Committed to Excellence
Staff & Student Spotlight- Kindergarten Registration Information
Upper Perkiomen School District is excited to announce that registration for incoming Kindergarten students is right around the corner. This year, registration will be conducted at the Education Center and will be for parents/guardians only; there will be no student testing conducted during the March registration process.
The details for Kindergarten registration are outlined below:
Registration Dates-
March 5th: 8-11 a.m. and 1-6:30 p.m.
March 6th: 8-11 a.m. and 1-6:30 p.m.
Location: Education Center Multipurpose Room (2229 East Buck Road, Pennsburg, PA 18073)
Registration Requirements:
Parents/Guardians MUST complete the online registration prior to arriving on March 5th or 6th. If you currently have a child enrolled and attending UPSD, please register your Kindergarten student through your Skyward Family Access account, linked here.
If you do NOT have a child enrolled at UPSD and you are registering your first child at UPSD, please register online using this link.
Parents/Guardians MUST have each of the following documents at registration:
2 proofs of residency
Student’s original birth certificate
Student’s immunization record
Kindergarten registration WILL NOT be complete without all of these documents at the time of registration. Additional information about the assessment of students’ needs and Kindergarten placement will be announced later this spring.
The staff at Upper Perkiomen School District looks forward to meeting the class of 2031!
Bright Bytes Survey
Elementary students will take the survey during FLITE school sometime during the weeks of February 12th through February 23rd. Middle level students will take the survey during QUEST period on Friday, February 23rd. High school students will be asked to take the survey during x-period on Monday, February 26th.
Parents and teachers are invited to complete the Bright Bytes Survey. Please go to the Upper Perkiomen School District Website, click on Academics, and Bright Bytes Survey for more information.
Parents can also click on the links below to complete the survey:
Teachers can click on the links below to complete the survey:
UPSD New Course Proposals
Modern & Short Fiction
Grade Level: Academic 12
Length of Course: Semester
Course Credit: 1.0 Credit
The Short Fiction course will explore short stories and short novels (novellas) on a number of levels, including elements of fiction, various techniques of writing fiction, and themes. Theme, the broadest and most open for interpretation, will be a major focus; it may involve applications to authors, applications to issues of the times (for authentic connections), applications of various methods of literary analysis, and perhaps, the most common, applications to the human condition. In addition, the course will look at how literary form may affect or reflect presentation or perception of theme.
Film as Literature
Grade: 12th grade
Course Length: Semester
Course Credit: 1.0 CreditsFilm Production
Grades: 9-12
Course Length: Semester
Course Credit: .5 credits
You are that person that can’t just a watch a movie. If the title of this course has peaked your interest, keep reading. From basic Cinematography to set lighting, lens choices, camera choices and so many other cinematic concepts- you are starting Film School in this course.
Students write, direct and produce original short films, as well as perform the various roles in film production from acting to props management and set design. This is a performance-based class and students should be comfortable with computer and video technology, as well as writing. Students enrolled in this course will also have the chance to enter all of their films into local and regional film festivals in which the instructor has already guided dozens of students to top honors and scholarships for their work.
Sports Broadcasting
Grades: 9-12
Course Length: Semester
Course Credit: .5
Are you ready to produce professional level Sports videos for TV and Digital Media?
Then, this is the course to get you started!
From Camcorders to DSLR cameras and even your own Smartphone and tablet, you are about to dive in head first into the world of Sports Broadcasting and Sports Video Production!
In this class, the first of its kind in PA*, we shoot sports and entertaining videos on and around the campus as well as use popular videos and films to teach the concepts that help create them. Then, we teach you how to use the same to create your own. This is a performance-based class and students should be comfortable with computer and video technology, as well as writing.
Students enrolled in this course will also have the chance to enter all of their Sports feature stories, documentaries ad play-by-play broadcasts into local and regional film festivals in which the instructor has already guided dozens of students to top honors and scholarships for their work.
Principles of Engineering (Working Title)
Grade: 10-12
Course Length: Semester
Course Credit:1.0 credit
In this course students will be using scientific and engineering concepts to learn about the various areas of engineering. The may include: mechanical, civil, and bioengineering. Students will then use these science concepts and the engineering process to complete engineering challenges in each of these areas. Examples of these might include mousetrap cars, creating prosthetic limbs, and creating water treatment/stormwater management systems.
Introduction to Forensics
Grade: 10-12
Course Length: Semester
Course Credit: 1.0 credit
AP Physics 1
Grade: 11-12
Course Length: Semester
Course Credit: 1.0 credit
AP Physics 1 is a continuation of mechanical concepts taught in Honors Physics I (acceleration, forces, trajectory, momentum, energy, and rotational motion). It will also explore the concepts of electrostatics and electricity, electromagnetic waves, sound, and simple harmonic motion. These are all concepts necessary for students to take the AP Physics 1 exam. With the time left, students will explore buoyancy, thermodynamics, optics, and some advanced electronics principles. Inquiry, hands-on learning, labs, and projects will be an integral part of the course.
AP Studio Art
Grade: 11-12
Course Length: Year
Course Credit: 1.0 credits
AP Studio Art is designed for highly motivated students who are seriously interested in the study of art. It is recommended that students first take a drawing and painting course. AP Studio Art is not based on a written exam; instead, students submit portfolios for evaluation at the end of the school year. The AP Studio Art Program consists of three portfolios to choose from: 2-D Design, 3-D Design and Drawing. Students will explore their own skills while working with the teacher to develop a portfolio with three areas of concern: quality, concentration and breadth.