Rāmere Friday 19th Poutū-te-rangi March (T1: Wk7 of 11)
Our Tumuaki Principal
We have enjoyed another great week at Edendale Primary School. The children have got into their swimming and learning a lot about keeping themselves safe in the water. The Student Council have organised non-stop cricket for the students at lunchtime, with Friday being the big contest - Staff vs Student Council. Lots of fun and physical activity for this week.
Here are some snippets from me...
- Whanau Day: On Thursday 1st of April we will be holding our annual Whanau Day. The classrooms will be open late morning, we'll have a sausage sizzle together, then some whanau team games and then finish off with our Celebration Time. Thanks to Miss Kim Nicol for putting the organisation into this.
- Easter Break: Easter break is fast approaching which means Friday 2nd April, Monday 5th of April and Tuesday 6th of April are all holidays.
- Car Boot Sale: We really enjoyed a great morning here at school last Saturday as the children came together to contribute to the Car Boot Sale. Thank you to all the mums and dads who came down and gave time to this event. The combined efforts raised close to $2000. Awesome.
- Emergency Evacuation Signs: This week we put up our bird signs for our emergency evacuation area so that children know where to line up. We also held a practice. We were able to get out and accounted for in 1m 33secs which is below our target time of less than 2 minutes.
- Camp: All the best to the Year Five and Six children as they head to camp next week. I'm sure you will have lots of fun. Thanks to the mums and dads who are heading along to help. Much appreciated.
Thank Yous - Team Edendale
- Mrs Hayley Clarke: This year Hayley has taken on an additional role as a mentor support teacher to Miss Caci Mineur who is in her first year of teaching. Hayley's experience and support will ensure that Caci's year is a success. Thanks, Hayley.
- Andrea Russell: Our Office Manager is Andrea Russell. She started with us in Term Four of last year. There is a huge amount of 'traffic' through the office and Andrea is doing very very well in getting to terms with the myriad of systems, procedures and expectations that are part of the office including the annual financial audit which is no small task.
Ka kite and have a great weekend.
David McKenzie
Our Events Coming Up (Dependent on Pandemic Levels)
Week Eight (of Eleven)
- Monday 22nd March - Friday 26th March School Swimming
- Wednesday 24th March - Friday 26th March Senior Camp Pukerau
- Saturday 27th March - Southland Primary School Athletics
- Saturday 27th March - Firewood Fundraiser 10am
Week Nine (of Eleven)
- Thursday 1st April Whanau Day
- Friday 2nd April Good Friday (School Closed)
Week Ten (of Eleven)
- Monday 5th - Tuesday 6th April Easter (School Closed)
Week Eleven (of Eleven)
- Friday 16th April Last Day of Term One
Our Kaitiaki Board of Trustees
Education Review Office - Now 2022
The BOT has been engaging with Tess Livingstone, from the Education Review Office (ERO), as part of the new, working alongside schools, approach that ERO is moving into. We have held two meetings so far this term in what was to be a three-year partnership together.
However, due to our involvement with Te Hurihanganui, ERO has been instructed to give those schools in Te Hurihanganui, space to engage with that initiative. This means that ERO will no longer be coming this year but reengage with us in 2022.
The BOT will use what it has been learning already in the two meetings that did occur, to help review and reset for 2022 and beyond.
Situations Vacant - Relief
We are looking for a person or people who could be a relief cleaner or relief After School Care coordinator. Email: with your CV if you are interested.
Our Home and School
Firewood Fundraiser - Saturday 27th March 10am
Location: Carnie Farm, Oakland Road, Mataura Island.
You don't need to have the equipment to be able to contribute but if you do, you are more than welcome to bring it, including all the appropriate safety equipment necessary for its operation.
Please let us know you are coming so we can confirm location, coordinate chainsaws and log splitters, as well as communicate should the weather be unsuitable.
If you would like to purchase wood also please contact us...
- Hamish Blackmore 027 636 0421
- Logan McKenzie 027 283 6943
Our Kura News and Information
Busing and Buses - How it All Works
We regularly receive calls related to buses and busing to Edendale Primary School.
Unfortunately, it is not as straight forward and it first appears.
Here are some of the facts.
- The bus service is not a door to door service.
- Our bus routes are provided to us through the Ministry of Education.
- These routes are then calculated on a km rate and contracted out to a provider. Our provider is Ritchies (Gore). They provide the bus and employ the bus driver. The school is in no way part of this process.
- All schools have a Transport Entitlement Zone (TEZ) which is set from Wellington and given to the school.
