Panther Tales "Mini"
January 16, 2025
The "Mini": Top Reminders & Helpful Links
1. School Policy Reminder: Picking up students in the park or neighborhood is not permitted.
2. Monday, January 20th: No School
School will be closed in observation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
3. January 23rd: Parent Meeting, RCMS Media Center, 5:30 pm
4. January 31st : Volunteers Needed for Honor Roll Celebration
Volunteers are needed to help celebrate our first semester honor roll recipients. Students who received all As, or As and Bs, will be receiving awards, recognition and a special ice cream treat! Please sign up to volunteer from 8:40 - 10:10 by clicking HERE!
5. Stock the Teachers Lounge
Our Teachers Lounge is running a little low and we could use your help restocking it with treats and goodies for our staff. Please choose an item or two on our amazon list. You can have it shipped directly to Laura Holtzclaw via amazon, or drop off at the front desk. Thank you!!
6. Spring Sports are Starting!
Baseball tryouts have begun and girls soccer tryouts are coming up soon! Track (7th & 8th Only) will be starting in February. Please remember to check the Athletics Activities page for all information related to sports schedules.
7. January 22nd: Experience Riverwood 8th Grade Trip
8th Graders will be going on their field trip to Riverwood High School.
8. Riverwood Athletics Association Seeks Auction Donations
Our Big Sib Riverwood High School Athletic Association is looking for donations to its first online auction! Have an item or service to donate? Please fill out this Form!
Community Partners & Sponsors
Thank you to these local businesses who have chosen to support our Panthers. Please consider supporting them in return!
Jaguar Partners
Cougar Partners
Leopard Partners
Want to be Social?
Ridgeview Charter Middle School
Location: 5340 South Trimble Road, Sandy Springs, GA, USA
Phone: (470)254-7710
Twitter: @RCMSPanther