Roland Hayes School
Community Notes ~ June14, 2024
August 16th, 2024
Our North Star
“When children and teachers feel engaged, safe, and supported we have room to grow and learn through collaboration and risk-taking with our peers.”
Previous "Community Notes" can be found here:
The "Community Notes" is sent every other week. Thanks for reading!
Dear Roland Hayes School Community
K-5 Class Placements Are Available Now
K - 5 Families: You can now head to the Parent Portal, log in, and learn which classroom your child has been assigned to for the new school year. Here is a “cheat sheet” on how to see the class section your child has been placed in for this upcoming school year: Parent Cheat Sheet for Portal-v2.pdf
If you need help accessing the Parent Portal, please reach out to
6-8 Schedules: Currently you can see your child’s class sections, but hour-by-hour schedules are not available yet. Those will be ready very soon. You will receive an announcement when the 6-8 schedules are available.
How Do We Create Our Classes?
We take the process of building class lists very seriously and commit to a process that is fair for all children. Our staff puts a great deal of time and attention into ensuring that all students are positioned for a successful year ahead. The process takes time, thought, and considerable energy to ensure that we create well-balanced groups of children who can work together both academically and socially. In order to accomplish this, we solicit input from many staff members who know each student in a variety of settings. Each spring we also ask each family to share with us, as they are willing and able, any factors that help their child be successful.
Please note:
Class placement decisions are final. Any decisions to make changes to class placement will be needs-based, in collaboration with individual families, and at the discretion of the Principal.
Starting the School Year: The Details
When does school start?
The 2024-2025 school year starts on Tuesday, September 3rd for students in grades 1-8. All students should plan to arrive no earlier than 7:45 a.m., with the exception of those arriving by bus and those who partake of the school’s breakfast service.
Kindergarten Start of Year
Kindergarten families, please note:
Kindergarten has a split start:
students with last names that start with A-J come to school on Tuesday, September 3. Pick up is at 12:00.
students with last names K-Z come to school on Wednesday, September 4. Pick up is at 12:00.
- All K students will be in class on Thursday, September 5
- If your K student rides the big yellow school bus, bus service begins for them on September 5.
- If your child is in Extended Day, please check in with the HEDP team for information about after school care on Sept. 3 and 4.
On September 3 and 4, Kindergarten has a noon dismissal and no lunch is served. We will have a “grab-and-go” lunch option for Kindergarten students on these days.
Our Family Handbook is available here: click here. In it you'll find:
- Our practices and procedures regarding Personal Electronic Device (PED)
- Behavior expectations
- In-school programming
- Discipline polices and procedures
- ... and more!
The Family Handbook is an important, useful document; thank you for reading it and supporting our school's practices. We value your partnership!
School Supply Lists
You will find school supply lists here:
- If you need help with purchasing these supplies, please do not hesitate to reach out to David Chaet ( or Alissa Ovadia ( – they can help!
Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) lays out the educational vision for this year and years to come; the SIP encapsulates what we hope to achieve together. Our new SIP is a critical document and will be reflected upon regularly with our School Council team, and messaging regarding achievement towards meeting our goals will come often through the year.
Each year we welcome new staff to our school and this year is no different. While we miss those professionals who have moved on to retirement or new professional challenges, we are excited by our new colleagues! Please click here to learn a bit about our new team members: link
- Our website has details on our entire staff, here:
What are Some Things I Might Need to Start the Year?
Arrival and dismissal take place outside of the school building, in all weather. Here is a map of where to gather each morning and pick up your student each afternoon: MAP
We encourage you to check out the school webpage for more information about the school
Here is the link to the Public Schools of Brookline calendar: calendar
Questions about food services? Check out this resource: link
Questions about transportation? Go here:
Should you have questions, be sure to reach out. We are here to help!
⭐Kindergarten Popsicle Party - front playground - August 28th @ 5pm⭐
Notes from the PTO
Are there ways I can contribute/volunteer my time and talents? YES!
The PTO is always looking for volunteers. There are many ways to contribute to our community. Check out the PTO's website for upcoming events, ways to support our school, and much more!
Summer greetings from the Hayes PTO, and a special welcome to all new Hayes families! Our enthusiastic volunteers are preparing many fun activities to celebrate our return on campus. Join us for all the Hayes PTO has to offer:
Volunteer at the Sept. 6th Back-to-School Social: The event of the season - see friends and beloved staff, meet new families, enjoy pizza and ice cream! Sign up to help make it as awesome as always.
Summer Book Club: It's not too late to grab a copy of Jonathan Haigt's The Anxious Generation and join the Hayes summer book club. Ordering the book from Hummingbird helps support our discussion event (below) or email for a loaner.
Curated Discussion of The Anxious Generation: Join fellow Hayes parents and staff for a curated discussion of The Anxious Generation at Hummingbird Books on Thursday, Sept. 19 @ 7pm.
Become a PTO volunteer: Join fellow parents for a project or ten; we do a lot and have fun spending time together! Your special skills and enthusiasm are always welcome.
Speaking of volunteers, we need Room Parents ASAP! Please email Deepa at to get more information or sign up!
Be a Back To School Social Sponsor: Have your small business prominently featured at the Sept. 6th Back-to-School Social while supporting the Hayes PTO:
We look forward to seeing you on campus soon. Until then, enjoy August to its fullest, and reach out to your PTO with questions or updates:
Our Land Acknowledgement
This parcel of land that our school sits upon is a special and sacred place.
Before this place was a Town, before our school was here, before this neighborhood was called “The Settlement” or “Chestnut Hill,” and before this land was a farm, this land was held by the Massachusett, the people Indigenous to this place. The Massachusett were the caretakers of this site, living full lives, raising families, and burying their dead right here. We recognize and honor this history, and seek to create thoughtful land stewards and citizens for generations to come.
As a public school, our primary objective is to ensure access, membership, and participation of all community members in our care; with this land acknowledgment we state our willingness to work towards that vision where all feel a true and abiding sense of belonging.
Roland Hayes School
The Public Schools Of Brookline | A METCO Partnership School
Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D. | Principal
Pronouns: he/him
Mr. Kirtan Patel | Vice Principal
Pronouns: he/him
Location: 100 Eliot Street, Chestnut Hill, MA, 02467
Phone: 617-879-4570