New Albany Parent Connection
September 2024
A Note from Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Oliver
It is our honor and a pleasure to welcome you to the 2024–2025 school year! We hope you all have enjoyed a relaxing and fun summer break. We are extremely proud to serve as the leadership team of this amazing learning community and to continue to support the students of New Albany School! This year, we are excited to roll out our universal schoolwide positive behavior expectations of “Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe”. As a school, we will be infusing these three concepts into all that we do. As has been our mission at New Albany School, we will continue to strive for academic excellence and social and emotional well-being for our students while looking through a lens of equity and inclusion. With that said, the NAS staff are excited to kick this year off in true Pirate style!
I would like to welcome all of our new families, whether you are joining us from another school in the surrounding community or have relocated from another city, state, or country. We are excited to share with you all that New Albany has to offer and believe you will soon feel as we do, that New Albany School is a special place for all children. Our teachers and staff are eager to meet their students and begin this year’s journey with them. In addition, our dedicated staff has been working tirelessly to finalize class lists and schedules, engage in professional learning opportunities, and update our instructional models, class routines, and expectations, all with the goal of fostering academic success and a true sense of connectedness and belonging for our students.
Please be sure to read the Welcome Back Parent Letter, as it contains important information from the school. We look forward to seeing students on Tuesday, September 3rd!
📆 Mark Your Calendars
Important Dates
September 2: Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
September 3: First day of school for students
September 6: CEHASA Welcome Back Family Gathering for Preschool 3:45-5:00PM @ Memorial
September 11: 9/11 Observance
September 13: CEHASA Welcome Back Family Gathering for K-2 5:30-7:00PM @ New Albany
September 15: First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month
September 18: Back to School Night 6:00PM
September 24: BOE Meeting 7:00PM @ CMS
Looking ahead...
October 4: CEHASA Pretzel distribution begins
October 8: School Picture Day
Welcome Our New Staff
Ms. Jillian Wiler
Preschool teacher
Ms. Chelsea Hoffman
Kindergarten teacher
Mrs. Jackie McDermott
Kindergarten teacher
Ms. Krista Russell
Kindergarten teacher (LTS for Zenkowich)
Ms. Madison Sarchese
1st Grade teacher
Ms. Katelyn Durham
1st Grade teacher
Ms. Ashlyn Kalicki
Special Education teacher
Mrs. Leandra Cicale
Special Education teacher
Ms. Jessica Grou
Special Education teacher
Ms. Brenna MacNair
PE/Health teacher
Ms. Lauren Coker
Technology/STEM teacher
Mrs. Monica Horner
First Grade teacher (LTS for Burrous)
Ms. Aja Jones
Mrs. Kate Ormsby
NAS Nurse
Mrs. Meghan Quinn
MEM Nurse
Mrs. Jennifer Della Penna
Mrs. Leslie Drakos
Lunch/Playground Assistant
Mrs. Stephanie Derkits
Lunch/Playground Assistant
CEHASA Welcome Back Gathering
Our home and school association invites MEM and NAS families to attend a welcome back gathering. Preschool families are invited to attend on Friday, September 6th from 3:45-5:00PM at Memorial School recess area. K-2 families are invited to attend on Friday, September 13th from 5:30-7:00PM at New Albany School recess fields.
We hope this event provides students with some fun playtime, as well as the opportunity to make new friends. Matty G's food truck will be on site to offer food and snacks, and there will be fun music to get your boogie on! We hope to see you there!
Preschool flyer
K-2 flyer
September 11th Observance
On this day, we pay tribute to those lives lost, as well as the families that were affected from this tragedy. We also honor the survivors along with the first responders who made gallant efforts to protect and serve.
The people we lost that day are not just names or numbers. We remember them today for not only who they were, but for what they could have become. They were irreplaceable to their families, instrumental in their jobs, woven into the fabric of their community, full of life and potential.
Lives cut short – pain that can never be properly described in words. Suffering that will never fully heal. And no words that anyone else will ever say can fill the gaping hole.
