Mayor Canose's Update
January 14th, 2025
Winter Farmers' Market Opens January 18th!
Mark your calendar for opening day and come shop at the Outdoor Winter Farmers' Market where you can find microgreens, gourmet prepared food, baked goods, pasture-raised meats, and more. The Market will be open in the Bernardsville Train Station parking lot from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. For a list of the weekly vendors, go to the Market's website at https://www.bernardsvillefarmersmarket.com/. You can also follow them on Facebook.
Wrapping Up Our Centennial Year
Many thanks to the Centennial Committee for helping with the festivities for 2024. Our final event was a jazz concert by the Bernards High Jazz Ensemble under the talented leadership of Stephen Taesler. The concert was a tribute to former resident Tommy Dorsey and his brother Jimmy.
As the next 100 years unfold, we will continue to cherish our past, embrace our present, and aspire to a future filled with continued prosperity and opportunity!
Tommy Dorsey at bat
Tommy Dorsey fielded a softball game to play against other local teams. A young Frank Sinatra played shortstop.
Tommy Dorsey with BHS students
Tommy Dorsey in 1941 with BHS students. He sometimes filled in as band director at BHS.
Tommy Dorsey as Fire Chief
A big supporter of the Bernardsville Volunteer Fire Company, Dorsey did a benefit concert in raise money for the company.
Borough Council Reorganization
At its January 6th Reorganization meeting, two Councilmen were sworn into office. Congratulations to Al Ribiero on his second term and Ross Zazzarino on his first. At 23 years of age, Ross is the youngest councilperson in Bernardsville's 100-year history! Councilwoman Christine Zamarra was elected Council President for 2025. I gave my annual address, listing accomplishments of 2024 and goals for 2025. You can read it here: https://bernardsville.gov/news-announcements/255-2022-bernardsville-mayor-s-address
Oath of Office
Al Ribiero being sworn into office by Assemblywoman Michele Matsikoudis
Swearing In
Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz administers the Oath of Office to Ross Zazzarino
Council President Zamarra
Council members Zazzarino, Ribiero and McCready congratulate Christine Zamarra
New Recreation Director
The Borough welcomed its new Recreation Director this month, Tom Silvia. He comes to us from Clinton Township with lots of experience and great ideas. The Recreation office has moved from downstairs at the Library back into Borough Hall. Stop by and meet Tom, his talented and helpful assistant Stephanie Brown, and their administrative assistant Cindy Beringer.
Register Your Pets!
Did you know that you are required to license your dog and/or cat? January is the month to do it. You can read the ordinance for dogs here: https://bernardsville.gov/government/forms/clerk/1038-dog-licensing-code-pdf/file. It's a simple form to complete and if your pet is spayed or neutered, the cost for the license is only $16.20 for the year. If a dog is licensed and should get loose, it's an easy way to identify the owner. For just $6 you can license your cat with this form.