Westwood Intermediate/Middle School
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September 20, 2023 - NEWSLETTER
Westwood Families,
We had more than 470 parents respond to our pulse check through Possip last week. Thanks to those of you who took a moment to respond. We appreciate your insights. We look forward to doing these pulse checks about once per month with the next one coming October 26.
I have some information to share today from the pulse check as well as updates on competency-based learning and upcoming testing. Please take two minutes to stay up-to-date.
Highlights from the pulse check
I took some time to review the comments and a few positive themes emerged:
- Students reported to parents they love the STEM, math classes, Spanish programming and teachers.
- Teachers are providing great feedback about the first couple of weeks and calling to check in on students.
- Teachers are supporting English language learners and students with developmental needs.
We had many great quotes that we will be sharing with staff. Here are two that stood out:
- "I appreciate that there seems to be a push already this year to have teachers really connect with parents (or maybe we are just lucky to have a really great teachers this year). I have always loved that our district does a great job with individualized learning so that students can meet their learning needs/goals at their level while being together with their peers and not feel singled out. I like open/transparent communication. It is important so keep that up too - much appreciated."
- "The kids are very excited about the new lunches at school this year!"
Questions, ideas, next steps:
We’re also looking at the questions and areas for improvements. A few that emerged for us to look at in the short-term:
- Grades 7 and 8 Lockers – The delay in getting lockers was a topic of improvement. Students will be receiving their lock in the upcoming week. This Thursday and Friday, staff will work with our students on their lockers and go through our locker expectations.
- Grades 7 and 8 schedules – There were several questions about schedules. Staff will be reviewing schedules in curriculums presentations available to all parents next week on Wednesday, September 27. Families will receive information on how to watch those presentations on Wednesday. Each team and or elective teacher will also have an open WebEx time for questions on Thursday, September 28. Watch for more information in next week’s newsletter.
- Grades 5 and 6 lunch and recess times - We heard several comments that these times are too short. We will be reviewing the lunch and recess times. Each team does go out to the playground for recess, and we are in the process of reviewing the location and replacement of equipment. When students go out for an additional recess, they either use the blacktop area with recess equipment or the playground.
Competency-based learning
This school year, we are taking some next steps with competency-based learning. In today’s newsletters, find some basic information as we get under way and a link to a one-page fact sheet that focuses on “what is competency-based learning.”
Last year, we took a competency-based approach to career and life competencies. This year, we’ll be taking a competency-based approach to all content areas in grades 5-6. Students and families will also see competencies embedded in grade 7-8 courses.
We’ll share more information as we go and watch classroom communications for examples from your student’s experience. Please also mark your calendar and plan to attend our PTO meeting on Monday, September 25 at 6 p.m. where competency-based learning will be the primary topic of the meeting. I hope you can attend.
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing will start next week. On Tuesday, September 26, students will be testing in the area of English Language Arts. Thursday, September 28, students will be testing in the area of Math. Scores will be available to parents in late fall. We use these assessments to understand where students are in their learning so we can provide a more personalized experience.
That’s a lot of information for today. Thanks for sticking with me to the end.
Have a great week,
Tom Larson
Our next steps with competency-based learning
Competency-based learning is one of the four components of personalized learning in Spring Lake Park Schools. We’ve been taking steps toward a competency-based approach to learning for several years.
Last year, for grades 5-6, we took a competency-based approach to career and life competencies – like self-direction, communication and collaboration. We also began to embed competencies in academic content areas. This year, we’ll be taking a competency-based approach in all content areas. This will include a fresh approach to reporting on student learning progress. Watch for examples coming from your student’s classroom.
In grades 7-8, competencies are also being embedded in unit designs. Students and families following along in Schoology will observe how competencies align to assignments.
We’ll be sharing much more information with families in the coming weeks and months. In the meantime, check out this brief Competency-Based Learning - Fact Sheet for some of the basics. This fact sheet and additional information is on our Personalized Learning webpage which can be translated into multiple languages.
Asking your student about science, K-5
The science specialist model is new this year in grades K-5. Throughout the year we might be gathering information from students about their experiences in science. If you do not want your child to share this feedback, please let your classroom teacher know.
Spring 2023 state testing results going home this week
If you have a student who participated in last year's state testing, you can expect to receive a secure email message from Assessments@district16.org with your child's report later this week. This message will include reports for the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCAs) and the Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) for all students currently in grades 4-9, 11, and 12 and ACCESS for students identified as English Learners currently in grades 1-12. Keep in mind these results are from last spring. The state just recently provided results to us. Your child's current teacher(s) will be able to provide you with the most up-to-date information on your student's learning progress.
Update immunizations by November 1, upcoming vaccine clinic
Minnesota School Immunization Laws currently require all students enrolled in school to be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTap/Td/Tdap), polio, measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B, and varicella (chickenpox). One dose of the meningococcal (MCV) vaccine is due in 7th grade, and a booster dose at age 16.
The only exceptions are:
- A student has had the chickenpox virus
- Medical exemption with paperwork from your provider
- Conscientious exemption with notarized exemption form
Students whose immunizations are not up to date by Wednesday, November 1 will be excluded from school until their immunizations are current. If you have questions about whether or not your child is due for immunizations, please contact their healthcare provider.
As a reminder, SLP is hosting a free vaccine clinic for students on Wednesday, October 9 and Thursday, October 10 from 3:30-7 p.m. at Kenneth Hall in Spring Lake Park High School (door #33). We ask that students and families sign up ahead of time for an appointment. See more details on the event.
Access to curriculum and student learning experiences
Students use Seesaw (grades K-2) and Schoology (grades 3-12) for their learning. Parents/guardians can also access these platforms and follow along with what their children are learning in school. Once a parent or guardian logs on, if you're not sure what you're looking at or where to find something, ask your student to give you a tour.
Check out these instructions for logging on to our digital learning systems. You can find these instructions along with parent password guidance, and so many more tips and video tutorials about our technology tools on the Technology Tools, Resources and Log Ins page of our website under the "Parent" menu. All our Spring Lake Park Schools webpages also can be translated into multiple languages.
- Thursday, September 21 - Picture Day
- Monday, September 25 - PTO meeting, WW Den, 6-7:30 p.m
- Tuesday, September 26 - MAP Reading
- Thursday, September 28 - MAP Math
- October 2-6 - Homecoming Week
- Friday, October 6 - Homecoming Football Game, Panther Stadium, 7 p.m.
- Saturday, October 7, 2023 - Live on 65: 7,000 Miles to Broadway (Singer/Guitarist + Pianist + Bassist), Fine Arts Center, 7 p.m.
- Monday, October 9 - Free Vaccine Clinic event, Kenneth Hall in Spring Lake Park High School (door #33), 3:30-7 p.m. Sign up here.
- Tuesday, October 10 - Free Vaccine Clinic event, Kenneth Hall in Spring Lake Park High School (door #33), 3:30-7 p.m. Sign up here.
- Wednesday, October 11 - Caregiver Learning Event: Mental Health Awareness & Coping Skills, Westwood Intermediate and Middle School (The Den), 6-7 p.m. RSVP for this event.
Joint Volleyball Practice
The Westwood 7th and 8th grade Volleyball team is off to a great start. Last Friday, we held a joint practice with the SLPHS team where Varsity and JV players led drills and interacted with MS players! It was also great to see a few of our Westwood Volleyball alumni!
Red Team science students practiced using tools to compare their estimates and accurate measurements of objects in the classroom.
Young Scientists
7th grade Red Team scientists worked on communicating like a scientist by making, recording, and sharing qualitative and quantitative observations about objects found in nature. Their observations were then used by classmates to select the item out of an assortment of 35 things.
International Dot Day
Team 5C celebrated International Dot Day on Friday, September 15. Based on Peter Reynold's bestselling book, The Dot, this day celebrates the uniqueness of each individual. Students and teachers on Team 5C dressed up in dots and participated in several activities such as Pointillism art, paper chain challenge, and more. It was a day filled with laughter!
Panther Pride Sweepstakes is back, starting October 2
Win $500 for your school and $50 Panther Store gift card for you! Starting Sunday, October 1, visit the sweepstakes page to enter the daily Panther Pride Sweepstakes. Show your Panther Pride and Spirit by answering a trivia question daily, October 1-5. Families can enter one time each day and can include all students in the family. A student winner and a staff winner for each school will be drawn on Thursday, October 5 and winners will be acknowledged at the Spring Lake Park High School Homecoming game on Friday, October 6. Good luck!
- Safety and security update: 2023-2024
- Report the absence through Campus Parent Portal
- Get ready to see what’s behind the curtain
- Live on 65: 7,000 Miles to Broadway - get your tickets today!
- Complete your review of student behavior and attendance expectations
- 2023-2024 School Handbook
- Openings - Spanish Immersion Preschool class
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