Cougar Connection
December 6, 2024
Holiday Spirit Days
12/10 Antlers, hats, or holiday headgear!
12/18 Favorite festive shirt, sweater, our outfit!
12/20 Pajama Day!
12/10 Spirit Day! - Wear your favorite antlers, hats, or holiday headgear!
12/11 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
12/11 Bad Fish Coffee Restaurant Fundraiser
12/11-12/13 Elf Shop
12/12 School Site Council 7:30am
12/12 Cougar Cruise Thursday
12/12 Cookies with Santa
12/13 1st grade Holiday Sing Parent Performance 2:00-2:45
12/14 Winter Art Showcase - Choir Performance
12/16 Fire Drill PM
12/16 Elf Shop items delivered to classrooms
12/17 SJUSD Board Meeting
12/18 Spirit Day! - Wear your favorite festive shirt, sweater, or outfit!
12/18 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
12/18 PTA Association Meeting 7:00pm
12/18 Winter Choir Concert 6:30pm at Carnegie Middle School
12/19 Cougar Cruise Thursday
12/19 5th Grade IMAX Field Trip
12/20 Spirit Day! - Pajama Day
12/23-1/6 Winter Break
1/7 Welcome back!
1/7-2/7 District Climate Survey
1/8 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
1/9 Cougar CruiseThursday
1/14 SJUSD Board Meeting
1/15 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
1/15 PTA Board Meeting 7:00pm
1/16 Safety Team Meeting 7:30am
1/16 Cougar Cruise Thursday
1/20 MLK, Jr. Day - No School
1/21-1/24 6th grade to Sly Park
1/22 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
1/22 Jimboy’s Tacos Restaurant Night Fundraiser
1/23 Cougar Cruise Thursday
1/23 Progress Reports Viewable in Parent Portal
1/23 Superintendent’s Parent advisory Committee 3:00-5:00pm
1/28 SJUSD Board Meeting
1/29 Choir 7:40-8:40 am
1/29 Skate Night 5:00-7:00pm
1/30 Cougar Cruise Thursday
Science Fair
This year's Science Fair was the most highly partcipated in Science Fair I've seen in my years as either a Twin Lakes parent or staff member. Everyone did an excellent job conductring experiments, doing research, and presenting their learning. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the projects and I know that others did as well, as I could hear the oohs and aahs of students and staff members as they toured the displays. Well done everyone!
For the first time this year, we had judges award certificates for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place at each grade level. Check out this year's winners below!
2025-2026 Open Enrollment
SJUSD's open enrollment period begins on Monday, Dec. 9 at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 24, 2025. During this time, you can submit an application to have your student attend a school other than his or her neighborhood school as long as there is space available and you are willing to provide transportation for your student.
When you log in to Parent Portal you can view your child’s assigned school for the next school year to help you decide whether to participate in open enrollment. As soon as you log in to Parent Portal, you will see both your child’s school for this school year and their assigned school for the next school year (2025-26) listed just below. No further action is needed if you are satisfied with your child’s assigned school for the next school year. If you would like to apply to make a change, you can complete an open enrollment lottery application starting Dec. 9.
Because open enrollment is a computer-generated lottery and not approved on a first-come, first-served basis, you can submit your application at any time during the open enrollment period.
Applications will be available online at and you may stop at the San Juan Central office, located at 3700 Garfield Ave. in Carmichael, if you need support with completing your application. For more information, call (916) SAN-JUAN or email
Cookies with Santa!
Thursday, December 12th from 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Twin Lakes Multipurpose Room
We need Volunteers!! Contact:
Please enter through the front cafteria door of the school with your family. Enjoy hot cocoa, cookies, activities and have your camera ready for a photo with Santa! Visit the Elf Shop open in the Library!!
For everyone's safety the rest of the campus will be off limits during this event!
Volunteers Wanted!
Elf Shop
See's Candy Holiday Fundraiser
Kings tickets for Christmas...yes please!
Twin Lakes students, staff, and families are invited to take over Golden 1 Center at the Kings game on Wednesday, February 5th at 7:00pm. Reserved tickets are available now through December 23rd. Click the button below to reserve yours now!