December '24 Newsletter

December 12, 2024 Edition
Students develop a healthy sense of self, learn self-regulation strategies and demonstrate perseverance to achieve personal and collective goals through responsible
and caring decisions.
Scott Reeves, Assistant Superintendent, Teaching & Learning
Wishing you all a Happy Holiday season!
Tami Santa, Executive Director, Student Services
Jessie Martin, Director, Student Well-Being
Ja'Niece McAlpine, Director, Educational Equity
Megan Orlowski, TOSA, Educational Equity
Rachel Pinto, District Nurse Coordinator
Wishing everyone a healthy and restful break. Take time for you!
Student Well-Being
Our trauma and resilience training teaches us four domains that are protective factors to build our resilience: belonging, independence, mastery, and generosity. This is called “The Circle of Courage.” The Circle of Courage is based on the belief that all human beings need these four things to be emotionally well. Consider how to increase support in these areas.
Educational Equity
Representing and respecting students’ ideas, cultures and identities through SEL practices can affect school climate and safety in tangible ways. Using the Circle of Courage, many of the questions not only apply to students in a culturally responsive manner but also to colleagues. Taking these questions into consideration, based on the culture of your student, will promote a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Small but impactful ways to use:
Morning meeting, lunch bunches, surveys, whole/small group lessons.
Clinics & Health Services
Friendly reminder while preparing for Holiday Parties to keep all students safe and included:- Please plan ahead for medical needs, specifically Diabetes and Food Allergies are impacted by outside food and changes in schedules. (Teachers check PowerSchool medical alerts.)
- Consult with your School Nurse and parent/guardian prior to the party and with ANY questions.
- Provide clear guidelines for classroom volunteers on what may be brought into the classroom. No home-baked treats. Store bought treats should be clearly labeled.
- Read all labels carefully.
- Avoid cross contact between safe foods and those with potential allergens by cleaning surfaces; using separate utensils to distribute snacks; or refrain from sharing food.
- Review hand washing with students. Hand washing not only kills germs, but also helps remove food allergens from hands.
- Consider non-food ways to celebrate: Ideas Link from KFA website.
- Visit the FARE website for more information for educators.
February WE Day Schedule!
PDAC is happy to share that our February WE Day will be half district, half building led. The schedule is below.
- Half day district - morning - 8:30 - 11:40 a.m.
- Three one-hour sessions
- Travel/Lunch - 11:40 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- Half day building - afternoon - 1:00 - 3:40 p.m.
February WE Day Proposals
Proposals for February went out to all staff members on December 2 and are due no later than December 13. Please complete a proposal for any WE Day sessions you would be willing to facilitate.
Looking Back
Also on December 2, all staff received a Participant Survey from November. This is unlike the exit ticket from the day - this survey is designed to get a greater understanding of the impact of professional learning from our November WE Day in terms of instructional strategies and professional practice.
Guerdie Glass, Executive Director, Specialized Learning Programs
Adam Flugge, Director, Special Education
Suzanne Kile, Director, Preschool Services
Jennifer Winters, Coordinator, Office of English Learners
Valarie Jasinski, Coordinator, Gifted Education
Elizabeth Jelkin, Civil Rights Coordinator
As we approach the upcoming winter break, we want to take time and acknowledge the incredible dedication and hard work each of you have poured into supporting our students and one another throughout the first semester.
This season provides an important opportunity for all of us to prioritize social-emotional wellness by taking time to rest, recharge, and connect with our loved ones. Remember that self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity—whether it’s spending time on favorite activities, exercising mindfulness, or simply just slowing down to enjoy the moment. By caring for ourselves, we improve our ability to support our students’ growth and resilience.
Wishing you all a peaceful, joyful, and restorative winter break—you’ve earned it!
Warm regards,
The Specialized Learning Team
Gifted Education
The Gifted department is seeking referrals for potential gifted identifications in the area of visual performing arts (art, theater, vocal music, instrumental music, dance). Referrals can be filled out here.
Districtwide CogAt and Iowa Testing for students in grades 2 and 5 runs January 13 - 31, 2025. NEW THIS YEAR: second grade will only take the CogAT (no IOWA). Fifth grade will take the CogAT and IOWA Science and Social Studies only (no reading and no math). As in years past, any teacher, coach, or para who is testing students will need to view this year's training slide deck.
A few important reminders:
- EL students will take both the CogAT and the Iowa (5th grade only) tests (not the NNAT3)
- There are allowable accommodations for students with a 504, IEP, or EL students (links below)
- Second grade CogAT will be proctor led
- Students in fifth grade will have the option for directions in languages other than English
The gifted department has received several questions regarding allowable accommodations for CogAT and IOWA for students with IEP’S, specifically extended time. The following is the information provided by Riverside Test Publishers:
CogAT - The primary test levels are untimed and may be paced by proctor or by the students themselves.
The time limits outlined for the upper levels (Grade 3 and higher) were designed to ensure that students have ample time to answer all questions that they are likely to get correct without persevering unnecessarily and becoming frustrated. When time limits are a concern, they can easily be extended.
Guidance for a variety of accommodations, including extended time, is provided in the Directions for Administration in accordance with student IEPs. Many of these (such as Read Aloud and Extended Time) are not needed for the primary levels, because there is no time limit and no reading required.
IOWA - Extended time is allowable for fifth grade students who are taking the IOWA.
