Saint Ambrose News
November 8th, 2024
Hospitality is the generous welcoming of another, on their own terms,
out of the love that comes from God.
School News
Dear Saint Ambrose Parents,
It was a great week of learning at Saint Ambrose. Our all staff retreat day included a beautiful Mass and a deep dive into how God is calling us to live the virtue of hospitality. One of the ideas that impacted me is that I put a premium on convenience in my life. Hospitality rooted in God's love is free from the idea of inconvenience. This is a challenge for me with my to-do list, my agenda and the ticking clock. We are blessed to reflect together as a staff on how God calls us to welcome others on their terms, not ours.
Important Updates:
Moving forward, spirit wear orders will be open from the 1st to the 7th of each month, with delivery approximately two weeks after the window closes.
Important: There will be no ordering window in December due to the holidays. This site will include 20% off for the holiday site - Coupon code SWARM20 for 20% discount
Current Order Site: The current order window will remain open until 11/8/24. Items will be delivered to the school 2-3 weeks after the store closes. You can place your orders here: Spirit Wear Order Site
Do you have an incoming kindergartener (fall 2025)?
If you have not received information about upcoming events for incoming kinders, please contact Janet in the school office.
Greetings from the Wellness Committee,
During November we are offering a Family Gratitude Challenge. Students will be participating at school on school days. Feel free to make up your own projects on non school days. See the attached calendar for the school choices.
Family Nov 2024 Gratitude Challenge
Kitchen Position:
Our Early Childhood is in need of a kitchen helper from 8am-3pm Monday-Friday. This person would help prepare snacks and lunch for our ECEC, wash dishes and deliver trays to Early Childhood. The job is posted by Taher, Inc. If you are interested, email foodservice@saintambroseschool.org.
Child Safety Curriculum
In November, classes will begin our child safety curriculum. Grades K-8 will be using the Monique Burr Foundations, Child Safety Matters curriculum. If you have any questions regarding the specific lessons being taught please contact your child's classroom (Grades 6-8 - Religion) teacher and they would be happy to share more information. This curriculum is required by the Archdioceses for all grade levels.
Lord God, Almighty Father,
creator of mankind and author of peace,
as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess,
we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces.
Give them courage, hope and strength.
May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing.
Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light.
To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever. Amen.
Betsy Osterhaus Hand
Veterans Day
"Do you know someone who is a US military veteran or currently serving? Would you like to invite them to talk at St. Ambrose about their experience and answer questions from students? We welcome them to come during lunch time on Veterans Day, Monday, Nov 11 between 11:15-1:00 or just a portion of that time. Please sign up using the link below."
Upcoming Dates to Add to Your Calendar
November 12th - Picture Retake Day
Nov 14th - Gingerbread Family Fun Night for potential 2025-2026 Kindergarteners. Do you have or know a Pre-K student? Invite them and their families to meet our Kindergarten Teachers and Administration at information night on November 14 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. A light snack will be served before touring each Gingerbread-themed classroom. Questions or interested in attending? Please contact the school office.
Save the Date:
Thursday, December 12th - Band Concert
Tuesday, Christmas Concert -December 17th at 7:00 PM.
Peace of Mind - Parent Session
NOVEMBER 12, 2024
Using What We Know About the Brain to Help Our Children Learn Discipline
Register TODAY to participate in the St Ambrose musical...
an on-stage adventure for students in grades 3-8
Our morning rehearsals take place in the school cafeteria
on Mondays & Tuesdays. We begin on Monday 11/11
Check out this promotional video clip from Ashland Productions!
(hopefully your students have seen it, too!)
The flyer below has all of our rehearsal & production dates listed
Please ensure that our show dates work with your family calendar
and then register today!
(questions can be emailed to Parent Coordinator Rosanna Bamsey: RgraceRN@gmail.com)
Students Living the Virtues
During November, Saint Ambrose students will be practicing the virtue of Respect. The Saint Ambrose Way tenet that we will be connecting to this virtue is to Be Clean.
Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they’re different from you or you don’t agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and well-being.
A few ways students can show respect and be clean are:
· Listen to others ideas
· Be thoughtful of others’ feelings
· Keep yourself clean and germ-free
· Keep common areas clean and clear
· After dining in the cafeteria be responsible for your trash
· Even if it is not yours, pick it up
· Make decisions based on what’s right, not who you like
· Respect physical boundaries
· Speak up if others around you are being disrespectful
· Lend a helping hand and practice compassion
Please help support your student on their journey of being respectful and clean!
General Info
Volunteer Requirement - Essential 3 Requirements outlined on the parish website.
Math Challenge - https://www.mathinaction.org/
https://www.artsonia.com/connect/TWKCXF27 And use the PARENT CODE TWKCXF27 to connect to Saint Ambrose.
Quick Links
School Supply List for 2024-2025
Quarterly Home and School Newsletter
Please login to Sycamore to access the school calendar, lunch menu, and schedules/grades (JH only)
Mission and Philosophy
Mission (what we offer)
We at Saint Ambrose School are part of a vibrant Catholic community supporting and nurturing
each child on their journey with Christ.
Through exceptional academics, embracing each child’s unique strengths and needs, and
joyfully engaging in prayer and service, we take a holistic, virtue-based approach to student
education and experiences. This is the Saint Ambrose Way.
Vision (what we aspire to)
As a thriving Catholic school, we create meaningful impact though each family we support and
student we send into the world.
By helping form the whole child, students are not only prepared well for the next level of
education, but life as Christian adults living the Saint Ambrose Way.
The Saint Ambrose community recognizes the partnership between parents, students, staff,
administration and parishioners in providing for the development of its members as people of
faith who worship, learn and grow together. As a community we have a responsibility to
support families- as the primary educators of their children- while providing enriching
experiences that promote a sense of belonging and responsibility to a community.
Follow us on Social Media
Did you know that we have a Saint Ambrose Facebook Page and Instagram Page? Please follow us for school updates and photos. Click the links at the bottom of this email for quick access to our social media pages.