NEW Administrator Updates: ATH RIC
August 2024
Administrator Newsletter
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Textbook Adoption Presentation (Virtual) from Patrick Chappell of Publishers' Warehouse
- Three Opportunities for Zoom Presentations
- September 12 - Register HERE!
- Zoom Link for Thursday, September 12th , 8:30 to 10:00 am
- September 17 - Register HERE!
- Zoom Link for Tuesday, September 17th , 11:00 to 12:30 pm
- September 20 - Register HERE!
- Zoom Link for Friday, September 20th , 1:00 to 2:30 pm
Maxwell Leadership Foundation's Leadership Series - First Session: October 2
ALSDE is excited to continue our partnership with the Maxwell Leadership Foundation to host the statewide Leadership Development Series as an important step to support our Alabama educators and staff. Leadership Development is based on John Maxwell’s renowned and proven leadership development content and – based on feedback gathered from educators who have previously participated in them –are times of meaningful conversation and real encouragement that foster strong, resilient relationships.
Led through discussion groups, Leadership Development is based on lessons in leadership values. Participants will learn about how transformational leaders live these values in their personal and professional lives. These lessons include a variety of topics designed to add to any leadership toolbox. The beginning of each session will briefly feature a special guest speaker. Then, participants will enter break-out sessions with fellow-educators from across Alabama to read the lesson together, discuss leadership values, self-evaluate, and goal-set.
All Alabama educators are invited to attend Leadership Development monthly to connect with teachers, district and school administrators, and state education leaders. Attendance is unlimited. Educators may register and join individually from their own devices.
Leadership Development will be held virtually from 3:30-4:30 p.m. CST on the following dates:
- 10/2/24 Teachability
- 11/6/24 Humility
- 12/4/24 Generosity
- 1/8/25 Priorities
- 2/5/25 Valuing People
- 3/5/25 Personal Growth
- 4/2/25 Adding Value
To register, click here.
New Teacher Academy - Office of School Improvement
New Teacher Academy - Office of School Improvement
- Friday, October 4
- Classroom Management w/Dr. Layne Dillard: 8:30 - 11:30 am
- Small Group Instruction w/ Ardrinnia Strum: 12:30 - 3:30 pm
- Register HERE for Sessions 1 & 2
- Monday, November 4
- Problem Solving Team w/ Wendy Arnold: 8:30 - 11:30 am
- ACAP/DRC Resources w/Charissa Lambert: 12:30 - 3:30 pm
- Register HERE for Sessions 3 & 4
DISCLAIMER Concerning APLDS PD Sessions
This APLDS professional learning experience requires a minimum of 10 registered participants to proceed as scheduled. If the minimum registration is not met, the session may be canceled.
Alabama Principal Leadership Development System
PowerSchool Professional Learning Guidance
- All Principal Act state-approved professional learning clock hours must be awarded through the PowerSchool Professional Learning platform under the Office of APLDS (Alabama Principal Leadership Development System) (ALSDE).
- For ACLD PLUs, participants must also register for the PLU course in PowerSchool Professional Learning to receive PLU credit.
- Look for the APLDS Name or LOGO to ensure the PD is Principal Act Approved.
Where To Find APLDS PD in PowerSchool
Principals and APs can find the state-approved list in PSPL the following ways:
- Search for “aplds” in Course Search (under Course tab)
- Click on the “Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS)” tag (under Course tab)
NEW APLDS Approved Online Courses
PSPL 507195 - Effective Feedback to Enhance Instructional Practices
PSPL 507193 - Role of Alabama Teacher Growth Program in Teacher Effectiveness
Diane Sweeney: Student-Centered Coaching
LETRs for Administrators
APLDS Timeline
APLDS Stipends Requirements
Region 2 Request Links
Remember, If you have specific professional learning needs please use the PD Request Form or if you need to reserve a learning space at the Regional Inservice Center or on the Athens State Campus, please use the Facility Reservations form.
Professional Learning Network PLN 2024-2025
Deadline to Register Your Team - August 16!
A+ Best Practices Center
Powerful Learning Network (PLN)
2024-2025 Schedule
Virtual Meeting Date:
- Wednesday, September 4 - Kickoff
Face-to-Face Meeting Dates:
- Thursday, October 24
- Thursday, December 12
- Thursday, February 20, 2025
Alabama Veterans Museum
100 Pryor St. W
Athens, AL 35611
For more information, contact Dr. Brad Lewis brad.lewis@athens.edu.
