Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
December 16, 2024
Need to Know
- Students should not carry medication to school unless this has been approved by the school nurse per district policy. This includes bringing medications to and from school. All medications that are dropped of with the nurse require a doctor's order and parent signatures prior to being administered. There are unfortunately no exceptions.
- Our winter break is December 23rd through January 6th. Students will return on January 7th, 2025!!
- Check with your student and see if he/she needs any refreshing of supplies - especially pencils and wired headphones. We do have wired earbuds available in the library for $1.00. Thanks!
Questions of the Week
Keep them talking!
Do you ever ask your child about his/her day and you get a one word answer? or a shrug? Use these questions to find out more about your child's day!
Career Awareness 6 - What did you learn from Thursday's guest speaker about the Health Science cluster? What education is required and what skills are needed to be an anesthesiologist?
Health 6 - What is the Circle of Control and how can knowing about the circle of control help you and your health?
Science 7 - What gas is produced in bath bombs?
Science 6 -Why does the wind curve (Coriolis Effect)?
SS 6 - Which belief systems (religion or philosophy) have a specific code of conduct to live by?
SS 7 -Which European country was an ally to the United States during the Revolutionary War?
Acc. Math 7 -What are you most proud of figuring out when solving equations?
Math 6 - Simplify this expression: 30/2*5
Math 7 -How do you solve a two step equation?
ELA 6 -Write a complex sentence about your holiday plans.
ELA 7 -How does Dickens develop the theme of change throughout "A Christmas Carol"?
SEC - Why should we share with one another and take turns?
Band -Which scales have you learned in band? Have you memorized them yet? Which 2 scales do you need to learn for 2nd quarter?
Everything is listed on their Band Objective Sheet
GT - Are you ready to present your A to Z project?
PE - Compare your fitnessgram results from the beginning of the semester to now?
Thank you Dr. Jech!
We want to give a big "Thank You" to Dr. Jech of Northwest Medical Center for spending her day with us, educating us on her career journey as an anesthesiologist. Dr. Jech is a product of Springdale Public Schools and we appreciate her for giving back.
Rock Stars of the Week
Friday our boys basketball team recognized Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Van Vacter as Hellstern Rock Stars! Way to go!
Mark Your Calendar...
More info about this event will be coming soon!
From PTO
Thank you to Kimbrough Dental for helping us treat our teachers and staff to holiday treats this week!
Christmas Closet is all set up and ready for our students to shop next week! Thank you to all of our teachers and families who contributed money and needed items.
Girls Soccer Showcase
Eligible performances extended through Dec. 18th!
Meet the staff!
Each week we will highlight a few members of the Hellstern staff!
Breakfast & Lunch Menus - Dec. 16-20
Upcoming Dates
20 - End of 2nd quarter, Team Day
20 - Collecting Chromebooks to keep at school over the break
20 - Designated Food Day
20 - Club Day
20 - Band performs for 6th grade students (HMS Cafeteria)
Dec. 23 - Jan. 6 - Winter Break
7 - Students return for 3rd quarter
13 - Report cards go home in advisory
20 - No School
29 - Rising Student Night (this event is for current 5th & 6th graders) - (4:30-6pm)