HPS Headlines
Friday 20th September 2024

Head's Welcome
Welcome to the first official Headlines of the new academic year. I have been made to feel exceptionally welcome by you all, and I thank you for a fantastic start. Our first week of clubs is underway, offering everything from animal identification to vexillology and much more in between. I’m delighted to see the boys so engaged and eager to explore new interests in areas within and beyond the school curriculum. Our sports fixtures also ‘kicked’ off this week, and regardless of the outcome—win, loss, or draw—I’m incredibly proud of the teamwork and sportsmanship displayed by all the boys.
A special thank you for your support with our “stop and drop” system, ensuring the boys arrive punctually and looking smart. Your efforts have truly contributed to a smooth start to lessons. I’d also like to extend my gratitude to the Upper School boys who have been helping me at the gate each morning. Your commitment to embodying Homefield’s values of Respect, Kindness, Integrity, Endeavour, and Resilience sets a wonderful example for the entire school.
I trust you found the recent information sessions useful, both for planning this year and looking ahead to the future. We have a host of opportunities throughout the year, and I do encourage attendance. Thank you to the parents who have taken the time to offer feedback, whether at the gate or during the Head’s coffee mornings. Your thoughts are invaluable as we work together to make this year a success.
We have so much to look forward to in the weeks and months ahead, and I hope the sunny weather remains a little longer for you all
Warmest regards,
Mr C.Hammond
Recent HPS Highlights!
🎻"The Year 1 boys were excited to have Mr Aslangul and Mrs Martindale demonstrate how to play the cello and violin! Thank you for such an engaging experience!" ~ Mrs Godly
💼 "Our Upper School boys not only learn important curriculum content, they also learn manners and how to prepare for the future. This is the Reasoning Club, practising interview techniques and how to greet important guests." ~ Mrs Crook
"Year 7 are learning about classification and have been exploring the features of the vertebrate groups as well as the five kingdoms." ~ Ms Smith
🥼 "Year 6 have been revising solubility and exploring the meanings of related keywords. These include soluble, solvent, solute, saturated, suspension, and solution… lots of 's' words!" ~ Ms Smith
🐯 "Reception have been learning their sounds in phonics this week. They participated in activities that start with the sound of the day. For "t," they made tigers and towers. For "n," they made necklaces with pasta." ~ Ms Bruton
‘Necklace has the n sound at the start,’ said Caleb.
‘T, t, tiger, I am making a tiger for the t sound,’ added Eesan
💫"The Year 5 and Year 1 boys had a great time getting to know each other through playing and building with Lego during our enrichment session!" ~ Mrs Godly
Subject Summaries
Art & DT:
All boys have returned to Art with strong enthusiasm and motivation. We have some new projects happening this year, alongside some familiar ones. Year 3 are currently drawing abstract instruments for their Art and Music project, Year 4 have collected natural forms for their pattern project, Year 5 are exploring Pop Art, Year 6 are creating theatre masks based on mythical creatures, Year 7 are investigating the theme of 'growth,' and Year 8 are creating digital art for their megacities project.
The term has started with the boys focusing on e-safety. They have been learning how to keep personal data secure, discussing the risks of chatrooms, and understanding the implications of sharing pictures and videos.
English & Drama:
Year 3 have delved into Ted Hughes' The Iron Man, exploring the principal character through effective descriptions in English and creating powerful soundscapes in Drama. Year 4 are studying Joan Aiken's The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, enjoying the process of familiarising themselves with the characters, setting, and themes presented in the early chapters, while developing their improvisation skills in Drama. Year 5 have transported themselves to the land of Joya in Kiran Millwood Hargrave's The Girl of Ink and Stars, excelling in both critical analysis and creative writing. Year 6 have been exploring travel writing and non-fiction prose in English, while honing their comedic timing in Drama. Year 7 are planning, writing, and performing persuasive speeches on the topic of 'growing up' in their English and Drama lessons. Year 8 are studying H.G. Wells' seminal text The War of the Worlds, creating high-quality analyses of the early chapters and collaborating to produce original scripts that exemplify dystopian fiction tropes in Drama.
Boys are fully engaged in their language learning! Year 2 are learning the vocabulary for items in their pencil case, while Year 3 are putting together their own playscripts using commonly used phrases. Boys further up the school are revising more complex grammar structures as they begin preparing for Common Entrance exams.
It's been a wonderful start to the term, and the boys are as enthusiastic as ever! Year 8 will be going on their fieldwork trip to the River Tillingbourne on Monday. Year 7 and Year 6 have been reinforcing their location skills, Year 5 are learning about climates, and Year 4 are focusing on map-reading skills. Year 3 boys have been exploring human and physical features, and Year 1 and Year 2 have been familiarising themselves with oceans and continents.