Registration Information
*The cost to attend is $550 per person for the whole year.
- Both PLUs and CEUs are offered for PLN participants.
- We'll share PSPL Registration Info. later this summer.
- Our Focus Text is School Culture Rewired by Todd Whitaker and Steve Gruenert
A+ Best Practices Center Peer Coaching Workshops - APLDS Approved PD
- Peer Coaching Registration
- Contact Dakota Punzel for more Information at dakota@aplusala.org or (205) 908-0059
ATOT Training w/ Barry Wiginton
Alabama's Teacher Observation Tool: An Overview for New Administrators
- Tuesday, August 20
- Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
- Format: In Person
- Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
- 1115 Hwy 31 S. Athens, AL 35611
- Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
- Clock Hours: 6 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS Approved PD
A Closer Look at the ACTS & the Dimensions of Alabama Teacher Observation Tool
- Wednesday, September 11
- Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
- Format: In Person
- Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
- 1115 Hwy 31 S. Athens, AL 35611
- Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
- Clock Hours: 6 Hours
- Register HERE
ACIP Training from Office of School Improvement
Navigating ACIP: Strategies for Effective Implementation
- Tuesday, September 3
- Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am
- Format: In Person
- Location: Athens State Ballroom
- Facilitator: Dr. Layne Dillard, OSI Regional Specialist
- Clock Hours: 3 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS Approved PD
Collaborative Work-Time: Enhancing School Improvement Plans with ALSDE Support
- Tuesday, September 3
- Time: 12:30 - 3:30 pm
- Format: In Person
- Location: Athens State Ballroom
- Facilitator: Dr. Layne Dillard, OSI Regional Specialist
- Clock Hours: 3 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS Approved PD
Cognia Annual IMPACT Conference: August 27 - 28
- Cognia® would like to invite you to their IMPACT Conference being held in Montgomery, AL on August 27-28, 2024. This event is for teachers and leaders and will focus on activating continuous improvement for high-quality schools and systems. Attend this conference for meaningful, relevant professional learning that will inspire you. Early bird and group rate pricing will end in early August –register today
- Register HERE! Register | Cognia IMPACT Conference - Montgomery, AL(pheedloop.com)
ALSDE Extended Learning w/ Jeff Norris
Administrator PLUs
AI PLU for Administrators
2024-2025 LEA Representative Leadership Training
There are many people who touch the lives of students who receive special education services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The Local Education Agency (LEA) representative is an important and required member of each student’s IEP team. As a member of the IEP team, this person works collaboratively with other IEP team members to develop a program based on each student’s unique needs. Unfortunately, this is not always the case because some of the LEA representatives are not certain of their role, nor do they understand their legal and professional job duties as the IEP meeting’s “process leader.” Join Julie Weatherly (Resolutions in Special Education) and Tim Havard (Havard Consulting) as they bring back the popular LEArn and LEAd Sessions!
- September 9, 2024 (FULL) Birmingham, AL - Shelby County Instructional Services Center
- September 30, 2024: Auburn, AL - Auburn City School Transportation
- October 2, 2024: Birmingham, AL - Shelby County Instructional Services Center
- October 9, 2024: Madison, AL - Madison City Board of Education
- February 11, 2025: Birmingham, AL - Shelby County Instructional Services Center
- February 12, 2025: Madison, AL - Madison City Board of Education
Registration Fee: $150
Physical Education PLU
- ACLD PLU 1267: Positive Impact of Quality Physical Education on Academic Performance
- The Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (ASAHPERD) has developed a PLU for active superintendents, district administrators, and school administrators to increase their knowledge of quality physical education, what should be observed in a quality class, and how a quality program increases academic performance among students.
- Participants will learn the difference between physical education and physical activity and learn the appropriate standards for each grade level in physical education.
- Additional Information including Costs
- Register HERE!
Curriculum Directors
Region 2 Curriculum Directors Meeting - September 26
- Meeting at the Alabama Center for the Arts in Decatur
- 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
- Region 2 ALSDE Specialists and Athens State University College of Education Faculty will join us.
