Summer School Start-up Instructions
Starts Tuesday!
Dear Students and Parents:
BHS Summer School starts Tuesday! Here are some important instructions about how it will run.
Since summer school is for such a short period of time, and because it is funded by a grant that requires attendance, we will be taking virtual attendance each day during summer school--Tuesdays through Fridays--through June 12.
Students will need to open their Google classroom 'Summer School Attendance'. Students will open an attendance/goal-setting assignment to check-in and set a goal for the day. If they do NOT check-in and set a goal, they will be counted absent.
VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE POLICY: If a student does not set a goal for the day through their Google Classroom, he/she will be counted absent. AFTER FOUR VIRTUAL ABSENCES, A STUDENT WILL BE DROPPED FROM SUMMER SCHOOL. Excused absences must be communicated to the student's teacher, or by calling the school's front office.
After each day's work session, students will reflect on their day's work in the same goal-setting assignment. Students can earn a half credit elective--Academic Strategies--if they do this reflection every day. But the only mandatory task is setting a goal.
If a student completes their classes before June 12th and does not want to continue summer school, they need to communicate this to their teacher.
Please read the directions about classes, the first day of virtual summer school, and about getting help below. We look forward to virtually seeing students working hard and making real steps closer to graduation!
Mr. Hietala, Assistant Principal
Teachers and counselors are right now enrolling students in classes for summer school. If the student has a strong preference for the two courses, please email the counselor as soon as possible:
Teachers will inform students of their classes through their school gmail account. These are the classes that students will be expected to complete. All classes will be either Google Classroom or Apex for credit recovery, and Summit for students enrolled in Summit Learning. If a student is not enrolled in a class, or the wrong classes, contact the counselor (Natasha Kemp) or me, Dan Hietala at
If a student is currently working on a class that does not match up with the assigned courses in the email, just contact the counselor.
Virtual Day 1
On Tuesday May 26th, you will need to do two things:
Set a goal in the Google Classroom called 'Summer School Attend, Acad.Strat.' This counts as your attendance for the day.
Work on your assigned Google Classroom, Apex, or Summit class
When you are done working for the day, open up your Summer School Acad. Strat. class again. Reflect on your goal!
Check your school gmail account for messages from your teacher. Do this every day for important feedback and information!
Need Help?
If none of this makes sense, or if students have any questions about classes, classwork, or how to do anything, just contact the staff below. Also, students need to check their school gmail regularly for responses to questions and important information.
Front Office: 864-2600
Assistant Principal
Credit Recovery Teachers
Summit Teacher