November Monthly Update
Parent Monthly Newsletter
What's Happening This Month:
The month of October was busy, it brought fall celebrations, homecoming, bullying month and drug free month and our annual fall festival. We sure did have a great time seeing and spending time with everyone at the fall festival! As we continue to step deeper into the holidays, we value your presence and your involvement.
Our first parent meeting will be November 4th from 4:15-4:45 in the cafeteria.
Please join us this week, November 8th for our Veteran's Day Assembly from 9:00-10:00.
Our priority this year is to Unleash our Extraordinary, this is to your student, your family and their learning. I ask that you continue to take the same vow with us to get the best out of this year.
Thank you for your dedication to your student's learning!
In Your Service,
Ms. Maxey
🗓 Coming Up!
November Events
We are currently taking the following donations to help our families in need for Thanksgiving. If you wish to donate, your items can be brought to the school by your student or dropped off at the front office. If you are in need, please let us help by emailing ataft@prioritycharterschools.org or calling the school at 254-778-8682. All information is kept confidential.
Stovetop stuffing boxes
Cans of cranberry sauce
Cans of green beans
The dried onion topping that goes on the green beans (I think it is a French brand)
Packages of corn bread mix
Cans of corn
Cans of peas
Jars of pre-made turkey gravy
Packages of instant mashed potatoes
Please see below for more events:
* Some scholarships listed begin at the middle school grade level!
November 1st- Father of Texas Day
November 2nd- Daylight Savings Ends
November 3rd- Bulldog/Cheer Fundraiser at Freddy's
November 4th- Hearing and Vision Screening for 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th
Parent Volunteer Meeting from 4:15-4:45
November 5th- Spinal Screenings for 5th & 7th Grade Girls, and 8th grade boys
November 8th- Veterans Day Program: 9:00-10:00
November 11th- Holiday- Veteran's Day- NO SCHOOL
November 14th- Progress Reports
November 15th- Board Meeting @ 6:00 P.M. (Link can be located on our district website)
November 18th- Fall Picture Retakes
November 20th- Thanksgiving Meal
November 22nd- Last Day before Thanksgiving Break
November 25th-29th- Thanksgiving Break
December 2nd- Christmas Parade- All attendees will need to remain at school/parents are encouraged to attend. More details to follow!
Are you a vet? Let us recognize you on November 8th. Please click below!
🍕 Monthly Lunch Menu
Sign up for our Thanksgiving Feast-Nov. 20th
November 7th- English I/II Interim & 3rd-8th Interim
November 9th - Veteran's Day Program 10:00-10:30
Progress Reports
November 10th - Holiday- No School
November 14th- Biology & 5th/8th Science Interim
November 15th- US History Interim & 8th SS Interim
Kona Ice
Thanksgiving Family Lunch
November 16th - Algebra I Interim & 3rd-8th Math Interim
November 17th - Last day before Thanksgiving Break
November 20th-24th- Thanksgiving Break- No School
November 27th- Fall Picture Retakes
Please plan early to join us for the Temple Christmas Parade on December 4th and ride the float!
2) Ask you students about: Writing using sentence stems and preparing short and long constructed responses. Ask them what they are reading about and how are they learning how to show text evidence in writing across all curriculums.
3) Grades and online courses continue to check daily or at least weekly!
4) High School Parents: Take a look at all of the opportunities for Scholarships and have your student practice online for ACT Prep materials! Students will ACT test in December!
Mrs. Maxey- Campus Principal
Email: vmaxey@prioritycharterschools.org
Number: 254-778-8682