- Our TEZ allows those within it to travel, free of charge, on the MOE defined bus routes. This may still mean some personal transport to meet the bus. Children who do not live in our TEZ are deemed to be ineligible.
- If an ineligible child is travelling on a bus from outside of our TEZ, then parents will need permission for the school's TEZ they are travelling through and will be required to pay a travel charge to Ritchies. This is currently $2 per trip. There will also need to be space on that bus.
- The Seaward Downs bus is an Edendale Primary School only bus.
- The Brydone bus and Homestead bus are shared buses with Menzies College. This means there are senior-aged (Year 7 - 13) children on that bus. It also means that after school those buses leave our school later as we have to wait for Menzies to finish first.
- The Fortrose bus is a Menzies College bus only and will require a per trip payment to Ritchies, permission from the TEZ school, and space on the bus. When Menzies is closed, this bus does not run and so parents of children on that bus will need to transport their child too and from school.
- Should a bus be full, ineligible pupils will be at risk of not being able to travel on that bus.
Please note that our TEZ is different from our Enrolment Zone. Acceptance to enrol, from outside of our Enrolment Zone, only provides enrolment access. It does not confer transport entitlement.
Our website has these details (and more) as well as maps of our TEZ and bus routes. This should hopefully help you with the various situations you may be thinking about.
Fortrose Bus - Friday 26th March
Menzies College is having a Teacher Only Day next Friday 26th March. All children on the Fortrose bus will have to make their own arrangements to and from school for that day.
Swimming - Next Week
We continue with swimming next week as the children learn how to support themselves in water to ensure they are safe. Children will need their togs, towel and goggles all in a swimming bag. Everything needs to be named.
Thank you to Miss Laura McVicar for her organisation around this and REAP for the provision of swimming instructors.
The adjusted cost to camp that the school incurs per pupil is $115 and this is after the much-appreciated support of fundraising and the Home and School.
We are further grateful for the close to 1/2 of families that have provided a donation towards these costs. This helps us, yet we are still in the red.
Being Decile 8 we do not qualify for the government's schools' donation scheme and we are constrained to only being able to ask for donations towards camp expenses and not requiring them through an invoice.
With any donation, you will receive a receipt that you are able to claim one-third back with tax rebates.
After School Care - Updates
We have been working through a review of the After School Care programme with MSD to ensure we meet the requirements for a registered programme. There have been a number of changes in structures and routines to meet new requirements.
- Should you desire to communicate directly with Amy, our After School Care Coordinator, regarding matters concerning your child/ren in the programme her email address is
- For all bookings and financial questions please go through the office at
- The cost of the programme has had to increase due to cost pressures. This is effective from Term Three to $17.50 per child to 5.30pm and $22.50 for a child that stays until 6.00pm. Remember, by being an OSCAR qualified programme, should you meet the thresholds, there is support for families.
- We have set up a Seesaw page for the After School Care programme. Enrolled children will be added to this page and parents can see what is happening. This means those children in the programme will be part of two classrooms.
- There has been a survey go out in regards to the programme that we appreciate the time around this to help us improve what we do.
- Soon there will be a more specific 'Help Us Help Your Child' form go out so that we understand your child's needs and how best to meet them.
Scholastic Book Club - Issue Two
Issue Two has been sent home.
Should you wish to order from this, please have your order form along with payment into the school office no later than Monday 29th March.
You can also order online by following the instructions on the order form.
LMV Zone Athletics - Edendale Primary School Results
We are thrilled with the over 1/3 of our children, that achieved to such a high level that they got placings in the recent LMV Zone Athletics held at Menzies College last week.
Here are our results.
- Jonty McKinnel: 60 Metres 2nd Place
- Brocklin Wotton-Harris: 60 Metres 1st Place
4 Years
- Jaxon Barry: 60 Metres 2nd Place
- Caden Dobbie: 60 Metres 1st Place
5 Years
- Karsden Latta: 60 Metres 1st Place
- Nile Walton: 60 Metres 2nd Place
- Kyra Cripps: 60 Metres 2nd Place
- Madden McKelvie: 60 Metres 3rd Place
6 Years
- Cooper Dobbie: 60 Metres 1st Place; 100 Metres 1st Place.
- Hudson Latta: 100 Metres 3rd Place
- Ella Bryson: 60 Metres 3rd Place; 100 Metres 3rd Place.
- Ally Webber: 60 Metres 1st Place; 100 Metres 1st Place.
