SMS Family News
September 2024
Principal's Message
Hello, SMS Raiders!
I hope everyone has had a great start to the 2024-2025 school year and is enjoying learning experiences in our new building! Please check out the September edition of the SMS Family News for important information about Aspen, visitor building access, health office, back-to-school night, and extracurricular activities. I have also included information about the School Council and PTO for anyone interested in participating in those groups. Also, I encourage you to check out the spirit wear site hosted by the PTO and the attached resources from The Parent Institute.
Dr. McKinnon, SMS Principal
Aspen Information
Aspen is the student management system that we use at Somerset Middle School. All students, staff, and parents have login information to access Aspen. Any parent unsure of their Aspen login information should email andrea.smith@somersetschools.org.
All parents, please log into your Aspen accounts and select "Initiate" under the "Begin a Back to School Gateway" section on the home page. Please complete the necessary information within the back-to-school gateway and submit it when finished.
Parents are also encouraged to log into Aspen periodically to view attendance records and check assignment grades earned in each class. Progress reports and report cards will also be available in Aspen at the midpoint and end of each quarter.
Visitor Building Access - Main Office Entrance
Any parent, guardian, or individual visiting SMS during school hours must follow the procedure illustrated below to enter and exit the vestibule at the main entrance.
Health Office Information
Students needing medications during the school day must have them distributed by the school nurse. Additionally, parents must submit the medication order-parent consent form to the school nurse before medication is administered. The form and other medical forms are available at www.somersetschools.org under the "Families" tab and "Medical Forms" section.
Back-to-School Night
The SMS back-to-school night is Thursday, September 12th, beginning at 6:00 PM in the auditorium. After a brief presentation by the administrative team, parents will follow their child's C day schedule. We encourage parents to take a picture of their child's C day schedule to prepare, as student schedules will not be distributed.
Extracurricular Activities
School Council and PTO Meetings
The School Council is focused on school improvement initiatives, such as providing input on the student-parent handbook and the school improvement plan. Anyone interested in serving on the School Council should email Dr. McKinnon at kerri.mckinnon@somersetschools.org. The SMS School Council meets virtually one Wednesday per month, beginning in October.
The PTO is focused on planning events for the staff and student body and providing funds for school activities and materials. All staff and parents are encouraged to attend the virtual monthly PTO meetings to meet the board members, ask questions, and provide input. The SMS PTO meets one Wednesday monthly, usually after the SMS School Council meeting.
SMS Spirit Wear
The SMS PTO is hosting an online pop-up spirit wear store until September 17th. Check out the store and get your SMS Raider gear! The online store link appears below:
The Parent Institute Resources
Somerset Middle School subscribes to The Parent Institute to share resources with SMS families. The Parent Institute Resources for September are attached below.
Future Dates to Note
Thursday, September 12th - Back-to-School Night, beginning at 6:00 PM
Friday, September 13th - Early Release Day, 12:00 PM dismissal time
Monday, September 16th - Extracurricular activities and late bus begin
Tuesday, September 17th - Last day to order from the online spirit wear store
Wednesday, September 25th - Early Release Day, 12:00 PM dismissal time
Monday, September 30th - Fundraiser information will be disseminated