Unpacking the Impact
A CCS monthly publication of ESSER endeavors
Volume 1, Edition 4
November, 2022
Stop the Summer Slide with Parkmoor ES
What does the YMCA, horseback riding, swimming, yoga, and gardening have in common?
In its 7th year, Parkmoor's Summer Exploration Camp is a unique summer program focusing on the reading and math needs of the students who attend the school. According to Principal Campbell, the purpose of the summer camp is to provide academic support to students in K-5 and to prevent any regression that may stem from summer slide or COVID shutdown and reopening. Accepting 15 students per grade, and held for 6-weeks in the summer, Parkmoor's students not only receive supplemental academic resources, but they also get to leave campus and make real-world connections to their learning during their academic field trips. Each year, the data clearly shows-- Parkmoor students who attend the Summer Exploration Camp have higher achievement than students who do not. Furthermore, because of ESSER funds, the number academic field trips doubled and partnerships grew this past summer.
Data indicated Parkmoor students and families, due to the COVID Pandemic, needed additional support. Ms. Dalrena Roberts, a current Transformation and Leadership Coach for Region 5 came in weekly to classes to teach a variety of math strategies. Reading used iReady and other district resources. Even the parents and families received support. Maya Marlowe, the Instructional Coach for Parkmoor ES led a weekly Parent Academy. The purpose of Parent Academy was to strengthen the school-to-home relationship and give families strategies to help even the youngest learner connect concepts and standards to everyday life. Some of the topics in Parent Academy were:
- Supporting Your Child's Reading at Home
- Creating Screen Free Family Connections
- Taking Care of Yourself so You Can Care for Others
- Creating Home Routines that Impact Your Child's School Success
Audubon Academic Field Trip
Supporting Literacy in the Parent Academy
Taking the Learning Outside
"It was my favorite part of summer!" (Second Grade Student)
"I learned to swim! And I learned math." (Third Grade Student)
"Thanks for all the support." (Parent Feedback)
"I'm glad this happened and can't wait until next year." (Parent Feedback)
"I look forward to Summer Camp every year. I get such joy watching the kids." (Current Parkmoor teacher)
A Well-Rounded Summer Exploration Camp Experience
Below is a video of Parkmoor at Slate Run Farm, one of the many academic field trips students participated in this past summer. To see other videos of Parkmoor's Summer Exploration Camp, and to learn what students are currently doing, follow "Miss Campbell and Friends" on YouTube.
Data Support Coordinator
Office of Transformation and Leadership
Email: thelmbrecht6433@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: www.ccsoh.us
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380)997-0787
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
Twitter: @ColsCitySchools