7 Years
- Taite Clarke: Discus 3rd Place; High Jump 3rd Place; 100 Metres 3rd Place.
- Nixon Cripps: 60 Metres 1st Place; 100 Metres 1st Place; Shotput 2nd Place; Long Jump 3rd Place
- Hudson Howe: Shotput 3rd Place; 60 Metres 3rd Place.
- Wyatt Sell: High Jump 2nd Place
- Isla Hodges: High Jump 3rd Place
- Piper Muir: Discus 1st Place; Shotput 1st Place; 60 Metres 1st Place; High Jump 1st Place;100 Metres 1st Place; Long Jump 1st Place.
- Summer Tay: Discus 2nd Place
- Anna Versteynen: Shotput 2nd Place; Discus 3rd Place.
8 Years
- Charlie Frantz: Discus 3rd Place
- Boston Haenga: 100 Metres 1st Place; Long Jump 1st Place; Discus 2nd Place; 60 Metres 2nd Place; High Jump 3rd Place.
- Charlie Ritani: 60 Metres 3rd Place
- Pippa Clarke: High Jump 1st Place; Long Jump 1st Place; Discus 1st Place.
- Ida Jukes: Discus 3rd Place
- Mya McKelvie: Shotput 1st Place
- Jada McKinnel: 100 Metres 1st Place; 60 Metres 1st Place.
9 Years
- Charlie Blackmore: Discus 1st Place; Shotput 2nd Place
- Ryan Boogerd: 200 Metres 3rd Place
- Chase Chambers: 100 Metres 3rd Place
- Case Dickson: Shotput 3rd Place
- Aiden Folesi: High Jump 3rd Place
- Ollie Glynn: High Jump 1st Place; Long Jump 1st Place; 200 Metres 1st Place; Shotput 1st Place; 100 Metres 1st Place; 800 Metres 1st Place; Discus 3rd Place.
- Stan Hunter: Discus 2nd Place; 200 Metres 2nd Place; 100 Metres 2nd Place; 800 Metres 2nd Place; Long Jump 3rd Place.
- Iyland Roberts: Long Jump 1st Place; 200 Metres 2nd Place; Shotput 1st Place; 100 Metres 2nd Place.
- Quinn Tuhao: 200 Metres 1st Place; 100 Metres 1st Place; High Jump 3rd Place.
- Erin Wallis: Discus 3rd Place
10 Years
- Lincoln Haenga: High Jump 2nd Place; Long Jump 3rd Place.
- Beau Pemberton: 800 Metres 2nd Place; 200 Metres 3rd Place.
- Coby Power: High Jump 1st Place
- Ruben Raath: Discus 2nd Place; 100 Metres 2nd Place; Long Jump 2nd Place.
- Jonty Rhodes: Discus 1st Place; Shotput 1st Place.
- Diesel Ross: 100 Metres 1st Place; 200 Metres 2nd Place; Shotput 2nd Place; 800 Metres 1st Place; Discus 3rd Place; High Jump 3rd Place.
- Arlo Weston: 200 Metres 1st Place; Long Jump 1st Place; 100 Metres 3rd Place.
- Nadine Abella: Discus 2nd Place
- Kadence Hunter: High Jump 2nd Place; 100 Metres 2nd Place; Long Jump 2nd Place; 200 Metres 3rd Place.
- Nicole Quilaton: 200 Metres 2nd Place
- Zoe Muir: 200 Metres 1st Place; Discus 1st place; High Jump 1st Place; 100 Metres 1st Place; Long Jump 1st Place; Shotput 1st Place; 800 Metres 1st Place.
- Boys Relay 1st Place
- Nixon Cripps
- Boston Haenga
- Ryan Boogerd
- Diesel Ross
- Boys Relay 2nd Place
- Taite Clarke
- Charlie Frantz
- Ollie Glynn
- Arlo Weston
- Girls Relay 1st Place
- Piper Muir
- Ida Jukes
- Iyland Roberts
- Zoe Muir
- Girls Relay 2nd Place
- Summer Tay
- Mya McKelvie
- Sonya Versteynen
- Kadence Hunter
Our Team for this Week: Team Weka
Team Weka are off to a flying start!
We have been busy setting up our classroom routines that help us learn.
It was lovely to get together with all 22 of our Year 2 Weka families for our goal setting conferences a few weeks ago. Thank you for coming along.
This term we have been learning all about ourselves and we created some crazy portrait artwork related to this.
We have also started our DRIVE topic which is “Native to Us”. We have produced some spectacular landscape artwork too.