But we the living, we have a solemn duty to honor their memory, their legacy. To honor and remember them – not just today but every day.
Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15 to October 15 is celebrated nationwide as National Hispanic Heritage Month. It traditionally honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans as we celebrate heritage rooted in all Latin American countries. During this month and throughout the year, the history, heritage, and accomplishments of Hispanic and Latino Americans of past and present are recognized.
Back to School Open House is September 18th
This night provides a valuable opportunity to learn more about your child's classroom experience. You will have the opportunity to meet your child's teacher and learn about your child's daily schedule and classroom procedures. Any questions pertaining to your child's daily activities or teacher procedures can be addressed at Back to School Night.
We ask that you please refrain from "conferencing" with your child's teacher at this time. If you need to schedule a time to meet with a teacher, please send a quick email and they will be happy to speak with you one on one.
More detailed information will be provided prior to this open house.
Nurse's Corner
Should you need to send medication to school, please contact Mrs. Ormsby at NAS, or Mrs. Quinn at MEM, to arrange a time to drop it off. Mrs. Ormsby's contact information is (856) 786-2284 ext. 6832, her email is ormsbyk@cinnaminson.com. Mrs. Quinn's contact information is (856) 829-7600, ext. 2870, her email is quinnm@cinnaminson.com.
If you need to submit immunization and/or physical forms, please send those into school with your child or you may drop them off between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.
For more information, you may visit the nurses' page on our website: Click Here.
School Hours
Please take note of our school hours:
Full Day
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd - 9:06 - 3:34
Full Day Integrated Preschool (IPK) - 9:30 - 3:25
Full Day Bright Eyes (BE) - 8:55 - 3:25
AM Bright Eyes (BE) - 8:55 - 11:25
PM Bright Eyes (BE) - 12:55 - 3:25
Single Session
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd - 9:06 - 1:25
Full Day Integrated Preschool (IPK) - 9:30 - 1:10
Full Day Bright Eyes (BE) - 8:55 - 1:10
AM Bright Eyes (BE) - 8:55 - 11:05
AM "BE" Students - will be dropped off 20 minutes earlier than normal.
PM Bright Eyes (BE) - 11:05 - 1:10
PM "BE" Students - will be picked up 1 hour and 45 minutes earlier than normal.
2 Hour Delay
Full Day Students - will be picked up 2 hours later than normal.
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd - 11:06 - 3:34
Full Day Integrated Preschool (IPK) - 11:30 - 3:25
Full Day Bright Eyes (BE) - 10:55 - 3:25
PM Bright Eyes (BE) - 12:55 - 3:25
NO AM Bright Eyes on 2 Hour Delay days
Student Arrival & Dismissal
Our # 1 priority, at all times, is the safety of our students. Arrival and Dismissal times are a hectic time of day as we ensure that our 650+ students get to where they need to go. We are requesting your cooperation and assistance during this time so that each one of our students exits the school building and returns safely home or to their afterschool care.
Please take note of these important procedures:
* ALL dismissal changes for the day must be communicated to the main office no later than 2:00 pm. Those changes should be emailed to nasmainoffice@cinnaminson.com and the office staff will note the change on the daily dismissal form. After 2:00 pm, call the office at (856) 786-2284.
*If you need to pick your child up from school at any time before dismissal, please let the main office know via phone or email. Any student getting picked up after 3:20, without prior notification to the office, will be dismissed as a walker.
Anyone picking up a student at the end of the school day (between 3:00 pm and 3:25 pm) must park on New Albany Road and walk up to the school via the footbridge and sidewalk. Students marked as "walkers" are dismissed to their designated locations and signed out to you from the kindergarten or library door. Please note that the kindergarten door is to the left when facing the building and the library door is to the right just past the main entrance.
The driveway and parking lot layout at New Albany School are not designed for cars and buses at the same time. Since the majority of students ride a school bus to and from school, during arrival and dismissal, cars must stay clear of the bus lanes and are NOT ALLOWED to enter the school parking lot.
📣**NEW PROCEDURES 2024-2025**
Please do not bring children to school before 8:50 AM, as our staff does not report for bus duty until that time. Parents dropping off their students by car must adhere to the following:
- Park along New Albany Road and walk children across the bridge.
- Students should NOT be let out of the vehicle alone. You are required to walk your child to the canopy area near the main entrance. There will be staff on duty to help your child enter school once you reach the canopy area of the school.
- After 9:06 AM, parents may drive around the loop in front of the school and drop off to the main office.
- Students arriving late must stop in the main office so attendance can be updated.
*Please note - there is no longer a back drop off loop at New Albany School due to buses loading and unloading students in the morning and afternoon.
Students who are picked-up by a parent or guardian on a regular basis will be dismissed before the buses leave. Kindergarten and MDK students will be dismissed at the Kindergarten exit, located to the left of the building. MD1-2, 1st, and 2nd grade students will be dismissed from the library exit, located to the right of the main entrance doors. Once they are checked in by our staff, they will be dismissed to parents/guardians. All designated daily walkers should have a yellow sign that can be brought to school by the parent/guardian and shown to the staff at pickup. If you arrive by 3:25 PM, you may park along New Albany Road and walk up to the building and form a line at the side entrance to the library or by the kindergarten door to the left of the building. You may enter the parking lot with your vehicle only after the buses have departed.
Families are expected to adhere to one pick-up/drop-off schedule for the duration of the school year. Students who attend SAC on a part-time basis will be transported to their home or another predetermined location on the days they aren’t scheduled to attend SAC. To minimize safety concerns associated with last-minute transportation changes, all pick-up and drop-off schedule changes must be made within 30 days advance notice. Emergent situations (i.e. - change of job, illness, etc.) will be handled on a case-by-case basis as they arise. Parents will still be able to take advantage of SAC on half days.
Please arrange through the office staff if a child is to be picked-up every day or a certain day of the week. If you plan to pick-up your child earlier by coming into the building, you must sign them out in the main office no later than 3:20 PM. After that time, “pick-ups” will be at the Library and Kindergarten exits. At no time are parents/guardians permitted to take a child out of a line or off the bus without first signing him or her out in the office.
We will not allow our students to leave school property without proper supervision. Students are dismissed to buses or must be picked-up by a parent/guardian, or a responsible person, age 18 or older, and approved by a parent/guardian.
Attendance Matters! Every Student, Every Day!
The most recent federal data show that in the 2020-21 school year, at least 14.7 million students nationwide were chronically absent. This means that chronic absence has almost doubled from the more than 8 million students, pre-Covid-19, who were missing so many days of school that they were academically at risk. Chronic absenteeism, missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason (excused or unexcused absences and suspensions), can translate into students having difficulty learning to read by the third-grade, achieving in middle school, and graduating from high school.
Many students may miss a few days of school each year without long-term consequences. However, when students miss too many days, the effects are almost always negative. Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning.
We are continually working to make our school environment a place where everyone is safe, healthy, and ready to learn. Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves. Families can start building this habit in preschool so they learn right away that students go to school on time, every day. Good attendance will help children do well in high school, college, and in their careers. Unless your student is running a fever, vomiting, or has diarrhea, it is very important that they are at school each day.
Help Your Child Succeed in School: Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early.
School success goes hand in hand with good attendance!
School Breakfast & Lunch
September Lunch Menu - Click Here
The cost of a student lunch is $2.90 and milk is 0.50 cents. You may send in cash or a check, made payable to Cinnaminson Lunch Program. Please mark the envelope containing the cash or check with your child's full name and homeroom teacher OR you may use our online lunch system to make a credit card payment. You will be able to view your child's lunch purchases, account balance, and amount due on the Lunchtime School Payment Portal.
