Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 5.19.23
Dear Lake Grove Families,
It was wonderful to see so many happy families on Wednesday evening at our Spring Social. It is important to me that Lake Grove helps students and families build connections and community across our individual differences and I felt honored to witness many examples of shared conversation, laughter, and empathy on Wednesday evening. We are stronger when we're aligned and supporting each other. Thank you for modeling for our children your commitment to creating a culture of belonging here at Lake Grove.
As a community, we also share a commitment to teaching and practicing sustainability. This week 5th graders participated in walking field trips to explore and learn more about some of the watersheds in our vicinity. See photos below. Next week kindergarteners will get to visit Luscher Farms in connection with their unit on plants. We are lucky to have so many opportunities for learning beyond our classroom walls.
We are also looking forward to the Talent Show on Thursday. In order to ensure enough time for all the performances, we will have Run Club on MONDAY May 22nd instead of Thursday May 26.
If you can't find what you need to know here, please feel free to email or call our office with questions.
Be kind,
Principal Jennie Knapp
Table of Contents
Upcoming CARES worksop (new)
Personal Belongings at School (new)
Thank You LOSD Voters for Passing Our Levy (new)
National Gun Violence Prevention Day (new)
Student Services Programs at Lake Grove (repeated)
Smart Start Save the Date (new)
Supply Drop Off Save the Date (new)
Enrollment Verification (updated)
OSAS Schedule and Reminders (repeated)
Environmental Workshops (repeated)
Hunger Fighters (repeated)
ILLO Clothing Closet (repeated)
Safe Oregon (repeated)
Save the Date (updated)
PTA News (updated)
Upcoming Cares Workshop
Personal Belongings at School
Here is the policy from the Elementary Student and Family Manual.
Personal Possessions: Students will assume responsibility for any items they bring to school. We have no way to safeguard items of real or personal value. The only time students should bring toys, games, sports and playground equipment, etc. to school is when their teacher instructs them to do so (for show and tell or other established purposes). Cell phones are not to be used during school hours, including during recess. Cell phone usage includes sending and receiving calls or text messages and taking pictures.
Thank You LOSD Voters for Passing Our Levy
Thank you! Lake Oswego School District voters passed Measure 3-592, with approximately 72% of ballots cast in favor of the local option school levy in the Special Election on May 16, 2023. Renewing the levy protects class sizes, educator positions, instructional days, elective programming, and mental health supports in our school without increasing the current property tax rates. Passing the levy is a big win for our students.
National Gun Violence Awareness Day
June 2 is National Gun Violence Awareness Day, and many in our learning community wear orange to support life-saving gun safety measures and safe and protected schools. Ongoing gun violence in our country has brought poignant attention to the day, recognized every first Friday of June.
LOSD was one of the first school districts in Oregon to pass Policy KGBB banning firearms on school grounds and has partnered with Be Smart to promote safe firearm storage.
Student Services Programs at Lake Grove
Next school year, our inclusive services will continue to expand at Lake Grove! Our school community will be expanding our special education services to better meet the needs of our students by adding a DELTA classroom (please see descriptions below for more information) in addition to keeping an ACCESS classroom.
Developing Educational and Life Tools for Achievement (DELTA):
Students benefit from support in the areas of social/emotional, executive functioning/organization, sensory and/or behavior.
DELTA is a dedicated system of support focusing on a student's barriers to success and helps them build self-regulation skills that facilitate greater levels of achievement, general education participation, and a sense of belonging. Utilizing a relational-based approach fostering collaborative problem solving, students are included in the general education classes and electives. Strong collaboration with Behavior Specialists is a key component of this dedicated support.
Advancing Curriculum & Communication to Enhance Student Success (ACCESS):
Students benefit from support in the areas of social communication, executive functioning/organization, cognitive flexibility, sensory and/or behavior. Strong collaboration with Speech Language Pathologists and Autism Specialists is a key component of this dedicated support.
ACCESS is a dedicated system of support focusing on building independence and self-reliance. Students have the opportunity to further their social communication, motor skills, and problem solving skills through targeted function based interventions in the general education classes and electives. School teams collaborate to differentiate and target social, behavioral, and executive functioning skills.
Thank you in advance for expressing your warm Grover welcome to our new and returning students!
SAVE THE DATE: Smart Start 2023
Smart Start is an opportunity specifically for our students with 504s and IEPs, and their parents and guardians, to make introductions and connect with their teachers and to feel prepared and welcomed for the start of school. Smart Start is in person on Thursday, Aug. 31,12:30-2:30 p.m.
Teachers will be familiar with your student’s plan and accommodations. To help get to know your students, please complete the attached one-page profile or create one on your own ahead of time, and give it to the teacher at the Smart Start introduction.
Also, to assist in your family’s preparation for the new school year use the Smart Start checklist for parents and guardians of students with 504s and IEPs.
See you on August 31!
Save the Date: Supply Drop off and Meet and Greet 2023
Enrollment Verification
We know people appreciate hearing from us, however…52 students in our system have workplace switchboards listed as their primary numbers. Do your coworkers a favor and put your direct line as the primary contact when you verify your student's information.
Log into ParentVUE and review/update your students' information through the Register/Verify tab. If you have forgotten your ParentVUE password, go to the login page, click "I am a Parent," then click "Forgot Password." If you are unsure whether you have a ParentVUE account, contact your student's school. For assistance with the verification process, refer to the user guide on the LOSD website or contact the office.
OSAS Schedule and Reminders
What students need to be prepared for state testing:
- Be well rested (good night sleep)
- Eat a healthy breakfast
- Bring a book to read when they are finished
- Encouragement (think growth-mindset!)