- Future Dates: February 13 and April 10, 2025
Dates for C&I Meetings
- September 4 - Jacksonville State University Regional Inservice Center
- September 11 - VIRTUAL - Link TBA
- January 15 - Florence City Schools BOE
- January 23 - VIRTUAL - Link TBA
- April 2 - James Clemens High School
- April 9 - VIRTUAL - Link TBA
PLU for Curriculum Directors
Upcoming Conferences
Alabama Association of 504 Coordinators
Alabama Association of 504 Coordinators' December 4 - 5, 2024 Marriott Birmingham | 3590 Grandview Pkwy Birmingham, AL 35243
30th Annual Conference
Hotel Reservations - To book your room, call the Marriott Birmingham at (205) 968-3775 asking for group rate "Alabama Association of 504 Coordinators" to receive a nightly rate of $165 plus taxes and fees. To ensure this rate, please book your room no later than November 11, 2024. Or you may book online below. Check in time is 4:00 p.m.
1-2 Registrants 3 or More Registrants
Day 1 Only (Basics) $195 per person $170 per person
Day 2 Only (Advanced) $375 per person $345 per person
Days 1 & 2 (Basics & Advanced) $495 per person $465 per person
Cancellations: Please be informed that no refunds will be granted after November 26, 2024. Our commitment to delivering a successful event requires us to guarantee resources such as food, meeting space, and other resources in advance. If you do not attend the event or fail to cancel by the appointed date, you will be held responsible for the full event registration. We understand unforeseen circumstances can arise and advise you to contact us at events@clasleaders.org as soon as possible in the event you are unable to attend.
If you are working on PLUACLD1213, you must attend three Empower Hours webinar sessions! The webinars are designed for educators and administrators to gain a better understanding of legal issues while supporting students with disabilities under Section 504. Registration includes the following sessions:
CLAS + ALA504 Members - $25/person Non Members - $50/person August 23, 2024 - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm November 18, 2024 - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm February 13, 2025 -11:00 am - 12:00 pm May 8, 2025 - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
ARI August Newsletter
- Setting the Gears in Motion - reference to the 7 Cogs from LETRS Admin #2
- August Leadership Tasks
- BOY Data Meetings (ACAP Analysis 'on demand' webinars
- Improving Tier 1 Instruction
- Tiered Supports and PST Guidance Manual
- Prevention & Intervention Support Document
- Assessment Windows 2024-2025
- PowerSchool Reporting Info
- PowerSchool trainings
- Coaching Communities Info
- Strong Leader/Reader "Leadership Labs" Info
- ARI Professional Learning to Support the Principal Mentoring Act
- LETRS Registration (deadline August 30th) & Calendar
- Neuhaus Structured Literacy Modules Info & Sign-Up
- ARI On Demand Professional Learning Videos via YouTube channel
- Student Centered Coaching
- ARI Back to School Newsletter for Families
Funding Summer Learning
- Braiding Funds to Maximize Student Outcomes in Summer Programs.
- Video from Dr. Molly Killingsworth
ARI Updates
- All Literacy Act reporting requirements must be entered into Unified Insights by September 16, 2024.
- ARI Comprehensive Memo
- Neuhaus Structured Literacy Modules for PreK, K-12, and Higher Education COMING SOON!
- ARI Quick Links
Office of Student Learning
ESSA TSI and ATSI Schools Video: March 2024
Math Nation - Algebra 1 Research Study
- Opportunity to utilize Math Nation curriculum materials.
- Platform Resources include: Study Expert videos (including Spanish-language), digital assessment tool, and intervention tool.
- Research Study is High School Algebra 1 ONLY.
- Schools join the study, not individual teachers.
- Participating teachers will get up to $1700 stipend.
- 2 Days of Mandatory PD, 4 additional optional PD days.
- For more information, contact Becca Phillips at Becca@MathNation.com
Emergency Certification Resources
PREP - Emergency Certificates, Long-Term Subs, and New Teacher On-Demand Training.
Counselors and PowerSchool SIS Staff
ALSDE Department Websites and Region 2 Specialists Contacts
Region 2 - RIC
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Science in Motion
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Ken Kirby - Regional Literacy Leadership Specialist (RLLS)
Kimberly Hargett - RLLS: Limestone, Hartselle, & Morgan.
Kim Goodwin - RLSS: Blount, Cullman City & Co. & Oneonta
Melissa Penley - RLSS: Athens City & Lawrence Co.
Tracie Howard - RLSS
Angela Richardson - RLSS
Christy Lockhart - Region 2 Math Specialist
- Dr. Brad Lewis - RIC Director (256) 233-6574 Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
- Deepa Manandhar - Program & Financial Assistant (256) 233-6576 Deepa.Manandhar@athens.edu
- Physical Location: 1115-A Hwy 31 Athens, AL