In order to create your child's Lunchtime School Payment Portal account, you will need their student ID #. You can locate the number on the Genesis Parent Portal or call the main office. For more information on the Lunchtime School Payment Portal, Click Here.
**NEW BREAKFAST PROGRAM for 2024-2025**
Breakfast will be offered to students who choose to participate in the breakfast program. Please note that the cost for breakfast will be $1.85. Those students receiving Free/Reduced Lunch will be eligible for free breakfast. To complete an application, please see the link here: Lunch Application.
Parents who choose for their child to receive breakfast must place their breakfast order through the Genesis Parent Portal. A menu will be posted on our website here: Menus for Breakfast/Lunch. Parents may order breakfast for the entire week for their child. Upon arriving at school each day, students will receive their breakfast in their homeroom. A new breakfast menu will appear under the forms tab in the parent portal every Friday for parents to place their weekly breakfast orders.
Parent Tips
If you need to translate your forms to your home/preferred language, please see this resource: Translating Forms in the Parent Portal
Special Education Parent Advisory Group
Please find attached a flyer for the first SEPAG meeting of the year. ALL are welcome at the Open House!
Join Us For Relay For Life
More than just a walk, the American Cancer Society Relay For Life brings together passionate supporters who embody the American Cancer Society vision to end cancer as we know it, for everyone. This volunteer-led experience unites communities to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost to cancer, and raise funds to improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer.
Although every Relay For Life event embraces the uniqueness of the home community, every event includes the same four signature elements: a celebration of cancer survivors, a celebration of caregivers, a luminaria ceremony to honor and remember loved ones, and the opportunity to fight back against cancer.
The American Cancer Society could not advance the mission without the passionate support of the global force of Relay For Life. There are now more ways than ever to join Relay For Life and connect with others in your community impacted by cancer and every dollar raised fuels the American Cancer Society’s fight against cancer.
Join the Cinnaminson Community as we celebrate Relay for Life on Saturday, September 28th at Cinnaminson High School. Please see the flyer for more details and a QR code to register. We hope to see you there!
🗣 NEW Schoolwide Universal Expectations!
📣 New Albany School Expectations
Be Respectful - I will use good manners and treat others in a way that I would like to be treated. I will be kind, express gratitude, forgive others, and help those in need.
Be Responsible - I will do what I am supposed to do and be accountable for my actions. I will try my best in all academic areas.
Be Safe - I will respect school property and make smart choices, doing my best to keep New Albany School a safe and clean place to learn.
The Cinnaminson Elementary Home & School Association (CEHASA) is dedicated to enhancing the environment in our schools. Every parent/guardian is a member of the association. Getting involved benefits you, your children, our schools, and our community. This is an opportunity to give back to our children through programs provided by Home & School during the school year. Volunteers are needed in order for these programs to run smoothly and efficiently. The success of the Home & School activities depend on the members who generously volunteer their time and talents. It doesn't matter how much time you have to commit. Any amount of time you donate is appreciated and we are grateful for whatever time a parent can give. Think of all the good you can do by getting involved. You may even learn a little about yourself. You can use your talents to make a difference and make some new friends along the way. As events are formed, they will be added to the Sign Up Genius.
1. Go to signupgenius.com
2. Go to Find a Sign up
3. Enter cehasa@cinnaminson.com in the email field
4. Pick a program or activity that you would like to volunteer for and sign up with your first and last name and email address.
You can contact CEHASA and find out about current events by:
- Following us on Facebook: Cinnaminson Elementary Home and School
- Following us on Instagram: cinnaminson_elem_cehasa
- Sending us an email cehasa@cinnaminson.com
A huge "Thank You" to CEHASA for providing back to school treats for our staff! We truly appreciate your generosity!
Follow Us On Social Media
We Look Forward to a Productive and Successful School Year With You!
New Albany Elementary School
Email: nasmainoffice@cinnaminson.com
Website: https://nas.cinnaminson.com/
Location: 2701 New Albany Road, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
Phone: (856) 786-2284