A reminder - students do not need a smartphone or smartwatch at school. We have a landline phone in the office where we encourage students to memorize an important phone number to practice dialing. Additionally, each Lake Grove student has been issued an iPad or a Chromebook. Please be sure that they bring CHARGED chromebooks for testing.
If a student has a smartphone or watch during testing it will invalidate their test (smart phones and watches are an impropriety, per state assessment regulations).
April 17 is the beginning of the Statewide tests for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math for all students in grades 3-5. Here is the schedule for the next few weeks:
Environmental Workshops
Hunger Fighters
ILLO Clothing Closet
Safe Oregon
Safe Oregon, Ways to Report Incidents
Parents-guardians who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal and maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources. SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools. Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.
In addition, below are reporting methods for parents-guardians or students to use to report issues related to racist, bias, or harassment incidents.
· Incident Report for Elementary School
Save the date!
May 22 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 24 - Kindergarten Field Trip
May 25 - Lake Grove Talent Show (for students only)
May 26 - No school for students
May 29 - Memorial Day - No School
June 1 - Last Run Club of the year!
June 2 - Wear orange for gun safety
June 6 - Last PTA general meeting of the school year - 7pm in the LG library
June 7 - Field Day
June 8 - 5th grade Field Trip
June 9 - 5th Grade Celebration for Parents 1:30 pm
June 12 - Wear Lake Grove Spirit Wear. Last Day for students. Early Dismissal 11 am.
The district calendars for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years are now available on the district and Hallinan websites. You can find them here quickly.
PTA News
Join the PTA General meeting on June 6 at 7 p.m. in the LGE library when all PTA members are eligible to vote on three items:
1) a budget amendment for the current budget in support of local families in need
2) our proposed 2023-24 executive board members, and vote
3) a placeholder budget for the 2023-24 school year
Any LG family (members and non-members) are welcome to attend any PTA meetings. You will learn more about our plans for the next year in support of our mission to serve the students, teachers and staff at Lake Grove. All in-person meetings also offer a Zoom option. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via text message to all families who are signed up to receive school text messages on the morning of the meeting. Questions? Contact
Contact if you are interested in serving on our executive board for the 2023-24 school year! We are currently looking for volunteers to serve in the following roles:
Secretary: Attends executive board meetings and general meetings (average of 2 hours per month); records all meetings of the association (including minutes for executive meetings and general meetings); keeps a permanent file of meeting minutes (Google Drive); updates PTA bylaws if needed; reads and files all correspondence received from Oregon PTA; conducts correspondence as directed by the president(s); sends notification of general meetings; prepares agenda for executive and general meetings; presents status reports at executive board & general membership meetings; creates PTA news section of Cougar News; updates PTA website; posts to PTA social channels.
Assigned Program Work: Communications (Cougar News), Website, Social channels
VP of Membership: Oversees the recruitment of parents & staff for PTA membership; attends executive board meetings and general meetings (average of 2 hours per month); maintains all membership records (DirectorySpot); serves as board liaison between the following committee chairs and PTA Board.
Assigned Committees: Volunteer Coordinator/Room Parents, Welcome Committee
Assigned Program Work: Welcome/Membership Packet (yearlong calendar of events), Volunteer Recruitment, Meet & Greet, Welcome Back Picnic/Back to School Picnic
VP of Enrichment (or Co-VPs): Oversees our enrichment programs; attends executive board meetings and general meetings (average of 2 hours per month); ensures enrichment committees are staffed with volunteers, which could include the following activities in 2023-24…
Assigned Committees: Committee activities could include, but are not limited to: Art Literacy, Oregon Battle of the Books, Culture Travel, Run Club, Math Club, K-2 reading enrichment (tbd), Drama Club, Journalism Club, STEAM Night
Treasurer’s Assistant: Support the treasurer by picking up mail at school, obtaining signatures on check requests and complete mailings; attends executive board meetings and general meetings (average of 2 hours per month)
Learn more about volunteer opportunities on our flyer and contact us anytime to learn more!
School Supplies
Our school has partnered with 1st Day School Supplies to provide you the exact supplies we are asking your child to have for the start of the school year. Of course, you can shop to get these supplies on your own or you can click the link below to eliminate the hassle and aggravation of back to school shopping.
Teachers love this concept! It really is exactly what they have asked for! We have found students who have everything we ask for on the 1st Day of school have a more confident transition. If you want to purchase from 1st Day School Supplies click the link below. 1st Day School Supply kits are delivered directly to Lake Grove! The order deadline is June 30 to purchase the supplies for next year.
2023-24 school supply lists are posted on our school website if needed.
If you have any questions about the service feel free to email Kati Radziwon at
Art lit portfolios are keepsakes for each student to bring their year of art lessons home. Volunteers are needed in each classroom to create these art lit portfolios! This is a flexible project that can be done during school hours or after work. Sign up here to help: Questions? Contact
Treasures await you in our Lost & Found, now on display in the vestibule. Stop by and look for the winter coat that came to school on a chilly Spring morning, but got tossed aside on a sunny afternoon! The Lost & Found has been on display all week and was displayed at the Spring Social. All remaining items will be donated on Monday, May 22.
Thank you for joining our LGE community at the spring social this week! Check out the fun on Instagram or Facebook:
Join the PTA General meeting on June 6 at 7 p.m. in the LGE library when all PTA members are eligible to vote on three items:
1) a budget amendment for the current budget in support of local families in need
2) our proposed 2023-24 executive board members, and vote
3) a placeholder budget for the 2023-24 school year
Any LG family (members and non-members) are welcome to attend any PTA meetings. You will learn more about our plans for the next year in support of our mission to serve the students, teachers and staff at Lake Grove. All in-person meetings also offer a Zoom option. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via text message to all families who are signed up to receive school text messages on the morning of the meeting. Questions? Contact
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357