Sacred Heart School🍂🤍🧡
November 27th, 2024
A Prayer of Gratitude 🍂
Today is a 1/2 Day of School. No Beyond the Bell
We hope you enjoy some time with family this Thanksgiving!
Be sure to laugh and enjoy the feelings of peace and joy!🧡
News From Preschool 🦃 🥧
THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of the parents and grandparents who came to our Thanksgiving
Feast on Tuesday and helped out with serving, cleanup, and bringing in items for the feast. This
is such a fun event to share with you all.
A note was sent home this week about a Christmas project that we do every year for the kids on
the school's angel tree. If you have any questions, please feel free to text, email, or talk to us at
drop off or pick up.
We down in preschool hope that everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.
~Miss Jessica
Blankets with Grandma 🤍
Monday, December 2nd 2:30-5:00
Sponsored by Parent Group
What a beautiful service project!
The Parent Group will be hosting this event in the Sacred Heart Church Hall. Be sure to check your child's backpack for a sign-up sheet. All of the blankets will be donated in our community! We will also be making Baby Blankets to donate to Helping Hands in Hillsdale
Please return the invitation portion back to the school by November 22nd.
Contact Jessica Hart with any questions. 517-270-0824
💗 Sacred Heart Parish Blood Drive Information 💗
We Need your help on Wednesday, December 4th from 12:00-5:45 for the Sacred Heart Blood Drive!
Please sign up by clicking the link below!
Upcoming Events
November 27th- 1/2 Day of School. No Beyond the Bell
November 28 and 29- No School. Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 2nd- Blankets with Grandma
Wednesday, December 4th- Red Cross Blood Drive. 12:00-5:45. Sacred Heart Church Hall
Saturday, December 7th- Breakfast with Saint Nicholas. 9:30-11:30. Saint Mary on the Lake. RSVP by Dec. 1st (sign ups at the back of the church).
Saturday, December 14th- Christmas Program at 2:00
Friday, December 20th- 1/2 Day of School. No Beyond the Bell
December 21st- January 5th- Christmas Break
Happy Birthday🎂
You can have a jean/jersey day on or around your birthday!
Lou Phillips K November 2nd
Evie Czeiszperger 5th November 5th
Hannah Jones PK November 12th
Evey Williams 3rd November 17th
Casie Parker 6th November 21st
Archer Shelle PK November 23rd
Bristol Laux PK November 27th
Sadie McFarland K December 6th
Lorena Shaw PK December 6th
Hudson, MI
Sacred Heart School provides a faith-filled education built upon Catholic virtues and the life of Jesus Christ. Our students are balanced: confident of mind, academics and Catholic faith.
Every child experiences the living body of Christ, serves their neighbor, prays for wisdom and can see through the lens of our gracious, merciful and loving God.