Updated Family Information
January 17, 2025
Valentine's Day
As you start to plan for Valentine's Day, please be sure to make a Valentine for all students that are part of your child's homeroom. If students are participating in the exchange, students must make a card for each person in the class. I ask parents to check the Valentines to be sure all messages and cards are school appropriate. Your child's teacher will send home a list of students
I have attached the list of food/candy that can be sent in, which is a recent change from years past. For your planning purposes, the 13th is an early dismissal day and the 14th is a day off so check with your child's teacher when the exchange will take place.
PTO Event-Bridgeport Islanders Game
PTO Event-Breeze Restaurant Night
January menus
February Menus
Restocking Library Books-Help Needed!
Volunteers needed at ESS Library Media Center -only current parents of ESS students please
In our large elementary school of 465 students, a lot of library books are checked out and returned during the school year. Mrs. Bush is seeking volunteers to commit to 1-2 hours per week to help check in and reshelve returned books. The time slots available are daily from 9:05- 9:45. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Mrs. Bush for more information at: kbush@sheltonpublicschools.org.
2025-2026 Incoming Kindergarten Registration
In person registration will begin on February 3rd for all students who are eligible to attend Kindergarten next year. Please see the district website for updated forms to fill out. You will need to contact the Main Office (203-929-1330) to set up a registration appointment. Your child DOES NOT need to attend registration with you.
Those students who are not 5 by September 1st will have to fill out a waiver in order to be considered for registration. That link will be on the district website prior to February 3rd.
Updated Information
Current News-
I hope you had a good week.
It was nice to get some fresh air for a few days this week at recess when it wasn't so windy. Just a reminder to have your child bring hats/gloves
We have so many items in lost and found. We will be making a donation at the end of the month with any jackets, sweaters, etc that we have without names on them because we are running out of room. Parents are free to come and look through the items anytime between 10:00-2:00
Have a nice long weekend-see you Tuesday-Mrs Weber
Old News-
Please be sure you are aware of what websites your children are accessing at home. Many students are trying to replicate certain challenges they see online or are using words that are inappropriate for a school setting based on what they are seeing on the phone/tablets/laptops/computers.
Just another reminder that student phones and smart watches are NOT allowed to be on during the school day. Please refrain from contacting your child on these devices during the school day
Please be sure if you are in the back for parent pick up that you remain in a line and wait patiently for your child to be dismissed. Parents are pushing in front of others and it is an unacceptable practice. For everyone's safety, children will be dismissed in an orderly fashion based on the order of the list of names we have. Children will not be released until their name is next on the list, regardless if you cut the line. Yelling at staff members for doing their job is also an unacceptable practice. Please relay this message to anyone who is picking up at ESS. Your cooperation with this request is appreciated.
Children must have a coat each day, hoodies are not warm enough if we go outside for recess or have fire drills. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated. Should you need a coat for your child, please let me know and we can arrange to get one for your child. If your child is giving you a hard time about wearing a coat, please let me know and I will speak with him/her
Please not that IF we have a snow day, the day is added on to the school year and made up in June. Everyday we are closed due to inclement weather adds onto the days in June. If we have a large number of snow days, additional school days are taken from April break. As of today, the tentative last day is Monday June 9th
Dates to Know
Link to upload pictures for the yearbook
PTO Newsletter
Important Links
- Please be sure you have read and have familiarized yourself with all the rules/expectations at ESS-especially about morning arrival and afternoon dismissal https://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/mh5j6
- Link to our school website which contains lots of information-http://elizabethshelton.sheltonpublicschools.org/home_page