24-25 Jefferson Newsletter
Jefferson ES Weekly Newsletter

Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Greetings Jefferson Community!
Not only was Monday 1/20 the day we recognize Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, it was also the National Day of Service, a time for each of us to give back to our communities. In that spirit, this week, Jefferson is launching a supply drive for folks impacted by the Eaton Fire.
We will be working with a Jefferson staff member and local business owner to collect NEW and UNUSED items that are infrequently donated and much needed.
All donations can be brought to school and we will be collecting them in the lunch shelter. See the flyer for details.
Have a great week,
Principal Young
Still seeking Lunchtime Volunteers!
We are looking for volunteers to come and help students sort their lunch left overs.
Each school day from 11:20 to 1:00 students are eating in the lunch shelter and are asked to sort their trash into the correct container. (liquid, food, trash, and recycle) It takes some thought and know how. So, we are looking for parents to come in a volunteer to assist in the sorting process.
If you have an open weekday between 11:20 to 1:00 starting in January, that you would like to come in and assist in the training of our students, we would love your help.
What will you get out of it?
An opportunity to wear a green apron and the satisfaction of making our planet a better place.
If interested, please email Ms. Anderson at kimanderson@burbankusd.org
Jefferson ES Bell Schedule for 2024-2025
Please take note of the start and end times for all grade levels. Most of these have not changed from the 2023-2024 School Year. Notice that every Tuesday has an early release schedule.
There are many exciting things happening in January – mark your calendars and join in the fun!
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 20th
Martin Luther Kind Jr. Day is a federal holiday in the United States that honors the life and work of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. It’s celebrated on the third Monday of January. Check out these inspiring books you can read with your family!
- “A Place to Land”, Barry Wittenstein and Jerry Pinkney
- “I Have a Dream”, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Kadir Nelson
Winter Wonderland Dance Jan. 31st
PTA invites Jefferson students and their guardian/s for a magical night of dancing, photos and fun! Similar to last year, the dance will be held inside the gym at John Muir Middle School. Look for flyers and more information coming home soon!
Carnival Kickoff Meeting Jan. 29th
Planning is underway! Come join us in the library at 7pm or zoom in to hear all about the fun! This is our biggest event which requires a lot of logistical planning and community engagement. There are many opportunities big and little in which YOU can get involved. Email christinam.pta@gmail.com for more info.
* Special note to Head Room Parents – there will be a Raffle Baskets meeting on March 4th, please mark this important date in your calendars!
Have you renewed your PTA membership?! CLICK HERE to sign up or login to check your status. Simply by being a member you will help to strengthen our voice in advocating for ALL children. Contact: sherry.shanshan.lin@gmail.com
Questions or more info: hollygrittonpta@gmail.com
No matter how you support or volunteer at Jefferson, we appreciate you!
-Thomas Jefferson Fundraising Committee
Join us at our next meeting
Thursday, February 20th @ 6pm
in the library!
PTA meeting immediately follows.
Come and learn about upcoming events at Jefferson and how you can be involved!
Childcare is provided!
Refreshments available.
Can’t wait to see you there!
Hello Jefferson Families!
Jefferson's Got Talent AUDITIONS are in the Jefferson Auditorium.
- Tuesday, January 21st from 2:30pm-5:30pm
- Wednesday, January 22nd from 3pm-5:30pm
Each act will audition in the auditorium one act at a time.
In order to help streamline the auditioning process and assist with wait times, we ask that all participants sign up & register in advance.
Want to Audition? Here's what to do!
1. Sign-up for an audition time slot! This year we are offering a sign-up genius for audition time slots. PLEASE CLICK on the SIGN-UP GENIUS LINK BELOW! Please sign-up for 1 time slot per ACT. (ex. 1 time slot per group even if it has 4 members, 1 time slot for each solo act). This means if you are in a group act, only 1 member of the group needs to secure the audition time slot.
Yes, auditions start right at 2:30pm on Tuesday and 3pm on Wednesday! Time slots are available in 5 minute increments.
2. Please arrive 10 minutes before your time slot. Please arrive prepared and on time. Please check in with a JGT representative at the entrance of the auditorium and be patient. We will only be allowing one act at a time into the auditorium to audition. A reminder that all talent show acts should be around 90 seconds or shorter. In order to keep on schedule, ALL ACTS WILL BE CUT-OFF at 2 MINUTES.
3. Every student that wants to participate must register! Please register your child ASAP. We are asking everyone to register the student's information via the google doc link below. We need contact information on every participant.
4. Read the attached audition rules and information flyer.
We look forward to seeing you on the stage on Tuesday, January 21st or Wednesday, January 22nd! Any questions, please contact Traci Lalicata at jeffersonsgottalent@gmail.com .
JGT Committee
Side Note:
Do you have a student or group that wants to audition but doesn't feel their act is "ready" yet? No worries! That is what rehearsals are for!!! Please audition with your group or as a soloist, list the type of act and if applicable song choice. Perhaps you have a child interested in performing, but they are unsure what to do? Reach out to us! We can give suggestions. We will help you polish and finesse your act!
Please Note:
In order to accommodate as many students as possible, we are encouraging group acts (2 or more) AND each act should be around 90 seconds in length or shorter. There will be a limited number of solo acts selected for the talent show. If your child wants to audition but doesn't have a partner or buddy yet, please let us know. We can help connect you with a partner after auditions. Thank you for your understanding!
Do you love Kidchella, Talent Show, Garden, Spring Dance, OSS, STEAM Lab, Student Council, Art, supporting Teacher’s Classroom, and much more? JFC can’t make these programs happen
without your support!
Join us for JFC 2nd Annual Parents Night Gala, February 21st at the beautiful Arbat Banquet Hall in Burbank.
Meet new parents and spend time with old friends!
The night will include dining, dancing, photo booth, DJ, and silent auction.
Come out to support and celebrate our school, students, and staff.
We can’t wait to see you there!
We are excited for the fun moments ahead this school year!
Fun times means pictures and LOTS of pictures make a great yearbook!
Email Us Your Pictures!
TK-4th TJYEARBOOKKTO4@gmail.com
5th Grade TJYEARBOOK5THGRADE@gmail.com
Below you can find some information about afterschool enrichment programs and other community events. Contact the providers directly with questions.
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