The Sandshore Scoop
January 24, 2025
Smore Newsletters will be sent every other week!
A Message from Ms. Curry
Sandshore families,
Thank you to all who participated in our Coin Wars. We raised $2250 for the Special Olympics and Unified. The winning class were Mrs. DeBarros' class and Miss Ciccarella / Mrs. Bunero's class. Congratulations to all!
Our next Kindess Ambassador activity is the Cereal Box Challenge benefiting our Sandshore families and the MO Food Pantry. Check out the flyer below for more information.
If you have an incoming Kindergarten or Preschool student please mark these registration dates in your calendar. All registrations are done online through the district website. See flyers in this newsletter for more information.
Kindergarten registration opens February 3rd
Preschool registration opens February 18th
Friendly reminder- Please be sure to put any changes to your child's dismissal procedures, including if they are staying for any after school activities, including Fit Kids, Aspire, MOSA, etc. in Pick Up Patrol.
OUTDOOR RECESS POLICY: Parents are reminded, any day where the wind chill/real feel is above 32 degrees Fahrenheit we will have our students participating in outside recess. Therefore please do not forget to send your child to school with a jacket, hat, and gloves to keep them warm while waiting for the bus on the cold winter and early spring mornings and/or for outdoor recess play.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Curry
Calendar of Events
January 27th - BOE Meeting
January 31st - Kids Heart Challenge fundraiser ends
January 31st - PJ Day
February 3rd- SHSP Meeting
February 10th: BOE Meeting
February 14th: Teacher In-Service SCHOOL CLOSED
February 17th - SCHOOL CLOSED
February 19th: SHSP Lunchtime raffle
February 24th: BOE Meeting
February 28th: Read Across America
March 3rd: One Book, One School begins
SEPAG (Special Education Parent Advisory Group ) meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month. Please email mtolivesepag@gmail.com for more information.
ALL BOE meetings will commence at 6:30 pm at the BOE Office unless otherwise noted.
Sandshore School Cereal Box Domino Challenge
Kids Heart Challenge - American Heart Challenge
Sandshore School Kids Heart Challenge Dates
Event Kickoff - 12/5 - 12/10
Fundraising Event - 12/5 - 1/31
K - 8 Lax Open House Clinic
The annual Open House clinic provides an opportunity for prospective players to try lacrosse before registering for the 2025 season
Superintendent Spotlight
Kindergarten Registration
Preschool Registration
Anti-Bullying Workshop Series for Families
What's Happening at Sandshore?
We rang in the new year a little early with a fun party that the room parents put together! Thanks to all those who contributed to the party & gift! Wishing everyone a happy & healthy 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣! @MOSandshore @Jen1Curry @Elena_Reyes_9
SnOw fun! Students had an indoor snowball fight with their friends...to 10 & practiced writing phonics words when the remix stopped. Who loves Grinch Day, we do! And another good book read by @halla01_hall @MOSandshore @Jen1Curry @Elena_Reyes_9
Our class was so excited to earn a special day of their choice...pillows & blankies! @MOSandshore @Jen1Curry @Elena_Reyes_9
School Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Roman supports the Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grade students.
Mrs. Velasquez supports the 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade students.
The Great Kindness Challenge Spirit Week February 3-7
Sandshore Shields of Honor
Throughout the year we will be recognizing students who display the core SEL competencies of self control, self awareness, safety, teamwork, leadership, and empathy. Stay tuned for our January recipients.
Congratulations to the December 2024 Shields of Honor Recipients
Partnership with MOHS National Honor Society
We welcome back members of the MOHS NHS who will be participating in SEL lessons with our students. We thank them for their support and partnership in working with our students and look forward to the second year of this program.
Sandshore Students Pledge to Make Sandshore School No Place for Hate!
Notes from our School Nurse, Mrs. Suzanne Herbst
February Dental Health Month!
February Dental Health Month
Has your child been to the dentist within the last year? Dental health is important for children but a planned visit can produce anxiety not only in children but adults too! "Some children just fear the dentist. They may have had a poor experience, or perhaps they learned this anxiety from a family member. The truth is that if your child doesn't cope with their stress now, it can become a problem when they have to keep dental appointments as an adult. Learn why some children have dental anxiety and tips for dealing with your child's anxiety so you can have a successful visit." Please visit this wonderful resource from Colgate to learn more ways to help reduce the fear your child may have.
Contacting Mrs. Herbst
MOTSD Elementary Code of Conducy
Why Join the SHSP
The SHSP November Newsletter
Box Tops for Education
Updates from Maschio's - Our Food Services Vendor
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
To complete a free and reduced lunch application, please visit https://www.motsd.org/student-life/food-services-information.
Parents can also complete an application online using PaySchools
Resources for Sandshore Parents
Logging into Real Time
Attention Parents!
Our student information system from Realtime Inc. allows parents and guardians online access to their child's information. You can check on grades, attendance, discipline, communicate directly with a teacher and other information.
* If you have forgotten your REALTIME login information please contact Mrs. Robinson in the Main Office*
Right at School - Before and After Care
Mt. Olive schools are partnering with Right at School to provide child care options for our community.
Click here to view the RIGHT AT SCHOOL website.
Fit Kids
Fit Kids Information
To sign up, please visit this link: https://register.capturepoint.com/reg/cat_program_list.cfm?season_id=26914
Sandshore School Schedule
Regular Schedule:
Parent drop off is at 8:50 and pick up is 3:45.
Delayed Opening Schedule:
Bus pick up times are two hours later than normal.
Parent drop off is at 10:50.
Early Dismissal Schedule:
NJ4S Parent Academy
Connect with Other Parents/Caregivers
& Learn How to Support Your Child!
NJ4S Parent Academy (Spanish Flyer)
¡Conéctese con otros padres/cuidadores y
aprenda cómo apoyar a su hijo!
Scout Troop 143 - Girls Ages 10+
Scout Troop 158 - Boys Ages 10+
Friends of the Mt Olive Public Library - Overstock Clearance Sale
Follow us on X ! Information on school events will be available to families by following @MOSandshore
Please sign up for Twitter and follow the district @MountOliveTSD
Dr. Bangia - @SuptMOTSD
Mrs. McDermond - @AsstSuptMOTSD
MOHS – @PrincipalMOHS
MOMS – @mtolivemiddle
CMS – @CMSmtolive
Mountain View – @MtView07836
Tinc Road – @tincroadschool
Sandshore Elementary School
Ms. Jennifer Curry, Principal
email: jennifer.curry@motsd.org
Mrs. Elena Reyes, Vice Principal
email: elena.reyes@motsd.org
Website: https://www.motsd.org/ss/
Location: 498 Sand Shore Road, Budd Lake, NJ, USA
Phone: 973.691.4003
X: @MOSandshore