We have had a fantastic start to the year in History at Homefield! Year 7 are learning about the treatment of enslaved people. Year 4 have begun their exciting new Ancient Egypt topic and have been rehearsing role plays about the creation story. Year 3 are enjoying discovering artefacts from the Indus Valley. Next week, we have our first History trip planned, with Year 4 visiting The British Museum!
In Maths, boys across the school have been consolidating their number and place value knowledge. This has included investigating sequences, number lines, and key terminology, with a snowballing activity to identify as many key words as possible in a timed challenge.
Year 3 boys have worked diligently on understanding 1, 10, and 100 more or less than a given number, solving greater-depth challenges with consecutive numbers, and cracking codes by decoding mathematical terminology and riddles. Year 4 have explored direct numbers and inequalities, Year 5 have focused on developing reasoning skills, and Year 6 boys have consolidated their understanding of the order of operations and applied this to a variety of UKMT challenge questions. Boys in Years 7 and 8 have been working through past papers as part of the Common Entrance syllabus, recapping key units on algebra and setting future targets for achievement.
The science labs are already buzzing with activity this new academic year. Year 3 are learning about skeletons and the support systems of vertebrates and invertebrates. Year 4 are investigating the properties of light, while Year 5 are getting to grips with light microscopes as part of their topic on cells. Year 6 have been revising states of matter and the process of making solutions. Year 7 are studying classification, focusing on the five kingdoms and taxonomy. Finally, Year 8 have begun the year with fascinating investigations into photosynthesis, carrying out starch tests on leaves and exploring how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in pondweed.
Boys across the school have enjoyed revisiting the importance of STEAM in the curriculum, engaging in various activities that combine skills from different STEAM disciplines. Year 3 have been introduced to the significance of prosthetics, while Year 4 are considering the skills and attributes of an engineer. Year 5 are cross-linking to their Science work on cells by studying magnification, and Year 6 are evaluating different methods of coding Marty the Robot.
It has been fantastic to see the boys' enthusiasm as they begin their TPR learning this year. In the Lower School, the boys have been discussing British Values and how they can exemplify these in everyday life. They have also been learning about the Creation Story and exploring its significance to Christians. In the Upper School, boys have been introduced to theology and philosophy, learning about the Golden Rule and exploring the influence and philosophies of Martin Luther King.
Lower School Summary
What a fantastic start to the new academic year! The new boys in Nursery and Reception have settled incredibly well into Homefield life. It feels as though they have always been here.
The Nursery boys have been getting to know one another and have played beautifully. They are becoming accustomed to their new routine and are learning what happens and when, with the help of their visual timetable. Well done, Nursery!
In Reception, we have dived straight into our learning. Over the last week, we have been practising writing our names, working on getting the letters the right way around, as well as exploring numbers 1–5 and investigating circles and triangles. The boys loved going around the school to see how many circles or triangles we could find—it's safe to say there were definitely more circles! Learning about shapes also tied in perfectly with our focus story, The Perfect Fit, which is all about shapes working together, despite their differences or strengths and weaknesses, to form amazing patterns or pictures. This taught the boys that although we are all different, we can still come together as a team to achieve great things!
We are so impressed with how well the boys in Year 1 have settled in. They have been busy adjusting to their new timetables, accessing the entire curriculum, and seem to be really enjoying it.
In Maths, we have been focusing on place value and using our resources to represent two-digit numbers.
In English, we have been practising sentence writing, especially remembering our capital letters, finger spaces, and full stops! On Wednesday, we also learned about verbs, so be sure to ask the boys if they can give or show you some examples of a verb!
In History, we have been learning about the Titanic—ask the boys if they can remember how much a third-class ticket cost.
Swimming has been a big hit with the boys. Last week, we saw some amazing resilience from those who were a little worried about going into the water but bravely carried on. We are so proud of you all!
The boys in Year 2 have also settled in well this school year, and it has been lovely to welcome some new additions to our year group. The boys have shown great enthusiasm for their learning across all subject areas.
In Maths, we have been focusing on revisiting place value and using various manipulatives to help demonstrate our understanding. We have also begun using number lines to support our grasp of place value and estimation.
In English, we have started reading our text Masha and the Firebird. The boys have enjoyed the story so far and are beginning to write persuasive letters.
In History, we have started our topic by comparing London in 1666 to the present day. We have considered how jobs, transport, and streets have changed and what those differences are.