We have also been enjoying using our PR1ME books for maths.
We had a great time (those that could make it) at the Car Boot Sale last Saturday, which was a successful fundraiser for the Y5 and 6 camp coming up next week.
Earlier in the term we were busy getting ready for athletics. We were lucky to have the Sports Activator two times, as well as some cricket and rippa rugby skills sessions! Swimming has started this week where we are learning some very useful swim safety skills.
We love doing action stations in Team Weka and this term we have had some awesome weather and have been able to get outside and make our own obstacle courses which have been popular!
Every Tuesday and Thursday after lunch we get together with our buddy class - Team Kereru, and read to each other which we all enjoy.
This term certainly is zooming by with Easter break fast approaching and then after that the end of the term. Wow!
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) - Term One Manaakitanga Respect
We show manaakitanga respect when we...
Use our manners and talk politely to each other.
Follow rules and instructions.
Listen actively.
Are aware of the needs of others and offer to help.
Term Two - Haepapa Responsibility
Term Three - Tohungatanga Excellence
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Poppy Laurence for being a contributor of values to our school.
Writer of the Week - Macie Mikkelson
Then we had a new concrete path.
by Macie
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Pukeko
Hudson is our Team Pukeko MVP this week for consistently showing our school value of Manaakitanga - Respect.
Every day, Hudson comes into the room and greets me with a ‘Good morning!’ and he continues to use his good manners throughout the day when talking to his classmates, teachers, or other people around the school.
Hudson is quick to help others with tasks or jobs, being mindful of their needs and how he might be able to assist them. He does this with sincerity and a genuine interest in being helpful.
Hudson follows my instructions quickly and he encourages others to do the same. He works well in a group, listening to others’ ideas and sharing his thoughts politely.
You are a great role-model, Hudson, and many others can learn about respect from your actions and words - keep it up!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kiwi
Team Kiwi’s MVP for displaying Manaakitanga - Respect is Macie Mikkelsen.
Macie comes in every morning with the biggest smile on her face and polite hello to me and everyone else.
She makes sure she has all the right equipment out ready to start her day.
Macie is a kind helpful young lady who is always offering to help out myself and her peers.
She has excellent mat manners and follows class routines. I can rely on Macie to always do the right thing.
You can hear Macie encouraging her peers with kind words when they have achieved or done something great in class. This is why Macie is a great role model in Team Kiwi.
Macie takes pride in her learning by always completing her work to a high standard.
Macie is our tidy kiwi by always cleaning up and putting equipment back in the correct place with a positive attitude.
Macie, we are very lucky to have such an awesome caring friend like you in Team Kiwi.
Keep up the great work and shine bright. Ka pai!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kereru
Ollie is Team Kereru’s MVP for our school value of manaakitanga-respect and he sets a good example of this value.
Ollie is a kind and caring young man. He is respectful towards parents, teachers and his peers. Ollie always uses his manners both in and outside the classroom.
Ollie has a great attitude towards school and I really like that he walks into the classroom with a smile on his face, ready for the day ahead.
Ollie works well in group situations and is mindful of his team members.
He is an active learner in our classroom, he listens, follows instructions and will ask questions if he is unsure of anything.
Ollie is a very social member of our classroom and he is a good friend. He always offers to help with anything that needs to be done for myself or others.
Ollie loves a good yarn and has a great sense of humour.
Ollie we are very lucky to have you in Team Kereru this year.
Community Notices
Wyndham Lions Club - Bread Tags
The Wyndham Lions Club is collecting bread tags.
These will be sent away to be recycled and made into products like wheelchairs.
If you would like to donate them they can be dropped into the school office.
Enquiries to Liz Scott 027 3077765.
Edendale Netball Club - AGM
The AGM and the general meeting will be held on Monday 22nd March at 7.30 pm at Edendale Pioneer Tavern. Everybody welcome to attend.
All enquires to Amy Alksne 021 0271 8066
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - Friday 19th March 7.00 pm -9.00 pm
Children are to meet at the Edendale Christian Activity Centre on George Street.
- Boys - A or B night
- Girls - The Great Race
It is open to anyone, 9 years old and up. Come along!
Contacts: Johno Ferguson 206 6878 or Liz Pask 206 6135.
Youth Group - Saturday 7.30pm – 10.15 pm
Young people are to meet at the Christian Activity Centre on George Street.
Outdoor bush evening and bonfire. Wear warm clothes and gumboots.
It is open to anyone Year Nine and up.
Contact: Becs Ferguson 027 412 4941.
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool