you will be able to check your eligibility by adding the exam to your online cart or asking Ms. Yeagle at the Dawg House. You can purchase your exams for $5.00 between 9/20/2024 and 10/31/2024. Please note that any exam purchased after 10/31/2024 will incur a late fee of $40.00, which is charged by the College Board, not Helix.
Students who do not qualify under the LCFF can purchase their exams online or in person through the Helix Web Store as soon as the window opens on 9/1/2024. The last day to purchase an exam without a late fee will be 10/31/2024.
The Dawg House does not accept personal checks, so all purchases at school should be with a credit card or cash during the Finance Office Hours (see Ms. Yeagle in the Dawg House). Student hours are: Monday through Thursday 8-8:25am, Lunch, and 3:30-3:45pm, and Fridays 8-8:25am, Lunch, and 3:30-3:45 Parent and Community hours are: Mon thru Thurs 8-12:20 and 1:20-3:45, Fridays 8-11:45 and 12:45-3:45
Please triple-check to make sure you are registering for the correct exam!
Please Note: Any exam purchased after 10/31/2024 will risk not being ordered and receive a late fee of $40. In addition, any unused or canceled exams will also be charged a fee of $40 (these fees are administered through the College Board and Helix cannot reverse these charges).
Should you have any questions, contact Ms. Skullerud (skullerud@helixcharter.net) or Mrs. Trevino (trevino@helixcharter)
Purchasing School Pictures
If you're interested in purchasing school pictures, visit cherishedmemoriesphotography.com/order/, type in Helix for the school, select Fall Portraits and then enter your student's email address (studentID@helixcharter.net) to order.
Community Service Opportunities
An updated list of community service opportunities can be found at helixcharter.net/community.
Livingworks - 90 minute training (3 hour community service opportunity)
LivingWorks is committed to equipping individuals with the skills to support those experiencing a mental health crisis. From now until December 2024, they are offering a FREE 90-minute suicide prevention training.
Given the importance of this topic, we will award any student who completes the training 3 hours of community service upon submitting their certificate of completion. Please submit your certificates to Ms. Lopez-Barajas. Click the link below to access the training.
Helix Halloween Costume Guidelines
Students are permitted to wear Halloween costumes to school on Thursday, 10/31/24. We encourage you to be creative, dress up with friends, and have fun with the spirit of the holiday.
Students who do not conform to the Costume Guidelines listed below will be asked to change their clothing or be sent home to acquire an appropriate alternative.
All regular Helix Dress Code Policies apply including:
- MUST Wear Appropriate Shoes
- NO Face-Paint - including costumes related to clowns
- NO Weapons - including pretend props/replicas of weapons
- NO Masks - you must be able to see, breath, and hear. Any mask that prevents Helix Staff from identifying students are not allowed.
- NO Inappropriate Apparel - costumes cannot promote the use of drugs, alcohol or violence of any kind. Costumes may not be offensive, inappropriate in any way or target any groups of people.
Looking Ahead to Winter Sports
2024-2025 SAT Test Dates
Remember that the SAT is still required for some in-state private universities and out of state colleges. We encourage students to sign up for the Spring Test Dates.
2024-2025 ACT Test Dates
Remember that the ACT is still required for some in-state private universities and out of state colleges. We encourage students to sign up for the Spring Test Dates.
Wellness Center
The Wellness Center is here to support you and your family with any social-emotional needs.
If students need support during school, they can drop by their Grade Level Team in the admin building or the Wellness Center, located at the back of the school by the IT service window. If you would like to get in contact with the Wellness Center, you can reach them at HWC@helixcharter.net or by phone at 619-644-1940 x 580.
Here are the different types of support offered by the Wellness Center:
Individual check-ins
Support groups
Consultation/collaboration with families, administration, School Psychologists, teachers, coaches, etc.
Crisis intervention
Referrals to therapy/community support services
Home visits
Parent workshops
Homeless/foster care/military liaison
Project Safe (Human & Labor Trafficking) liaison
Looking for a mental health provider but not sure where to start?
You're not alone, this can be the biggest barrier to getting help. Helix partners with Care Solace to help solve this problem. Care Solace helps individuals find mental health care providers and substance use treatment centers. Their Care Companion™ team is available any time of day to quickly connect you to carefully verified providers in your community. Students, staff, and families may access Care Solace services in two ways:
- Call (888) 515-0595 at any time. Support is available in 200+ languages. A dedicated Care Companion™ will help you every step of the way to research options, secure appointments, and follow up to make sure it is a good fit.
For an anonymous search, answer a few questions to get matched with an extensive list of care providers at www.caresolace.com/helixcharter
For more information, visit the Wellness Center's website:
A good night’s sleep isn’t just about catching some z’s, it’s a complex rejuvenation ritual for our brains.
Check out the link below to learn more.
Contact Information
Mrs. Paula Ann Trevino (trevino@helixcharter.net) - Grade Level Principal
Mr. Hugo Gonzalez (gonzalez@helixcharter.net)- School Counselor
Ms. Rebekah Smith (rsmith@helixcharter.net) - School Social Worker
Ms. Lopez-Barajas (lopez-barajas@helixcharter.net)- Academic Advisor
Ms. Cabral-Grajeda (cabral-grajeda@helixcharter.net) - Administrative Assistant
Ms. Brenda Flores (bflores@helixcharter.net) - Attendance Technician