Welcome Back Teachers & Staff!
CSRA RESA News - August 2021
We are so excited to work with you again this year!
We are still offering:
- unique and relevant professional learning opportunities
- six endorsement programs
- school improvement services
- educator collaboration
- PBIS Consulting
- Mental Health and Wraparound Training and Services
Check out this newsletter for updates and resources for the start of your 2021-2022 school year!
East Georgia GLRS
Lisa Hill is the Director of the East GA GLRS. You can contact her at RESA by calling 706-556-6225.
Endorsement Programs
Upcoming Courses
The Reading Resources Center at CSRA RESA
Young Georgia Authors Competition
Contact Laura Hooven, ELA Specialist, for more information: lhooven@csraresa.org
Learn ANYway
About Us
CSRA RESA serves 12 school systems: Burke, Columbia, Emanuel, Glascock, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Taliaferro, Warren and Wilkes. The support we give our school systems include facilitative, consultative, technical and professional development service that promotes continuous school improvement planning, building system capacity to sustain change, and to connect school improvement plans to systemic improvement efforts.
Email: dalexander@csraresa.net
Website: www.csraresa.net
Location: 4683 Augusta Highway, Dearing, GA, USA
Phone: 706-556-6225
Facebook: facebook.com/csraresa
Twitter: @csraresa