In Geography, the boys have been studying the continents of the world and have enjoyed learning interesting facts about each one.
Homefield Heroes
Nursery: Qasim, for settling well into school routines and showing resilience when faced with challenges.
Reception: Nathan, for being so brave and resilient during his first week of school.
Year 1: Ali and Ethan, for a respectful and positive start to the new school year. Nishil, for always being positive and respectful. Shrey, for always showing such respect to both his peers and adults.
Year 2: Aryen and Cyrus for a respectful and positive start to the new school year. Joshua for always showing respect to all. Ryan, for showing kindness and respect towards everyone.
Year 5: Kenon in 5H, for being so enthusiastic in history lessons and challenging himself throughout his learning. Jai in 5S for excellent maths work.
Year 6: James in 6H and Theodore and Anotine in 6S, for showing kindness to younger boys when helping them build Lego structures and then assisting tidying away without being asked.
Year 7: Zohad for his wonderful contributions in science lessons and for showing respectful behaviour.
Year 8: Nashwan for his outstanding contributions in his English lessons and for showing resilience.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 24th September: Senior School Fair for parents of boys in years 3 to 8 (on site in evening): Years 6 – 8 Refreshments from 6.00pm Fair from 6.15 – 7.00pm, Years 3 – 5 Refreshments from 6.30pm Fair from 6.45 – 7.50pm.
Tuesday 24th September: Individual School photos throughout the morning.
Tuesday 24th September: Flu vaccination for boys.
Saturday 12th October: School Open Morning 9.00am -1.00pm.
Week of 11th November: Parent ‘Book Looks’ 8:15 – 8:50am in classes throughout the week.
12th November: Reception, Years 1 and 4, 13th November: Years 2 and 6, 14th November: Years 3, 5 and 7 and 8.
Friday 22nd November: Lower School Parent Consultations (Virtual) 12:30pm – 8.00pm.
Thursday 28th/Friday 29th November: Upper School Parent Consultations (virtual) 11.00am – 8.00pm, 11.00am – 7.00pm.
Thursday 5th December: Years 4 - 8 Christmas Concert 6.00pm – 7:30pm.
Friday 6th December: Year 3 Christmas Concert at 15.15.
Tuesday 10th December: Nursery and reception Christmas Concert 8.30.
Tuesday 10th December: Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Concer: 14.30.
Thursday 12th December: Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch.
Senior Schools' Information Fair - Tuesday 24th September 2024
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Senior Schools’ Information Fair on Tuesday 24th September. Throughout the evening, senior staff from a wide range of senior independent schools will be available to provide an insight into the unique characteristics of their school and be ready to answer any questions you may have regarding admission arrangements.
Whether you are curious about the curriculum, extra-curricular activities or any other aspect of a specific school, this is the perfect opportunity to obtain the information you need.
We want this evening to be relaxed and informative, providing you with a glimpse of the exciting journey ahead for your son. Refreshments will be served in the Dining Hall and the Fair will take place upstairs in the Performance Hall.
Suggested timings for your arrival are as follows:
Years 6 – 8
- Refreshments from 6:00 pm
- Fair from 6.15 – 7:00pm
Years 3 – 5
- Refreshments from 6.30pm
- Fair from 6:45 – 7:50pm
Sports Update
On Saturday Homefield under 11s played in the annual Surbiton tournament.
A big congratulations to the Year 6 boys - Samuel, Haran, Max and Year 5 Boys Matthew, Ted and Jai.
Homefield won the Plate Semi-final 3-1 with a hat-trick from Jai.
Homefield played Twickenham A team in the final and won 1-0 .
A big congratulations to all the boys who took part!
Orchard Childcare
Safety Notice
As we navigate the hustle and bustle of school drop-offs, it's crucial to remember that safety is our utmost priority. Recently, there have been a few close calls with cyclists and pedestrians as parents have been exiting the school driveway. These incidents serve as important reminders of the importance of being vigilant and cautious as we enter and exit the school premises. Please could we encourage everyone to exercise patience, awareness, and consideration for others in sharing our space. If you park and walk to school, please do not park on the yellow lines or across our neighbours dropped kerbs - you are likely to receive a ticket by vigilant traffic wardens who operate in the area at drop-off and pick-up times.
Natural History Museum Sleepovers
Have you ever wanted to have a sleepover with a giraffe? Or spend the night camped beneath a blue whale?
This unique sleepover gives children aged 7 to 11 the chance to explore the Museum after dark while taking part in fun and educational activities. Click on the link to find out more: Have a sleepover at the Museum!
Western Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 2TE
+44 020 8642 0965