For more information on allowable accommodations; please click on the links below:
Cheryl Relford, Executive Director of Elementary Schools
Kate Thoma, Director of Elementary Curriculum & Instruction
It’s hard to believe that we have reached the midpoint of the 24-25 school year. We have so much to celebrate. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our students. We hope you will attend one of the upcoming Collaborative Problem Solving meetings where we brainstorm ideas and solutions to Elementary items. See below for dates and topics. If interested, please email Kate Thoma to be added to our invite.
Elementary Curriculum & Instruction
Pending Board Approval, the following Courses of Study have been updated based on a few factors. To meet the requirement of new legislation requiring PK-5 to select a core ELA curriculum (Grades 3-5 met this requirement because they already use Wit and Wisdom) from a state approved list, as shared previously, K-2 has selected Wit and Wisdom. Courses of Study were revised with this new information. You can also review these documents below:
K-2 teachers will have a mandatory training session at our February 14th WE Day that will go over the implementation expectations, as well as, set up our staff for a successful rollout continuing into next school year.
Science Courses of Study were also updated based on adjustments from Mystery Science. Click here for a snapshot of the changes or click below to review the revised documents:
Anne Baldwin, Executive Director, Secondary Schools
Dr. Jennifer Knapp, Director, Secondary Curriculum & Instruction
Matt Misener, Director, Career and College Pathways
Becca Yanni, Coordinator, Extra and Co-Curricular Activities
The end of a calendar year provides opportunities for both staff and students to engage in reflection and development of goals to start the new year. A reflection activity we’ve utilized in Middle School Advisory in the past that might be a good fit before you leave your classroom for winter break is Taking + Leaving. Consider taking a few moments to jot down one thing you want to take with you from your journey in school this year on a post-it note. Next, on another post-it note, jot down one thing you want to leave behind from your journey in school this year. Share with a colleague or team, put your “leave behind” note in the trash can, and keep your “taking with me” note in a spot that you will see frequently as you kick off the new year.
Secondary Curriculum & Instruction
It's Show Time! Join the Engaging Hearts and Minds Workshop Series!
Last month we shared about our work with SDL, Student Directed Learning. Please see below for a learning opportunity for you that supports that work!
Click here to learn about the Engaging Hearts and Minds Workshop Series, returning by popular demand! This dynamic six-session virtual series features a captivating “film festival” format, showcasing powerful films like Freedom Writers” to explore transformative instructional strategies such as service-learning, PBL, STEM/STEAM, and design thinking. Participants engage in rich discussions, earn graduate/contact hour credit through Ashland University, and connect with like-minded educators to discover innovative ways to inspire learning through film! For more information, contact Kathy at kathy@partnershipsforall.org.
(Note: This activity is not pre-approved for Schedule S payment)
Career and College Pathways
It is hard to believe but right after Winter Break we will be starting the course selection and scheduling process for the 2025 - 2026 school year! Our excellent counseling team in grades 6 - 12 received important updates and information at our scheduling meeting next week.
Students will be making course selections starting in late January/early February. Our teachers have great relationships with our students and are a critical resource for our students as they map out their course selections. Last year we rolled out our 4-year course planning tool in SchooLinks and this will continue this year. Using this tool, our students plan out their high school experiences across their 4 years of high school. Please remember that these are plans and not set in stone- students can, and will, change their plans as they get more and more involved in their high school experience.
In order to be prepared for assisting students with their course selections, please log into your SchooLinks account if you haven’t already done so this school year. If you have issues with logging in, please reach out to Matt Misener, Director of Career and College Readiness (misenerm@westerville.k12.oh.us) or Jen Harris, District School Counselors (harrisj@westerville.k12.oh.us).
Finally, mark your calendars! High School Information Night for all students in grades 8 - 11 will be taking place on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm at all three high schools.
Extra and Co-Curricular Activities
Thank you to everyone who has purchased Westerville City Schools merch from our school district JC Manny online store. We have raised over $900 to go towards music instrument refurbishment!
We will open again in January! Here is the LINK!
In other Music News…
We’re preparing an instructional demonstration video to assist with our upcoming 5th grade music instrument fittings for students. Elementary and Middle School Music Teachers - if you are interested in showcasing how to play an instrument in this demonstration video please sign up using this GOOGLE DOC. Your expertise will be invaluable in making this resource engaging and informative for our students.
Nick McIlwain, Director of Alternative Education & Assessments
The holidays and break times can be a time of stress and anxiety for staff and students alike. Please ensure you are taking time over the winter break to unplug and refill your cup for the 2nd semester. It is hard to fill the cup of one of our students, or of a colleague, if your cup is empty.
To help students reduce test anxieties with State testing, we recommend practicing and looking at the test questions to help our students prepare for testing. If you need any help with accessing student testing data in the CRS, would like to know how to administer a checkpoint/benchmark practice assessment in the State Readiness portal, or how to print testing tickets for your students for practice tests in the State system, please check out these handy resources:
- Directions on how to print testing tickets, follow the steps in this document
- Directions to access student test scores in the CRS and Assessment Authoring (bank of all the released OST questions), follow this step sheet
- Directions for how to start at Readiness Assessment (checkpoint is 5-8 questions for a specific standard and benchmark is a full length practice OST), use this step sheet
Take care of yourselves and each other. 🙂